Doom Eternal comes along with its own external achievements to complete. This guide will layout every achievement and trophy in the game and describe how to collect them all. Doom Eternal is a gritty first-person shooter that is unapologetically gory. Tearing a demon limb from limb, gouging out their eyes, and cutting off their demonic flesh is amongst the few things the Doom Slayer can accomplish in the game. Tasked with the hefty responsibility of saving the world from the demon invasion, the Doom Slayer stumbles across flashy and explosive weapons while on his journey. The game contains several difficulty levels and even some of the lower difficulty settings can provide a challenge to the player. Only the most hardcore and challenge accepting Doom players would even consider taking these on. As with many modern titles, Doom Eternal comes along with its own achievements list to complete. These are collected for the purpose of a sense of accomplishment and to flex all the hard work the player has put in. While some are naturally unlocked by playing through the game at a normal pace, others can only be unlocked by straying from the path and playing as a completionist. This complete guide will show how to unlock all the achievements in Doom Eternal.


The game contains 34 different achievements to unlock. It will take the player around 25-35 hours to do everything that is required to collect them all. Fortunately, the player does not have to play through the entire campaign again to collect everything that is needed. The game contains a mission select that players can use to go exactly where they need to be. It is recommended to complete the games main story first, as it helps to have the ability to unlock cheat codes for later trophies. Also, playing the game on the easier difficulty is important for collecting the harder achievements in the game, as it just requires the described task to collect. Here are all of the achievements in Doom Eternal.

All Achievements in Doom Eternal

This list will describe all 34 different achievements in Doom Eternal.

  • Heavy Metal: Earn all other achievements (Platinum)
  • Doomsday: Complete Hell on Earth (Bronze)
  • The Hunter Became The Hunted: Kill The Doom Hunters. This is achievable in Mission 4 (Silver)
  • Interplanetary Fracking: Blow a hole in Mars. This is achievable in Mission 7 (Bronze)
  • Thumbs Down: Best The Gladiator in The Coliseum. This is achievable in Mission 8 (Silver)
  • Reforged and Refueled: Acquire a new Crucible in Taras Nabad. This is achievable in Mission 9 (Silver)
  • Nontradionalist: Kill The Khan Maykr. This is achievable in Mission 12 (Silver)
  • Iconoclast: Kill The Icon of Skin. This is achievable in Mission 13 (Gold)
  • The Once and Future Slayer: Complete The Story on any difficulty (Silver)
  • Treasure Hunter: Beat all encounters and Mission Challenges, and find all Items in Taras Nabad in a single save slot (Bronze)
  • Master of Fasting: Complete a Mission with only the Famine Mode cheat on (Bronze)
  • Running Up The High Score: Complete Extra Life Mode with 10 Extra Lives in your Inventory (Gold)
  • Crystal Craving: Upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo (Bronze)
  • King of The Crystals: Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo in a single save slot (Silver)
  • This One’s My Favorite: Complete a Praetor Suit Perk category in a single save slot (Bronze)
  • They’re ALL My Favorite: Purchase all Praetor Suit Perks in a single save slot (Gold)
  • Homemakyr: Spend 8 Sentinel Batteries in the Fortress of Doom in a single save slot (Bronze)
  • Extra Extra Lives: Pick up 20 Extra Lives Total in a single save slot (Silver)
  • Reforged The Genie Lamp: Complete the cheat code collection in a single save slot (Bronze)
  • Metal Head: Complete the album collection in a single save slot (Bronze)
  • Playset Sold Separately: Complete the toy collection in a single save slot (Bronze)
  • If Only I Could Read: Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot (Silver)
  • Bonus Stage: Complete a Slayer Gate (Bronze)
  • Breaker of Gates: Complete all Slayer Gates in a single save slot (Silver)
  • Gunpletionist: Master all Weapon Mods in a single save slot (Silver)
  • Meet Your Unmaykr: Acquire The Unmaykr (Bronze)
  • Darn It, They Keep BREAKING: Perform 33 Unique Glory Kills in a single save slot (Bronze)
  • Mix and Match: Play as 5 different Player Demons in BATTLEMODE (Bronze)
  • Fight Like Hell: Do 5000 damage as a Player Demon in BATTLEMODE (Bronze)
  • Blood Bath: Kill 200 opponents in BATTLEMODE (Bronze)
  • Man vs Monsters: Play 25 BATTLEMODE matches (Silver)
  • Weapons Expert: Kill a Player Demon with each of the 8 Slayer weapons in BATTLEMODE (Bronze)
  • Truce Between Demons: Heal yourself or your teammate for 50000 health in BATTLEMODE (Silver)
  • It’s A Magic Number: Kill 666 Demons (Gold)

The majority of these can be done in a single playthrough of the game. If the player is missing a few collectible items, make sure to use the cheat codes and return back to the stage. The multiplayer mode, BATTLEMODE, a game mode where players take control of playable demons, is also required for collecting all the trophies. Doom Eternal has a fairly easy achievement list to get through. Most of the achievements can be unlocked by playing through the game and completing the story tasks. By the end of the game, the player will have around half of the full achievements list.  The game, as serious as it is with its tone and content, is not afraid to bear into the weirder side of things. For example, the Doom Slayer is one of the most feared characters in all of the galaxy. Demons and aliens are well aware of his strength and cower in fear whenever he approaches. At the same time, the Doom Slayer is a collector of toys, albums, and old cartridges, showing his more silly side. Plenty of these collectible items are references to older Doom titles. As the player travels through the ruined Earth and find more secrets in the depths of chaos, it is very possible to take a breather and enjoy the items the Doom Slayer picks up along the way. Doom Eternal is currently one of the best titles to release this year.

Doom Eternal is available now on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, Xbox One, and PC.

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