Throughout Dragon Ball Super, Goku and Vegeta have faced a number of deadly villains, but one in particular has proven even more dangerous by having a way to counter the Saiyan warriors’ hail mary attack. Goku and Vegeta don’t fuse often, but when they do, it is absolutely necessary to combine their strengths in such a way to defeat their enemy. However, one villain that the two fought against in the Dragon Ball Super manga has the perfect counter for fusions, which spelled trouble for the Z-Fighters. 

In Dragon Ball Super Chapter 62 by Akira Toriyama, the Z-Fighters including Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Piccolo are fighting the villainous cosmic sorcerer Moro who had just absorbed Seven-Three which upgraded his power. Vegeta attempts an attack after going Super Saiyan, but Moro uses a skill he acquired from Seven-Three to absorb an enemy and copy an attack, and incapacitates the Saiyan using his own attacks. While Vegeta was quickly bested in that bout, the implications of Moro’s ability to absorb his foes alludes to a much worse outcome for the Z-Fighters. 


Moro absorbed Vegeta’s abilities to defeat him, and the abilities he absorbed includes Vegeta’s forced spirit fission ability. In other words, if Vegeta and Goku decided they needed to fuse in order to gain enough power to beat Moro, that technique would be rendered useless. Piccolo points out that fact after he witnesses Moro using the absorption ability, and from that point on the rest of the fighters realize that their last resort attack strategy would be quickly neutralized, making the situation Goku, Vegeta, and the other fighters are facing that much more dire. 

Aside from the realization that using fusion isn’t an option when fighting against Moro, the sorcerer has presented them with a number of obstacles given his magic-based power source. Vegeta and Goku have fought against evil aliens, unstoppable androids, and even literal gods, and all of their enemies’ power sources were similar and achievable for the Saiyans to reach themselves. Moro uses magic to fuel his seemingly unstoppable power, something the Saiyans cannot emulate and therefore making him a harder villain to stop. 

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Vegeta and Goku’s only hope would be to match Moro’s unique power with the raw power of their own, but without fusion the prospect of out-muscling Moro was seemingly hopeless. In the end, Goku is able to use the power of Perfect Ultra Instinct to finally defeat Moro once and for all, proving that the power of the angels is superior to Moro’s magic, but the process of fighting the sorcerer could have been greatly expedited if Vegeta and Goku could have fused and used their combined power in Chapter 62. While it wasn’t enough to save him, Dragon Ball Super’s deadly villain Moro had the perfect counter for fusions, an ability that made him one of the hardest villains to defeat in Dragon Ball history.

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