The massive sci-fi epic Dune is a complex story about warring noble family factions told on a grand scale. As a result, the film is filled with characters who fall on either side of the conflict between House Atreides and House Harkonnen or are caught in the middle of the crossfire.

While many of the best characters are benevolent and virtuous such as Leto Atreides and Duncan Idaho, some of the film’s most entertaining characters revel in their villainy like Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, and others are compelling because of their mysterious motives or moral ambiguity such as Dr. Wellington Yueh.

10 Stilgar

As the leader of a nearby Sietch, Stilgar is more concerned with the autonomy of the Fremen than the politics of the families who are fighting over Arrakis. He is a fair and respectable leader who values his word by taking Paul into the group after the ritual duel to the death.

Stilgar is a straightforward man who just wants to ensure that his people will be left alone by the outsiders. He only has a limited role in the film, but with Paul now joining his tribe, he will likely become a more influential character going forward.

9 Thufir Hawat

Though his abilities are not fully explained in the film, Thufir Hawat demonstrates an extreme intellect capable of making complex calculations almost instantly. As the head of security for House Atreides, he is one of Leto’s most trusted advisors.

After his failure to detect the spy that nearly kills Paul, he offers his resignation but Leto refuses, noting how valuable he is. Loyal, dependable, and brilliant, Thufir Hawat is an important asset to House Atreides, though his failure does ultimately lead to devastation.


8 Dr. Wellington Yueh

As the doctor for House Atreides, Dr. Wellington Yueh is charged with looking after the wellbeing of the family, something that he takes seriously. He goes out of his way to warn Paul to be careful before his encounter with Gaius Helen Mohiam.

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Although Dr. Yueh makes the deplorable decision to betray House Atreides, it is out of an attempt to save his wife. Even in his betrayal, he still does what he can to ensure that Leto is able to die with dignity and try to kill Baron Harkonnen in the process.

7 Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

In the ongoing war between House Atreides and House Harkonnen, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is the head of his faction and is willing to do whatever it takes to win. He is a vicious and brutal leader who rules with an iron fist.

He is more than willing to kill everyone in House Atreides and all the Fremen in order to secure his place as ruler of Arrakis. His character is not fully fleshed out in the film, but he is an intimidating and frightening villain.

6 Gurney Halleck

The gruff but caring Gurney Halleck serves as the weapons master for House Atreides and teaches Paul how to fight. On the surface, he is tough and stoic, but he genuinely cares for Paul and is even willing to risk getting eaten by a sandworm to save him.

Gurney is a great side character who gets to deliver some of the best lines in Dune, such as teaching Paul that “You fight when the necessity arises, no matter the mood.” He is an excellent mentor and memorable character who should have gotten more screen time.

5 Dr. Liet-Kynes

Appointed by the Emperor as the judge of the change of rule of Arrakis from House Harkonnen to House Atreides, ecologist Dr. Liet-Kynes is supposed to be a neutral party that ensures the orderly transition of power. However, this is compromised when House Harkonnen attacks.

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She is a highly intelligent and educated individual who is intimately familiar with the culture and habits of the Fremen. She is confident and does what she can to help House Atreides once they have been betrayed, though she could have done more to inform them of the attack in the first place if she had been willing to disobey her orders.

4 Duncan Idaho

Brass and bold, Duncan Idaho is a skilled warrior and great scout. As one of the first members of House Atreides to arrive in Arrakis, he is able to find the Fremen and learn their ways, allowing him to help foster a relationship between his kinsmen and the locals.

His friendship with Paul is one of the best relationships in Dune as Paul clearly looks up to Duncan and Duncan does his best to protect Paul, eventually laying down his own life to save Paul.

3 Duke Leto Atreides

Duke Leto Atreides, the head of House Atreides, is a noble and virtuous leader who does what he can to rule with character and integrity. He demonstrates his morality by trying to form a mutually beneficial relationship with the Fremen, rather than trying to simply subjugate them.

As a father, he is loving and compassionate, reassuring Paul that he will support him no matter what. He is a kind and aspirational figure who gets to deliver many of Dune‘s most powerful quotes as he passes on his wisdom.

2 Lady Jessica

Lady Jessica is one of the most layered and complex characters in the film. As Leto’s concubine and Paul’s mother, she comports herself admirably as a member of high society, often seen sporting the best outfits in Dune. But she is also a powerful member of the Bene Gesserit with the ability to use “the voice” to command others.

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Powerful and calculated, she invested years of her life preparing Paul for his future as the possible messiah figure. She is a strong and intelligent character who juggles various loyalties but does whatever she can to support her son.

1 Paul Atreides

Paul Atreides is the young ducal heir of the House Atreides who has visions of the future. While he is still learning to use his abilities, he has a sense that there is a higher calling on his life and he learns to embrace his calling as the potential messiah.

Though he is initially unsure and trying to find his place in the world, he is a thoughtful and good-natured young man on a journey of self-discovery. He does everything that he can to avoid killing Jamis in their duel but ultimately does what is necessary. At its core, Dune is a coming-of-age story for the young noble as he transforms from a conflicted boy into a confident and driven man.

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