Dragon Ball Z was a show known for its great villains. Characters like Vegeta, Frieza, and Cell could be downright chilling at times, and it was always a thrill to see heroes like Goku taking on stronger and stronger foes. Because of this, it was a surprise when we first met his greatest foe, Buu.

Let’s face it: Buu looked like something of a joke character. He’s pink, he’s pudgy, and at any given point, he doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. However, Dragon Ball Z leaned into the danger of this idea— of a super-powerful being without much of a conscience or a moral compass. Throw in his ability to absorb people and change forms, and Buu became more dangerous by the moment.

Towards the end of the show, Buu had many transformations and even a reincarnation. Additionally, the adventures of both Buu and the reincarnated Uub continued on the divisive Dragon Ball GT show. Accordingly, fans have spent years trying to determine which versions of Buu are the strongest.

Fortunately, you won’t need to build a special scouter or waste a wish on the Great Dragon— just check out our guide to Dragon Ball: Every Buu, Ranked From Weakest To Strongest!

15 Mr. Buu

When it comes to the weakest form of Buu, we’ll have to go with Mr. Buu. There are a few reasons that he’s the weakest Buu, and the first is that his essence has been torn from that of Innocent Buu. Thus, he’s lost the cohesive power of his whole self and been split into two aspects—a good side and an evil side.

And as the Spaceballs movie wisely tells us: “evil will always triumph because good is dumb.” This version of Buu is the “good” part of Innocent Buu, meaning that he doesn’t have the killer instinct that many of the other forms do. He also has few powers than the others, as he is not able to absorb energy through his body as he once did, nor can he power up as easily.

This guy still has a lot of raw power (he is a Buu, after all), but compared to his other versions, he’s small potatoes.

14 Miss Buu

Miss Buu is a character that is pretty easy to miss, even for big fans of Dragon Ball Z. The reason for this is that she has primarily appeared in video games, including Dragon Ball Online and Dragon Ball Xenoverse. What’s her deal? Well, it comes from Buu reading some adult magazines (thanks, Mr. Satan) and deciding he wants a mate. Thus, he splits himself once more to create a Miss Buu!

By all accounts, the characters live a pretty happy life together. They eventually work out a rather non-traditional reproductive technique using beams of energy and start cranking out children. A couple of centuries later, they have managed to their own unique race of beings, though the descendants are not nearly as powerful as the original Buu.

Miss Buu herself remains pretty strong, and she is still alive over two hundred years after the Super 17 Saga in Dragon Ball GT.


13 Innocent Buu

With a name like Innocent Buu, you might expect him to be the weakest one on this list. However, “innocent” is relative: this version of Buu still has extraordinary powers, and he wasn’t afraid to use them to destroy things (and people) that got in his way. In fact, sometimes he’d destroy things just for fun!

Buu effectively lacked a moral compass. He wasn’t afraid to engage in crimes, all the way up to mass murder, and he actually took great pleasure at the horrific actions that he performed. He initially lacked the capacity to understand that the pain and death he brought were actually bad things, and once the Grand Supreme Kai aspect told him, he was willing to change his ways.

In his ability and willingness to hold himself back, this Buu ends up being weaker than many on this list, including the unfortunately-named Fat Buu.

12 Fat Buu

As the name implies, Fat Buu doesn’t look like a very huge threat to anyone. However, looks can be deceiving: this Buu has some of the same extraordinary absorption powers of his other forms, and in his previous form, he’d managed to absorb the South Supreme Kai. Afterwards, he was transformed to Fat Buu by the Dai Kaioshin.

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In the Fat form, Buu is something of a mixed bag. On one hand, he has a lot of raw power, as you would expect anyone who has absorbed a Kai to have. However, the Kai seemed to have a tempering influence on Buu’s raw power: in this form, he has previously been sealed away by Bibidi, and Goku has the power to defeat him. Plus, his main weapon is a chocolate beam, and while many fans would kill for a real-life version, it’s just not very intimidating.

11 Evil Buu

Unlike some of these goofier transformation names, “Evil Buu” sounds like a character that you really don’t want to mess with. This is definitely the case, as this guy is the opposite number of Mr. Buu and represents the dark side of Buu’s personality. This collection of dark energy makes Evil Buu a very dangerous customer indeed.

First of all, he’s got the supervillain appearance down to an art: gray skin, low voice, and a dramatic purple cape. He’s also got the killer instinct: one of the first things he does is to murder Van Zant as a punishment for shooting Buu’s friend, Mr. Satan. He also kicks the good Buu’s butt, and after the good Buu becomes chocolate (thanks to a reflected chocolate beam), Evil Buu proceeds to eat himself.

Chocolate self-cannibalism: it doesn’t get more evil than that! However, there are other forms of Buu that are more powerful still.

10 Super Buu

As it turns out, Evil Buu eating the chocolate Good Buu had some weird side effects, and we’re not talking about indigestion. Instead, he transformed into Super Buu! As far as Buu transformations go, Super Buu represents a full, Six Million Dollar Man makeover: Buu has been remade, and he’s better, stronger, and faster… not to mention smarter!

Super Buu even manages to look physically intimidating. He’s ditched both the “freshman fifteen” and “supervillain” looks for a sleek, muscular build worthy of challenging Goku. And while he is not as wholly immoral as Evil Buu, he’s extremely dangerous, threatening all life on Earth.

He is initially stopped by Gohan, but he then took on his most dangerous transformation yet! This is because Gohan was being helped by Gotenks, and Super Buu sets his eyes on Gotenks as a way of achieving the edge that he needs to win this battle – and the battles to come.

9 Fusion Buu

By this point in the ongoing Dragon Ball Z story, the act of fusion had become a major storytelling component. Characters could fuse their powers and their entire selves together to create a newer, even stronger being. While this was mostly a trick reserved for the good guys, the world trembled when Buu began doing it!

By this point, Buu was being easily beaten by Gohan and realized that he needed a helping hand to achieve victory. In order to do this, he managed to fuse with Gotenks by using his special absorption power. This changed his appearance in some notable ways that ranged from a more human-looking face to him wearing a jacket that resembled Gotenks’ jacket. He didn’t just get the looks, though: Fusion Buu managed to absorb some of Gotenks’ powers, too.

He may have stayed in this form indefinitely, but when Gotenks separated back into two bodies, Fusion Buu lost his powers.

8 Piccolo Buu

Apparently, fusing with Gotenks gave Buu a real taste for fleshwalking. After the fusion with Gotenks wears off, he ends up absorbing Piccolo. While many Dragon Ball Z fans make the mistake of dismissing Piccolo as a fighter, the truth is that absorbing him gave Buu a dangerous tactical edge that he had not previously had before.

Here’s the thing about Piccolo: he’s the Batman of the Z fighters and serves as the brains in many fights. So, absorbing Piccolo gave Buu an intelligence he had never had before. At first, Buu has both Piccolo and Gotenks inside himself, but later, he’s down to the jolly green Namekian. With Piccolo’s memories and knowledge, he’s able to psychologically torture Gohan, and he also wields dangerous new tricks like the Special Beam Cannon.

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Between Piccolo’s brains and brawn, Buu is finally able to absorb Gohan, giving him a level of power he could not previously access.

7 Future Super Buu

Future Super Buu is another version of this character that only a handful of fans know about. He makes his only appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai—Another Road, which only came out on Sony’s long-lived (albeit ill-fated) Playstation Portable. This character comes from an alternative timeline, and he was created when Future Evil Buu consumed Future Majin Buu.

In terms of power, he has access to the same level of awesome power as the regular Super Buu. At the same time, he absorbs even more powerful characters over the course of the game, including characters such as Broly. This ends up making him even more powerful and unpredictable than the original Super Buu, who was one of the most dangerous foes the Z fighters ever faced.

However, there are still other forms of this warrior that presented an even greater threat to the Earth and the entire universe.

6 Ultimate Buu

Buu’s “ultimate” form represents his most dangerous fusion yet. While fused with Piccolo, Buu manages to achieve his goal: absorbing Gohan! At this point in the series, Gohan is one of the most powerful fighters on Earth, making Buu insanely dangerous after he gets Gohan’s power.

He proves how powerful he is by taking on Goku and Vegeta, and they fight him as a team before reluctantly fusing together to try to defeat Buu. Like everyone else, though, they end up being absorbed by Buu.

As with the other fusions, absorbing Gohan resulted in a change of clothes for Buu. Specifically, he started sporting Gohan’s red uniform. He also sported new abilities that extended beyond a costume change, as his body had physiological and psychological defenses to help him deal with Goku and Vegeta when they started fighting back from the inside. While this was the strongest Buu they had faced yet, there are other forms that have more raw power.

5 South Buu

The so-called “South Buu” represents Buu after he absorbs the South Supreme Kai who was inhabiting Otherworld. South Buu’s placement on this list may rankle some fans. Part of the controversy comes from the fact that we don’t see Buu do a lot in this form, so we have to determine his strength based on the transitive property. And while math never sounds fun, let’s face it— these power levels can only get so high before we have to take out a calculator!

Our only real data point comes from watching the South Supreme Kai fight. In a quick scene that most fans dismiss as filler, we see that the Kai is able to hold his own in a fight with Kid Buu, which is one of Buu’s strongest forms. At the same time, we know that Kid Buu was not fighting with his full strength, and was likely simply testing the Kai. Thus, the Kai ended up with a relatively strong place on this list, but Kid Buu is still his better.

4 Kid Buu

Kid Buu is our most powerful version of Buu yet for a single compelling reason: he is the most reckless! He’s got a ton of power and nothing to really hold him back. He doesn’t care who he kills, including himself, and he’s willing to destroy himself in order to destroy planet Earth!

In terms of creating significant body counts, it doesn’t get much more serious than Kid Buu. His destruction of the Earth kills billions of people, including notable heroes like Piccolo and Trunks. Fortunately, Goku and Vegeta are able to work with Dende and other characters to bring everyone back to life with the Dragon Balls. Dende uses one of their multiple wishes via the Namekian Dragon to wish Goku back to his full strength.

At this point, a Super Saiyan Goku and his Spirit Bomb are enough to destroy Kid Buu. However, this is not the last we see of him.

3 Uub (younger)

A very consistent feature of Dragon Ball Z is that Goku has a pure heart. So, even as he obliterates Kid Buu to save the world, he wishes that he could challenge a non-evil version of this guy to a rematch someday. And because Goku has friends in high places, Otherworld’s own King Yemma makes sure that Buu is reincarnated as Uub!

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At first glance, Uub doesn’t look like he’s anything special— just a scrawny human male. However, we eventually see the rematch Goku hoped for when Uub enters the World Martial Arts Tournament. It takes Uub a moment to gather his confidence, but very soon, he’s holding his own against Goku.

Goku ends up being so impressed that he takes Uub on as his protégé, seeing in him the potential to become a warrior who, like Goku, will one day be able to protect the entire world from anything.

2 Uub (teenage)

The controversial Dragon Ball GT gives us more of Uub’s story. Specifically, we see him five years after Goku became his mentor. At this point, Uub is fifteen years old and stronger than ever. After he gives Goku a big enough challenge during training, Goku declares that Uub’s training is now complete. While Goku had held back during their first fight at the World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku now thinks Uub is ready.

Of course, the overriding message of Dragon Ball is that there is always a tougher opponent right around the corner. Uub discovers how true this is when he squares off against an alien opponent named Baby (hey, with a name like that, you have to become tough).

Baby is the real deal, using psychic powers to control almost everyone on Earth, including Uub’s allies Videl and Gohan. Uub is easily beaten by Baby and has to resort to fusion in order to save himself – and potentially the entire planet.

1 Majuub

After all of the fusing that has characterized the different forms of Buu, it makes sense that things would come full circle and he would fuse with himself. Seeing no other choice, Uub fuses with Majin Buu, who is back as a pure-hearted good guy. By merging together, they become a powerful character named Majuub!

Uub gets the predictable power boost from this fusion. Plus, in the fused form, he has access to Majin Buu’s ability to turn people into candy. And while Majuub gets a lot of raw power from Majin Buu, he retains much of the tactical training from Goku. We see this most clearly when he allows himself to be turned into chocolate and eaten by Baby Vegeta (this is Vegeta when being controlled by Baby— a pretty direct name).

It turns out this is a plot to attack Baby from the inside. This buys Goku enough time to finish Baby off, and Majuub stays in the fused form and experiences many more years of battling ever more-powerful foes.

Did we miss any Buus from Dragon Ball? Be sure to let us know in the comments!

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