Frankenstein’s Monster (hereby referred to as Frankenstein) and Count Dracula are some of the most iconic Gothic Horror characters of all time. Born from the imagination of Mary Shelley and Bram Stoker respectively, Frankenstein and Dracula have starred in countless adaptations across the past several decades, embedding themselves into our popular culture in the process. However, due to the terrifying nature of these characters and their power sets, some may be wondering who would win if the two villains were to run into each other.

So here is 5 reasons why Dracula would win and 5 reasons why Frankenstein would win.

10 Dracula: Control And Command Corpses

One of the lesser-known but interesting powers of Dracula is his ability to control other creatures. The vampiric Count is capable of controlling both beasts and corpses, with Dracula even managing to retain an influence over those Vampires he has turned.

This will obviously lead to an advantage in any conflict against Frankenstein, with Dracula being able to call in back-up if it is necessary to win the fight.

9 Frankenstein: Agility and Reflexes

While Frankenstein’s tall and wide gait may not strike many as a particularly agile design, the undead monster is surprisingly capable of feats of agility and superhuman reflexes.

This agility will certainly help in the fight against Dracula, with Frankenstein being potentially capable of dodging Dracula’s attacks and even striking Dracula back with a fast punch.


8 Dracula: Shape-Shifting

While Dracula’s ability to shape-shift into a bat has managed to worm its way into the pop culture subconscious, his wider ability to change his form into other objects and creatures is less well-known.

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The Transylvanian Count is capable of making himself bigger, changing into the form of a beast (such as a wolf), or even being able to change into a kind of elemental dust. This would certainly allow for Dracula to inflict even more damage on Frankenstein than he could as a humanoid.

7 Frankenstein: Super Healing

While super healing, or a healing factor, is often discussed in the context of Marvel Comics, with Wolverine and Deadpool being the characters with the strongest healing factors, Frankenstein also possesses these super healing abilities.

The undead creature is capable of healing from wounds that would normally kill a human as well as more common wounds at a very noticeable rate. This would make him difficult to kill.

6 Dracula: Specific Weaknesses

Fans of the vampire mythos will be more than aware of the weaknesses of a vampire. Sanctified objects, wooden stakes, sunlight, and garlic are some of the most common ways to kill a vampire.

This means that, if Frankenstein were to land a strong punch on Dracula, it may not even kill the vampire. Instead, Frankenstein would have figure out a plan to defeat him, and by the time he has, it may be too late.

5 Frankenstein: Durability

In addition to the healing factor, Frankenstein is also a very durable character. Due to both his healing factor and his immense size and stature, Frankenstein is capable of taking far more damage than the average human.

This means that it would take an incredible amount of effort to bring down Frankenstein in a fight and, during this time, Frankenstein may be able to kill Dracula. The creature simply has to take damage until an opening presents itself for an attack on the vampire.

4 Dracula: Speed

Frankenstein isn’t exactly slow, the creature is capable of climbing mountains at an incredible pace, but there is no denying that Dracula is far faster. This becomes even more obvious when the vampire is capable of changing forms at will, allowing him to move around Frankenstein with ease.

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Dracula’s movement will cause trouble for Frankenstein, with Dracula’s speed allowing him to both dodge and avoid Frankenstein’s defense for an attack.

3 Frankenstein: Stamina

One of Frankenstein’s most underrated qualities is the creature’s stamina. This is tied to his ability to keep moving, even if the pain would be unbearable for an average human being.

In addition to his monstrous ability to absorb and take damage, Frankenstein would not get tired out quickly in a fight, allowing Frankenstein to fight for longer than Dracula. As Dracula will have to keep moving to avoid Frankenstein’s powerful attacks, this would lead to Dracula tiring out even faster.

2 Dracula: Intelligence

While Frankenstein has shown himself to be intelligent in several versions of the character, Dracula is shown to be a particularly cunning and intelligent foe.

While Frankenstein may be stronger and more durable, Dracula would be more than capable of coming up with a battle plan that would help him bring down the undead creature of science.

1 Frankenstein: Strength

Without doubt, the most obvious reason as to why Frankenstein would win in a fight against Dracula is the creature’s incredible strength. Frankenstein is far stronger than the average man and this could mean he could kill, or at least incapacitate, Dracula with one punch.

This would make any fight between the two a delicately weighed fight. Frankenstein is capable of eating up damage, while Dracula is forced to rely on speed to bring down Frankenstein, the creature can simply wait until an opportunity presents itself.

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