Warning: Contains SPOILERS for the Doom Patrol season 3 finale.

In the Doom Patrol season 3 finale, the situation in the Underground begs the question as to what’s really going on between Jane and Dr. Harrison. The two struck a deal, but the terms are unclear and now that Doom Patrol season 3 has wrapped, the answer won’t be revealed until season 4. Hammerhead (Stephanie Czajkowski) thinks she knows the answer but Jane (Diane Guerrero) refuses to explain. The real terms of the deal between Jane and Dr. Harrison (Catherine Carlen) could have darker, wider-reaching consequences than what is initially suggested.


In the Doom Patrol season 3 finale, Jane finds that all of Kay’s (Skye Roberts) alters are now inside Shelley Bryon’s (Wynn Everett) mind through her powers as The Fog. The alters, led by Dr. Harrison, have decided that if Kay doesn’t want them around then they will just leave. However. this has caused both the Underground and the alters to begin to crumble. Jane cannot convince them to go back to Kay without Dr. Harrison and makes an off-screen deal with her. When Jane implies that she traded control to Dr. Harrison, Hammerhead assumes that means that Dr. Harrison is now the primary.

However, in the Doom Patrol season 3 finale, Jane carefully does not say that Dr. Harrison is primary, and the closing scenes imply that the control that Jane has traded is an entirely different type of power. Dr. Harrison, along with others, has previously insisted that Jane has to be the primary and pull her act together (except for when Miranda appeared to be an option). Therefore it doesn’t make sense for Dr. Harrison to want to be the primary now, and Hammerhead suggests that she wouldn’t follow Harrison even if she were. More likely is that Jane has agreed to work through therapy with Dr. Harrison. This will require Jane to become vulnerable to Dr. Harrison, providing her with access to her buttons that will allow Dr. Harrison to manipulate Jane in her role as primary in the future and gain more control over both Jane and the Underground’s alters.

This is supported by the fact that when Dr. Harrison has emerged from the Underground in Doom Patrol to be the temporary primary, she uses her powers to conduct a sort of therapy geared towards malicious ends. Her attitude and the way her powers work suggest that she has little interest in direct power and is more intrigued by the ability to enact control on others to make her will happen without her being seen to do anything. The fact that the final scene in Doom Patrol season 3 between Dr. Harrison and Jane is of them sitting across from each other, as if ready for discussion or therapy, and not performing some sort of primary-transfer hammers this point home.

Previously in Doom Patrol, the possibility of Jane agreeing to something like this would have seemed unrealistic. However, changes to the characters brought on throughout the season and through the Eternal Flagellation, have put them in a place where they are better able to recognize their flaws and seek help. Jane speaks a particularly important line after the bus crash when she says “I don’t think I’m in any shape to help anyone right now.” She is acknowledging her problems and her need to work through things, which likely left her open to making the deal with Dr. Harrison. While Jane surely knows that Dr. Harrison’s therapy is a trap, it may be able to help her in some ways even if it sets up Dr. Harrison as a larger Doom Patrol season 4 villain.

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