The Dragon Age franchises’ dedicated fans never stopped holding out hope that Dragon Age 4 would someday escape development hell and get a release date. Luckily, it now seems more possible now than ever after Video Games Chronicle reporter that Dragon Age 4 is on track for a late 2023 release.

It’s been over seven years since the release of the last game in the series, Dragon Age: Inquisition, so fans have had more than enough time to put together their wish lists for the next game. Many characters in the franchise appear in multiple games, so fans on Reddit shared which characters they’d like to see make a return.



Dorian is a Tevinter mage and eventual Magister who appears as a possible companion in Dragon Age: Inquisition. He’s known for his wit and charm but isn’t style over substance. He’s dedicated to reforming his corrupt homeland of Tevinter. His genuine passion and dedication made him a fan-favorite and one of Dragon Age’s best romances

For many Reddit users, Dorian appearing in Dragon Age 4 is as much a want as it is an expectation. Reddit user vacantstars captures the essence of this by stating, “I’d be shocked (and very disappointed) if we don’t see Dorian again.” This is largely because Dragon Age 4 is going to be at least partially set in Tevinter. Additionally, Dorian appears in the book Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights, working to reform Tevinter while also remaining clearly tied to the overarching plot of the series.


Anders is a mage and a former Grey Warden who first appears as a companion in Dragon Age: Awakening. Most fans will know Anders — and Justice, the spirit he shares a body with — from Dragon Age 2. He’s a romanceable companion who, regardless of Hawkes choices, ultimately blows up Kirkwall’s chantry, the catalyst event that eventually leads to the mage-templar war.

Because Anders had such a key role in the mage-templar role, many fans were disappointed that he didn’t make an appearance in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Reddit user minotar685 says, “I definitely hope we see Anders again, but hopefully not as a companion. He’d be much more important as a regular NPC.” Dragon Age 2 was Anders’s last appearance in the franchise, but between Justice, the ongoing tension surrounding mages, and his status as a Warden, he still presents a rich narrative vein that many fans are eager to dive into.


Sten is a Qunari warrior and possible companion to The Hero of Ferelden in Dragon Age: Origins. He’s a member of the beresaad, a part of the Qunari military that extends beyond the Qunari homeland Par Vollen. His beresaad unit is sent to investigate darkspawn shortly before the start of Origins and he is the only survivor.

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Reddit user viper459 says they want to see “Sten. as an antagonist.” Although it’s possible for Sten to consider The Hero of Ferelden to be family, this idea is by no means a stretch. Following Inquisition’s Trespasser DLC, the Qunari army launches an invasion of the south. In BioWare’s canon, sometime before this invasion Sten becomes the Arishok, the leader of the Qunari army. It’s not unlikely he’s the driving force of the invasion.

Lace Harding

Lace Harding, known primarily as Scout Harding throughout Dragon Age: Inquisition, is the Inquisition’s lead scout working directly under spymaster Leliana. Reddit user Wraithfighter calls her an ideal choice for a returning character, stating, “She’s interesting, she fills the Dwarf and Archer slot, we don’t actually know that much about her and she’s a fun character.”

She struck a chord with many fans, and it’s hard to argue that she’s a great character to bring back. In the final scene of the Trespasser DLC, Harding appears as a member of the Inquisition’s new war council. Whatever became of the Inquisition, Harding’s still a key player.


Players first encounter Aveline in the prologue to Dragon Age 2. She’s one of the select companions in the Dragon Age games who never leaves the player character regardless of approval level. During Dragon Age 2 she becomes captain of the Kirkwall guard and continues to serve in that capacity.

Reddit user frogkisser states that Aveline “was just an awesome person who stood for what is right and didn’t take sh*t from anyone (except Hawke ofc.).” Aveline has strong, consistent characterization. She feels like a real person and a member of Hawke’s family, which is part of why she’s remembered as one of the best non-romanceable companions in Dragon Age.


Sandal is a fan-favorite NPC who appears in both Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2. He’s as sweet as he is mysterious and is incredibly talented as enchanting items. Many fans were surprised and disappointed Sandal and his father Bodahn didn’t appear in Inquisition. 

Reddit user magpie11 says “I don’t know how I feel about him as a companion but I -really- want his story to be unraveled further.” And there’s quite a bit to unravel. Sandal has strange dreams, which is notable considering dwarves don’t typically dream, and gives a prophecy that some speculate to be a reference to Solas’s plan to destroy the veil. Fan speculate he might be connected to the Titans. All in all, fans miss Sandal and desperately want to know how he fits into the lore and greater story.


Merrill is a Dalish blood mage who was formerly First to the Keeper in the Sabrae Dalish clan. Merrill first appears in the Dalish origin in Origins as a temporary companion and appears as a romanceable companion in Dragon Age 2. Merrill’s core drive is to restore what the elves have lost, and her story in Dragon Age 2 centers around her efforts to restore a broken eluvian.

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Reddit user rroseselavy13 says “I think Merrill would be very interesting, especially given what we learn in Trespasser.” While most fans don’t place Merrill among their favorite Dragon Age 2 companions, given Merrill’s core drive and the revelations surrounding the elven pantheon and the fall of the elven empire she has strong narrative reasons to appear in Dragon Age 4.


Calpernia is a Tevinter mage who serves as Corypheus’s lieutenant if the player recruits the templars instead of the mages. Fans found Calpernia far more interesting than her templar counterpart Sampson, especially considering the fact that she can be convinced to abandon Corypheus and the Venatori.

Reddit user Lithiumantis points out “her goal of reforming Tevinter to be free of corruption are similar to Dorian’s, and so it’s easy to see her working alongside him.” Calpernia wants to reform Tevinter, and actively works throughout Inquisition to free slaves. While her appearance is relatively brief, fans find her to be an interesting character who could add to the narrative of the next Dragon Age game.

The Hero of Ferelden

Fans have been calling for the return of the protagonist of Dragon Age: Origins since Dragon Age 2 introduced a new protagonist. Many find it odd and narratively unsatisfying that such an important figure wouldn’t be involved in any other major events in Thedas and were quick to voice their disappointment that the Hero of Ferelden didn’t appear in Inquisition.

Reddit user Garysan says “I want to see The Warden return. We got to see Hawke in Inquisition, it’s time for The Warden to find the cure for the taint and stop the calling.” It’s possible for the Hero to die at the end of Origins, but in that case the Hero could simply be replaced by the Warden Commander of Dragon Age: Awakening considering what that character uncovers about darkspawn. As BioWare has dropped several hints that the Grey Wardens may be key players in Dragon Age 4, fans are hoping that means they’ll get to see their Hero.


The character that comes up more than any other in discussions about which characters should return is undoubtedly Fenris. Fenris is a romanceable companion in Dragon Age 2 who has unique abilities due to his lyrium tattoos. Fans were excited to see Fenris return for the Dragon Age comics Blue Wraith and Dark Fortress.

In addition to being a fan-favorite, Fenris’s unique lyrium tattoos and his position as a former Tevinter slave tie him to the lore and the story of Dragon Age in a way that demands a return. Reddit user ScorpionTDC says “I will feel extremely, extremely cheated if I don’t get to see Fenris there in a semi-significant role. He’s just so caught up with Tevinter.” Additionally, his name may hint at a larger role in Dragon Age‘s plot trajectory.

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