Like many developers, BioWare’s Dragon Age team has included Easter eggs and memes in Dragon Age: Inquisition for players to find, from the cheese wheels scattered across Thedas to the ubiquitous Deep-Roads-dwelling Nugs that have featured in every game in the franchise. Nugs are docile omnivores that live in the underground areas of Thedas. They are giant, hairless rodents with eerily human-like hands. Apparently, they also have organized into monarchal society.

If players bring Varric to the Deep Roads for The Descent DLC the first time the party travels there, he will tell a story about a handsome dwarf that was once crowned King of the Nugs. While this seems like a throwaway story from the author that has nothing to do with the upcoming Deep Roads adventure, it actually points to an adorable Easter egg that the bravest of players will be able to find between battling challenging waves of Darkspawn and Sha-Brytol. Here’s how to find The Nug King in Dragon Age: Inquisition: The Descent.


Collect an Offering for the Nug King in Dragon Age: Inquisition: The Descent

As players navigate the Deep Roads, they will come across an operation marker that unlocks a Deep Roads Expedition called Heidrun Thaig Upper Bridge. They will need to complete this mission at the Deep Roads Expedition Table back at Legion Camp to unlock the Heidrun Thaig bridge.

Once the bridge has been rebuilt, players need to take that bridge and use the rightmost path when the bridge forks. There, they will come across a building protruding from the cave wall. The leftmost segment of the building should contain a doorway. Players can enter to loot some rare and unique weapons and materials, and, on the table, they will find one of the infamous cheese wheels. Unlike the more decorative ones littered throughout the game, the Inquisitor can pick this one up and have it in their inventory.

The cheese block is not just an Easter egg. It also unlocks the Codex entry for the Nug King, a second hint to the player of what is to come.

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Find the Nug King in Dragon Age: Inquisition: The Descent

To get to the Nug King, players will need to continue The Descent‘s fairly linear quest through the three waves of Darkspawn, easily one of the most challenging and frustrating fights in the game. Once players make it past that section, they will come upon The Forgotten Caves and The Bastion of the Pure.

The Bastion of the Pure is made of deep caverns full of Sha-Brytol, the ancient dwarves protecting the possible Titan that has awakened in the Deep Roads. After exploring these caves, players will enter a chamber with electric blue Lyrium veins reaching from the walls. Players will need to beat the enemies here (usually a Sha-Brytol dwarf or two and a Bronto-like creature) and travel up the spiral stairs. At the top, the path will fork into two chambers. Players want the chamber to the right.

In the chamber, players will be greeted by a gaping chasm that appears to signify a dead end. However, near the edge, there is a waystone to examine that reads, “Only those who believe may cross.” Taking this leap of faith, the Inquisitor must step off the cliff over the chasm. A bridge will appear under them.

The player should not have the Inquisitor literally jump off the cliff. The bridge will not appear, and the Inquisitor will fall and lose almost all their health. Instead, they will want to approach the edge as though it were even ground and continue moving forward to trigger the bridge.

At the end of the bridge, players will be greeted by the squeaking and snorting of dozens of Nugs in a lit chamber. The chamber contains an altar. Here, the Inquisitor should place the cheese wheel from Heidrun Thaig.

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At this point, a cutscene will trigger and the Nug King, complete with a tiny crown, will appear and judge the Inquisitor from his throne.

While there aren’t major rewards for completing this Easter egg, and there are no associated quests, the player will earn some power for their trouble.

Dragon Age: Inquisition and The Descent DLC are available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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