Warning: SPOILERS for Doom Patrol season 2, episode 4, “Sex Patrol.”

The latest episode of DC Universe’s Doom Patrol sees the so-called “The World’s Strangest Superheroes” forced to partner with the one team that may be even weirder than them; The SeX Men. Originally appearing in a single issue of Grant Morrison’s now legendary run on the monthly Doom Patrol comic, the SeX Men went far beyond being a pun on the name of the much more famous X-Men.

“Sex Patrol” sees the SeX Men arrive on the doorstep of Doom Manor, as the Doom Patrol were in the middle of throwing a party intended to resuscitate the depressed and broken Danny the Brick. All of Danny’s friends were in attendance, including Dorothy Spinner and all the other “Danny-zens” who used Danny as a safe space, back when Danny the Brick was Danny the Street. In the midst of the fun, Rita Farr asked the reality-altering muscle-man Flex Mentallo if he could help her with a personal problem and clear her mind by using his ability to inspire mind-numbing orgasms in other people so she could focus her own superpowers. The resulting psychic shockwave caused a ripple effect which attracted the attention of a sex demon called the Shadowy Mr. Evans and his presence at the party likewise summoned the SeX Men.


Both the Shadowy Mr. Evans and the SeX Men come directly from Doom Patrol Vol. 2 #48. The comic presented the SeX Men as blue-skinned, pyramid-headed agents of the American government, who were charged with protecting the populace from paranormal threats of an erotic nature. This brought them into conflict with the Shadowy Mr. Evans, who claimed to be Satan and used his powers to inspire a city-wide orgy in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. The SeX Men eventually won the day with the help of Robotman and Crazy Jane, who was able to absorb the psychic sexual energy using her Scarlet Harlot persona.

The SeX Men seen in “Sex Patrol” are not quite so weird as their comic book counterparts, being a clear homage to Ghostbusters. They are armed with backpack-mounted weapons and track the Shadowy Mr. Evans’ movements using a hand-held Libido Meter similar to Egon Spangler’s beloved PKE Meter. The difference is that instead of tracking PKE valances, the Libido Meter tracks sexual energy, which is measured in unites called “Ohs” rather than Ohms. They also have a transport similar to the Ghostbuster’s ECTO-1, which they call the Sex Machine, whereas the SeX Men in the comics had the ability to teleport wherever they were needed.

To make the situation even stranger and simultaneously more dire, the SeX Men warn that if the Shadowy Mr. Evans feeds on too much sexual energy he will become pregnant and instantly give birth to a demon baby whose cries will kill every child on Earth. This leads to a scene, inspired by and staged as a tribute to The Exorcist, in which the SeX Men and Doom Patrol must fight their way to an in-labor Shadowy Mr. Evans, as he feeds on Rita Farr’s long-repressed libido. The resulting battle must be seen to be believed.

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