KW Miller, an independent candidate for the House of Representatives in Florida’s 18th Congressional District, has referred to Dragon Ball Z as “anime porn.” The comment is one of the latest in a constant stream of incendiary, at times confusing online statements from Miller, who has previously identified himself as a supporter of the radical right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory.

Dragon Ball is one of the most successful anime franchises of all time, spawning a long-running series of popular manga, multiple animated series and films, and dozens of successful video game adaptations, to name just some of its cultural impact. As such a major household name, which has had huge success in the United States in particular for over two decades, it is somewhat understandable why Dragon Ball might be invoked in a general attack on anime, though Miller’s exact meaning and direction are confusing at best.


Miller condemned DBZ in a tweet on Wednesday, where he claims that “They are now introducing a great deal of anime porn into the internet matrix,” and that “Dragon Ball Z is one of the top issues here.” Without offering any additional context, Miller then continues his accusations of an unspecified “they,” saying that, “They are sexualizing cartoon characters to push a depraved agenda on our kids. What’s next? Where will it end?”

Miller’s actual meaning here is unclear. His vague “they” could be in reference to American media executives, anime fans, or political “leftists” who Miller constantly berates in his frequent tweets. It also isn’t clear if Miller is taking issue with the presence of anime-styled pornography – or hentai – in online spaces, or if he is in fact condemning all non-pornographic anime as “depraved.”

Miller has used Twitter frequently to launch aggressive rhetoric, a trend that has drawn comparisons to President Donald Trump’s love of the platform. While Miller is running in Florida as an independent, he has consistently aligned himself with the far-right, and his Twitter background image features both him and President Trump edited together, with the caption “We are the only thing standing in the way of ‘Freedom vs. Tyranny.’” In one recent tweet, which has since appeared to be deleted, Miller made the wildly nonfactual accusation that Beyonce is “not even African American,” followed by the hashtags #QAnon and #Trump2020.

While some of his tweets have been removed, Miller has continued to post similarly offensive messages since. His attack on Dragon Ball Z fits with this history of unsubstantiated claims on Twitter, which seems unlikely to end soon. Miller is currently on the ballot for Florida’s 18th District House seat in November.

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Sources: KW Miller, @pinheadnyc

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