The Saints Row franchise has featured character customization throughout the series, with most installments offering ways to craft the perfect criminal boss, allowing players to customize race, gender, body size, and much more. The recent Saints Row reboot trailer, however, failed to provide any indication of whether the character creation mechanic survived the apparent franchise overhaul. Volition developers thankfully took the time to clear the air, explaining what aspects of “the Boss” character players will be able to customize.

Despite the calls for a Saints Row 1 or 2 remake, Volition appears to have veered sharply off expected course and adapted a complete reboot, partnering the announcement with a Saints Row trailer that got mixed reactions from fans. The trailer depicts a hipster-styled quartet successfully stealing military-grade rocket launchers from a rival gang. The overall design and look of the Saints Row reboot appears to have completely overhauled the feel of the game’s universe, leading some to wonder if they will have the freedom to design their own characters.


But Volition has confirmed via the Saints Row website that character customization is coming. As reported by PC Gamer, when players design their “Boss” character, they will have the opportunity to choose between eight different voices. There is no news whether the Boss will be a fully voiced character, or simply grunt and give cries of pain during combat. Voice actors for the eight Saints Row Boss voices have also not been confirmed. The logical split between eight voices suggests four female-oriented and four male-oriented voices, though this also has yet to be confirmed. Eli, one of the characters in Saints Row’s trailer, showed off a voice modulator helmet that might also be present during character creation.

Saints Row’s Reboot Features More Inclusive Character Customization

In addition to the Boss character’s voice, players will be able to customize the age of their character. A majority of characters in the Saints Row reboot trailer appeared to be in their early to mid-twenties, but this will not be a restriction for their Boss. While age details haven’t been revealed, and its unlikely Volition will allow its players to send a toddler into a turf war with an enemy gang, players will be able to select an age for their Boss in addition to other features, hopefully helping them connect with Saints Row’s rebooted world and the characters that fill it.

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Saints Row will also feature the ability to modify body shape, bringing a more inclusive character creation system to the franchise. Previous installments of the series limited character customization to hairstyle, race, and gender, and though these features will probably return, it looks like players will have quite a bit more control over their character’s identity. It’s currently unknown what external customization players will be able to control, but more information will likely be revealed as Saints Row‘s release date draws closer.

Unfortunately, it sounds as though the reboot of Saints Row means that none of the previous Saints Row games ever happened. Volition stated their intent to tell a more “contemporary story,” and have apparently abandoned some aspects of the franchise fans have come to expect. If some of the grittier details of the Saints Row universe have departed, it’s unknown whether they will make a return.

Saints Row releases on February 25, 2022 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC.

Source: PC Gamer, Saints Row

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