Part one of the new adaptation of the epic Dune gives fans a brand new look at Frank Herbert’s legendary sci-fi novel. It depicts the beautiful images of the desert planet Arrakis alongside complex characters navigating the lifestyle and politics of the harsh world.

While many characters come and go in this part of the franchise, each of them manages to leave an impact on viewers, no matter the amount of screen time. They accomplish this through words. From the Reverend Mother’s first observation of Paul to Duke Leto’s powerful final words, each character’s first and last line of the film defines them and how they play a role in the story.


Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

“Rabban.” – “Kill them all.”

As one of the most powerful characters in Dune, Baron Harkonnen’s introduction in the film perfectly portrays his villainy. Covered in a fog of steam, the Baron greats his nephew in a growling voice with an unaffectionate tone. His presence immediately dominates the room.

Harkonnen’s final scene is just as powerful as his first. Upon his recovery from a close call to death, he believes all of House Atreides to be dead. His priority thus turns back to spices and money. He calls on Rabban to kill all the Fremen, seemingly viewing them as an afterthought. He appears to be a dominating force, especially after surviving the poison gas unleashed by Leto.

Reverend Gaius Helen Mohiam

“Defiance in the eyes, like his father.” – “Allow them the dignity of exile.”

As a powerful member of the Bene Gesserit, Reverend Gaius Helen Mohiam is one of the film’s most intimidating characters. However, her first words demonstrate her extreme disgust for humankind and her initial belief that Paul is too human to be The One.

During this last scene featuring the Reverend Mother, she aims to betray House Atreides, on par with Harkonnen’s invasion. Her only request is this final quote about Lady Jessica and Paul. She shows a rare soft spot for them, simply because she trained Jessica in the way of the Bene Gesserit, and Paul could be The One.


“You are outworlders who come here for the spice, you take it, giving nothing in return.” – “You’re one of us now. A life for a life. Come with us to Sietch Tabar.”

As the leader of the Fremen, Stilgar represents his entire tribe when he shows his distaste for the Atreides and company coming onto their planet. However, he is surprised by Paul’s admittance of his words being valid, which foreshadows Paul’s eventual allowance into the tribe.

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Though Stilgar is easily persuaded to let Paul and his mother stay with the Fremen, one of his Tribesmen seeks proof that they deserve to. In proving themselves, Paul kills the man in a fight to the death. Thus, Stilgar claims Paul as their own, as foreshadowed. It’s a complete 180 from how he felt about the Atreides from the beginning of the movie, but after seeing their capabilities, it’s not a surprise.

Gurney Halleck

“I am smiling.” – “With me! With me!”

Gurney Halleck serves as the weapons master for House Atreides and Paul’s fighting teacher. His gruff and stoic manner are introduced upon this first line, where he is indeed not smiling while claiming to be.

His rigid regard is a constant throughout the film. It gives him one of the best quotes in 2021’s Dune: “You fight when the necessity arises, no matter the mood.” Though he says this to Paul, the quote actually foreshadows his own fate. And he’s last seen going into battle with this last quote as a war cry, his fate unknown.

Liet Kynes

“My Lord Duke. Welcome to Arakis.” – “I serve only one master. His name is Shai-Hulud.”

Liet Kynes is nothing but a powerful force of a woman in the film. Appointed as the Judge of Change, she acts as a neutral party, earning a place amongst everyone. This makes her introduction a polite greeting telling of who she is at the start of the movie.

After betraying her oath to the Emperor to help Paul and Jessica, Liet succumbs to the sandworm after being stabbed and surrounded by Sardaukar. She claims the only master she serves is Shai-Hulud, the sandworm, willingly summoning it. This leaves her as truly a Fremen, sharing their belief that the sandworm is a physical embodiment of the One God.

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Duncan Idaho

“The stabilizers are too loose.” – “Sardaukar!”

As one of Dune’s most likable characters, Duncan is immediately established as a charismatic character. The line emphasizes that he’s spent much time out in the field, and he flows smoothly in conversation. It’s a quick and subtle introduction to the loyal swordsman.

Right up until the end, Duncan shows his willingness to fight for House Atreides, to which he has sworn his loyalty, even if it means his own life will be on the line. After serving the initial attack on the house, Duncan sacrifices himself for Paul and Jessica, with this final shout as he goes up against a swarm of Sardaukar by himself.

Duke Leto Atreides

“Smile, Gurney. ” – “Here I am, here I remain.”

As the head of House Atreides, Duke Leto takes pride in being a noble and virtuous leader. His first line shows his wise, diplomatic side. As he prepares to knowingly sign his house over to a trap on Arrakis, he says this line to his weapons master, firmly instilling what kind of character he is in two words.

With probably the most powerful quote in Dune spoken right before he breaks the poison-filled tooth, his wisdom and courage shine through. Leto sacrifices himself in an attempt to kill the Baron, which would fulfill his duty of keeping his house as well as Arrakis out of the Harkonnen’s rule. Unfortunately, the Baron survives, but the Duke’s act of bravery wasn’t done in vain, as he kills the Baron’s council.

Lady Jessica Atreides

“It’s good you’re up early. Father wants you in full dress before the Emperor’s herald arrives.” – “Paul needs to get off-world. You must have ways. You have smugglers, you have ships.”

Lady Jessica, one of the best characters in Dune, is far more than meets the eye. She is a layered character with a number of loyalties, but her first loyalty lies with Paul. Her first lines are very motherly, indicating exactly what is most important to her.

A reflection of her first lines, Lady Jessica’s final words in the movie emphasize her compassion for Paul. The fact that she went against the Bene Gesserit by giving birth to him in the first place says everything you need to know about how much she loves her son.


“I would not have let you hurt my friends.” – “This is only the beginning.”

Not having many lines in part one of the film, Chani is a mystical Fremen throughout most of it, thanks to Paul’s visions. Her first words demonstrate who she is outside of his visions. She’s sly in sneaking up on Paul, and by her words, she’s protective of and willing to fight for her people.

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Chani’s last line is the final line of the film. It’s a cliffhanger to Dune (Part Two). But it’s more than that. She alludes to what Paul has been through so far to merely be a prequel to his destiny. The life among the Fremen will impact him and change everything. It’s the start of something even Paul hasn’t seen coming.

Paul Atreides

“Full dress? Military?” – “Desert power.”

In the beginning, Paul is depicted as a boy who doesn’t feel ready to follow in his father’s footsteps or take on a powerful role. These first words show that through his lack of knowledge, as he questions what to wear. He has a far way to go to become the leader he’s meant to be.

Paul’s last words represent just how far he’s come from the beginning of the film. Seeing the power of the desert in full form, Paul is astonished by it. He changes over the course of the film, accepting the role that he needs to play in Arrakis and knowing that he’s on the right path. But as Chani reminds him, “This is only the beginning.”

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