Doom Eternal brings the player back from the critically acclaimed Doom 2016 by Bethesda. This guide will help beginner players select the best gun mods for the game. Doom Eternal takes place back on Earth, but this time, the entire planet is being attacked by demons. Within the opening cinematic, it is reported that billions of humans are losing their lives. When jumping onto Earth, cities are destroyed and overran by demons out to kill everything in sight. This game takes a much more heavy emphasis on the story when compared to its previous entry. The main character is set out to save the human race from being judged by these evil creatures. While it is currently unknown why this character is putting his life on the line for the human race, the gameplay remains the same as the previous entry. It’s extremely violent, where players rip demons apart, limb from limb and collect weapons and upgrades on their journey. This is unlike any other traditional shooter, as in this game, there is no ducking and hiding. The entire time, the player feels the power of hunting down these deplorable creatures in flashy ways. One way in doing so is by modding weapons the player finds on missions. This guide will help beginner players find these mods and select the best ones for early on.


Weapon mods are useful for a variety of reasons. For starters, it turns generic weapons like the beginner shotgun and assault rifle into rocket launchers or snipers on the fly. It keeps the gameplay variety shifting and is extremely useful for taking down plenty of enemies at once. Players can find modification chests hidden around every mission. Some are on the laid out path the player has to follow while others can be hidden out of plain sight. Doom Eternal pulls from classic first-person shooters, where instead of auto-regenerating health over time, the player must search the land for health packs and ammo. There are plenty of hidden question marks around the map and at the end of every mission, the game will tally up how many secrets the players have successfully found. Weapon modifications are amongst this list and can provide context to the player who might have missed this helpful upgrade. This guide is perfect for upgrading the beginner weapons as effectively as possible and will help carry the player towards the end of the game.

The Best Weapon Mods For Doom Eternal

The first weapon the player is given is a Combat Shotgun. Two modifications will be available to choose from at the beginning of the game when approaching the first upgrade box, Sticky Bombs and Full Auto. It is recommended to select Sticky Bombs. Sticky Bombs are perfect for dealing with large crowds at once. Stick one enemy and all the enemies around it will also explode. The Sticky Bombs can shoot 5 at a time. This is perfect for when attempting to complete the Slayer Gates. Slayer Gates are amongst the most difficult challenges in the game. Here, players will have to defeat a challenging hoard of enemies. The game even recommends returning back to them if the player is struggling to succeed. The first Slayer Key is located in the second mission and the Sticky Bombs make easy work of the smaller enemies. The splash damage also can hurt the larger enemies at well. Continuing to upgrade this skill tree will provide the player with Quick Rack (Sticky Bombs reload speed gets increased by 20%) and Bigger Boom (Sticky Bombs explosion size is increased by 45%). This is a great upgrade that will continue throughout the game.

The next weapon mod upgrade comes when the player receives the second weapon in the game, the Heavy Cannon. For this weapon, it is recommended to select the Precision Bolt modification. What this does is at a scope to the weapon and turn it into the sniper. The reason this is selected over the other upgrade, the Micro Missles is due to the player at this point already having enough explosive options. Between the grenades and the Sticky Bombs, it is more helpful to have variety in the player’s move-set. The Precision Bolt is perfect for knocking out far off enemies and attacking the weak spots of larger enemies. For example, the Arachnotrons are large, brain-shaped spiders that have their weak points on the top of their heads. Using the Precision Bolt on their turrets will render them stunned, and players can pull off a stylish finisher.

Lastly is a modification for the Plasma Rifle. It is recommended to upgrade the Microwave Beam modification. This will fire a concentrated beam of plasma energy that will lock an enemy and cause them to explode on death. The explosion can knock out nearby, smaller enemies. This is a great modification for players who constantly move and want to focus fire on one enemy. The upgrades beyond base level Microwave Beam provide it with faster charge times and increased range. Focusing on all of these modifications will provide the player with well-rounded weaponry for every situation.

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Doom Eternal is one of the most violent and graphic games to release in 2020. Between all the blood and gore, lies a story of retribution and of saving all of humanity. These gun modifications are specifically made to help beginner players make their way through the game. As more weapons are unlocked, later on, players can alter their loadouts based on their own specific play styles. No matter what play style they choose, playing like a coward by hiding and running will not work in a game like this. Doom Eternal requires that the player plays as aggressively as possible in order to secure victory against the denizens of Hell. This does not mean the player is overpowered though. Being aware of the player’s surroundings and locating an exit with maybe a health pack or two is essential for survival. Players can be overwhelmed by demons but must not give up the fight for earth. Doom Eternal is an exhilarating experience that will keep players of this genre hooked.

Doom Eternal is available on March 20th, 2020 on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, Xbox One, and PC.

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