Spoilers for Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81

As Dragon Ball Super‘s Granolah the Survivor saga comes to a head, one question that’s on everyone’s mind is whether Goku will once again save the day singlehandedly, or if the star of this arc will be able to get the vengeance he craves. In a surprising move for Dragon Ball, it seems that they’ve found a way to accomplish both!

The Granolah saga has been a bit unusual for Dragon Ball in general in that the focus of the story has been the eponymous Granolah rather than Goku or his friends, with Goku and Vegeta mostly playing a supporting role in recent chapters. Dragon Ball has tried this kind of thing before, most notably with the attempted shift towards Gohan as the protagonist back during the original series’ Cell arc, but somehow the story’s climax always falls back on Goku’s shoulders. With Granolah having already suffered some pretty rough injuries and Goku back on his feet at the start of chapter 81, it looked like this saga might be going down the typical Dragon Ball route of Goku saving the day.


However, it seems that this time, the series has found a way to have its cake and eat it, too. Chapter 81 sees Granolah being healed by his Namekian mentor Monaito, while Vegeta passes off as much of his energy as he can to Goku to allow him to get back into the fight with the newly empowered Gas. Due to his brother’s wish on the Cerealian Dragon Balls, Gas is now “the greatest fighter in the universe,” surpassing Granolah who had previously wished for the same thing. Obviously, anyone claiming to be the strongest is going to be someone that Goku wants to fight, but having him step in to beat the baddies and save the day would rob Granolah’s story of a lot of its meaning and potential.

Instead, Goku does something surprisingly clever: he attacks Gas, gets in close, and then uses Instant Transmission to teleport the allegedly unbeatable villain to a distant planet where Jaco happened to be. With Gas and Goku removed from the equation, the situation on the planet is a bit fairer, with a weakened Vegeta and Granolah on one side, and the remaining three Heeters on the other. Since Gas seems to have been the one primarily handling the group’s dirty work, getting either (or both) of those two back on their feet through Namekian healing should present a great opportunity for Granolah to battle Elec–the group’s real mastermind–and get the vengeance he’s been so long denied.

Vegeta has been surprisingly empathetic towards Granolah’s situation, so even if Vegeta doesn’t get to fight anymore, he ought to be quite pleased should Granolah succeed. Meanwhile, Goku gets to have his big brawlfest somewhere that’s literally out of the plot’s way, and still help out while doing so. The end of Granolah’s story is close at hand for Dragon Ball Super, and for once, its fate isn’t hanging on Goku’s actions. Win or lose, Granolah will get to finish his story on his own terms.

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