Dragon Age II, one of the best games of the Dragon Age series to start with, includes three classes: the Warrior, the Rogue, and the Mage. The three classes have unique specializations, which all come with their own unique powers. The Warrior’s and Rogue’s powers are called talents, while the Mage’s are called spells, but they all work similarly.

Most of the powers available can be great, but some really outshine the others since they can be easier to get, or useful in almost every build due to their great all-around stats. Therefore, some of the powers are considered great tools to be used consistently.

10 Mage: Hemorrhage


Hemorrhage is an area of effect spell that damages all targeted enemies. Its main asset and most useful feature is that it fully ignores enemies’ armor and resistance. This makes it especially effective against heavily armored enemies, where normally the player would struggle to damage them.

It is an essential spell to carry for boss fights and heavy armor enemies that would otherwise take a lot of time and effort to defeat.

9 Rogue: Unforgiving Chain

When activated, the ‘Unforgiving Chain’ increases the user’s critical chance by 2% for each hit, (with 20% being the max). Although 20% might seem minor, it can make a huge difference in rogue builds that utilize high critical chance and critical damage.

It is an all-around solid talent that can be acquired early and can provide the rogue a noteworthy total damage increase. Even for companions like Varric, the most likable character in the series, who favor ranged archery builds, ‘Unforgiving Chain’ can provide solid extra damage.


8 Mage: Dispel Magic

Dispel Magic is an essential tool for Mages to have in order to support their party efficiently. It works similar to a counterspell by interrupting enemy spells, removing debuffs and negative effects from allies, as well as disabling their sustained magical abilities.

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It is the perfect tool to keep the player’s party safe against strong magic spells and poisonous debuffs. On top of that, if upgraded, Dispel Magic also damages any enemies whose spells are canceled.

7 Rogue: Blindside


“Blindside” is one of the best tools for assassins that are Rogues since it increases their damage to 120% when hitting someone who is fighting with another ally. This makes Rogue a great class, especially if a player uses it against a tank Warrior as the Rogue can flank around and deal significant damage through the blindside.

Nevertheless, even if there isn’t a Warrior nearby to take the hints, Blindside also works when the target is focused on a decoy, NPC, or even a dog.

6 Rogue: Inconspicuous

Inconspicuous is the perfect get-out-of-jail card for Rogue as it allows them to remove all threat that’s on them, as well as reducing the generated threat by half. This can be extremely helpful if the enemies have targeted the Rogue, either due to a player’s misplay or due to the tank being unable to maintain aggro.

Although it won’t be used as often as other spells, it is a great option to have since it can help the player escape tricky situations.

5 Warrior: Safeguard

Safeguard is a great tool for Sword and Shield Warriors as it makes them fully immune to critical strikes. With defensive Warrior builds being popular even in Dragon Age: Inquisition, immunity to criticals can be a very useful trait. especially since the Warrior will be the one to take the aggro and tank.

Since the Warrior will be the one to take the aggro and tank, Safeguard is a solid passive effect to have that ensures the Warrior survives and reduces the odds of dying from random factors.

4 Warrior: Mighty Blow


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For Warrior, builds that favor damage over survivability, the two-handed tree, and especially the mighty blow talent is considered one of the best options. The user jumps into the air and damages any enemies that they can land upon.

When upgraded, it gains exceptionally high damage, and since it is an area of effect talent, it can clear out hordes of enemies with ease. It can be a great combo with a Mage who inflicts enemies with brittle.

3 Mage: Elemental Mastery

Elemental Mastery is probably the best spell to have in almost all Mage builds. It offers a 25% increase to fire, cold damage, extra stamina, and mana regeneration, as well as increased critical damage versus frozen targets.

With Mage being considered the best class in Dragon Age II, a spell that substantially increases their damage and provides some solid resource sustainability is considered a must-have on all aggressive Mage builds, and a solid option, even for healers.

2 Warrior: Elemental Aegis

Elemental Aegis is considered by many fans as the best skill to have for defensive Warrior builds. It increases the user’s resistance to cold, fire, electricity, spirit, and nature by 40%, thus making them an absolute tank that can easily lead the party into a fight, take the aggro from all mobs, and survive almost with ease.

The asset of this talent is that all these are resistances to magic attacks, thus making Mages who will be hitting the Warrior with spells from afar almost significantly weaker.

1 Warrior: Cleave


Cleave is a great option for damage-oriented Warrior builds. It is an active skill that increases the Warrior’s damage by 75% temporarily. This can be extremely helpful when combined with some of the Warrior’s most damaging skills, like Mighty Blow, and allows the user to deal very high damage in a short burst.

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Because of that, Cleave cannot be missing from any offensive Warrior builds as it is one of their best and strongest qualities.

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