Drax the Destroyer has one of the most heartbreaking backstories in comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His family was killed by Thanos the Mad Titan, and he’s long-sought revenge on the villain. While he doesn’t end up killing Thanos in the MCU, in the comics, Drax got his sweet revenge.

Drax’s motivation in the comics and MCU is similar, as he wants to kill Thanos for orchestrating the murder of his family. In the films, Ronan the Accuser kills Drax’s wife and daughter while serving under Thanos. In the comics, there have been a few variations in his history, but essentially, his wife was killed and his daughter Heather (Moondragon), thought to be dead, actually survived and was raised by Thanos’ father, A’Lars. While Drax wouldn’t get to be the one who killed Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, in the comics, he managed to kill him.


In Annihilation #4 by Keith Giffen, Andrea Divito, Laura Villari, and Cory Petit, Annihilus and Thanos combine forces to wage war on the galaxy. The two capture Galactus and turn him into an energy feeding weapon. Meanwhile, with the Nova Corps wiped out and Drax’s daughter Moondragon taken as a prisoner, Drax exacts his revenge. He’s told if he pursued rescuing her, she would be killed – he doesn’t listen and goes after Thanos. Drax eventually fights through waves of Annihilus’ minions and makes his way to Thanos and kills him by lunging his fist through his chest and ripping out his heart.

Drax completes his destiny and kills Thanos. However, he did so without much of a fight as it turns out Thanos was preoccupied with freeing Galactus from Annihilus’ control after realizing that his fellow villain’s mission was too catastrophic. Annihilus wanted to destroy everything – Thanos realized that and wanted to put a stop to his plans and free Galactus. While he was attempting to right the wrong, Drax came in and killed him. Even Moondragon pleaded with her dad to not kill Thanos. Understandably, Drax was blinded by rage and didn’t waste time in taking him down – even if it meant killing the one person who could stop Annihilus.

While the heroes would ultimately free Galactus with the help of Silver Surfer, Drax almost doomed the universe by killing Thanos. Thankfully, the heroes would defeat Annihilus. Thanos would remain dead before being revived later in The Thanos Imperative. So, while Drax the Destroyer might not have killed Thanos in the MCU, he got his revenge in the comics – even if it almost led to the destruction of the universe.

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