In the world of Dragon Ball Super, there are few fighters as strong as Gogeta, and a piece of fanart just imagined what the deadly fusion would look like as a samurai. Even Beerus would think twice about messing with this katana-wielding variant of Goku and Vegeta’s powerful fusion.

Despite making several prominent appearances in Dragon Ball Super, Gogeta actually originated in the anime Dragon Ball GT. In contrast to the Potara Earring fusion of Goku and Vegeta, Vegito, Gogeta is created when the two Saiyans properly perform the fusion dance. Combining the strengths of two already powerful characters, Gogeta is widely regarded as one of the strongest Dragon Ball characters to ever grace the franchise, especially when in his Super Saiyan Blue form. The form is achieved by going Super Saiyan while already in Super Saiyan God form. Though the form is undoubtedly powerful, it also can limit a user’s stamina if they’re not careful. Still though, in his Super Saiyan Blue form, Gogeta is nigh-indestructible, making it only natural for fan artists to latch on.


In a piece of fanart by artist Guillem Daudén, Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta becomes a samurai and the result is nothing short of epic. The artist captioned it, “Saphire Sword Saint Gogeta,” which just adds to the artwork’s mystique. From the gauntlets to the ropes around his arms and waist, the fanart is just filled to bursting with small details that all combine to make the artwork a sight to behold. Of particular note is the back tattoo depicting Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta also as samurai. The artwork is actually part of a much larger set that depicts some of Dragon Ball’s most powerful characters as samurai warriors from feudal Japan. Check out the Gogeta art below!

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Since Goku and Vegeta are the most prominent characters in Dragon Ball, it only makes sense that their two fusions would receive a great deal of attention from fan artists. It’s no wonder that Daudén would not only reimagine Gogeta as a samurai, but also his Potara counterpart, Vegito in a separate post. Part of these fusions’ appeal is that Goku and Vegeta are so different in so many ways. Goku is a bit goofy and generally pretty easygoing while Vegeta tends to be much more serious. More than just these contradictory traits though, Vegito and Gogeta are motivated by Goku and Vegeta’s chief similarities. As different as they are, both Goku and Vegeta are motivated by a need to get stronger and protect those they love. It’s this intersecting fierce determination that Daudén so effortlessly captures in this alternate samurai take on Gogeta.

Unfortunately, Gogeta isn’t a character fans of Dragon Ball see often, but when Gogeta does appear, fans of the series can be certain that an epic fight will follow. Fanart like this one by Guillem Daudén shows that Dragon Ball Super‘sGogeta is truly awe-inspiring no matter what form he takes.

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Source: Guillem Daudén

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