There are many things to love about the movie Dune, which brings an epic sensibility to Frank Herbert’s densely packed novel about imperial politics, resource extraction, and the heavy burden of duty. One of those is the casting of Timothée Chalamet as the young Paul Atreides, who has to shoulder the burden of leading the family after his father’s brutal death.

However, not everyone was enamored of his performance and casting, and a number of users at Reddit have weighed in with some unpopular opinions about Chalamet’s interpretation of this very important character.


He’s Miscast

Most basically, one user pointed out that they thought he was essentially miscast for the role, going on to ask “What’s with the whisper voice he does?” Clearly, they felt that part of the problem was Chalamet’s delivery of his lines.

But a number of other posters pointed out that in many ways he was a good choice for the role, since he brought the right amount of strength and vulnerability that are key elements of Paul as he grows and matures throughout the movie, and he ultimately became one of Chalamet’s most likable characters.

He’s Too Conventional

User Sandy841 had a much more specific criticism about Chalamet’s casting, pointing out that he is “he’s far, far too conventional for Paul which is bad for the novel of Dune being represented.”

However, this criticism ignores the important fact that Chalamet is in fact a rather unconventional actor. While he has played some likable characters during his career, he also become particularly known for playing young men that are tortured or are outcasts from the world that surrounds them, neither of which are especially conventional.

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His Speech Pattern Near The End Is Jarring

User u/Rosehipblue took a more specific criticism toward the way that Chalamet’s Paul was written, specifically referring to the end. They thought that the way he spoke to Jessica about the desert “felt so forced and awkward.”

However, as they also acknowledge, this is a pivotal scene in that it demonstrates Paul’s awareness that his old way of looking at the world will slowly be supplanted by a new consciousness of the desert and its specific demands. It is thus a natural extension of what has come before.

He Was Very Wooden In His Acting

Chalamet’s acting is a repeated target for many Reddit users, including u/bibby_lads72 who argues that “I thought he did just fine. Not bad, but not good either,” further suggesting that his acting was wooden. This ignores two important things that must be kept in mind.

First, in the novel, Paul’s chapters do tend to be a bit distant, as he constantly struggles with his identity as the chosen one. Second, what this user sees as woodenness can instead be seen as Chalamet’s intensity as he captures Paul’s deep existential struggle.

Kyle MacLachlan Was Better

Even though David Lynch’s Dune is one of the strangest science fiction movies ever made (it has a lot of differences from the 2021 version), Kyle MacLachlan is usually seen as one of its highlights. This is clearly what u/Faithless_Edward also believes, since they note that “Kyle had a mixed look of young heir to throne, but maturity as well.”

While it may be true that MacLachlan has his own screen presence, he also looked far older than his character was, while Chalamet–with his youthful and boyish features–is poised to bring out the vulnerability that Paul often exhibits.

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He Has No Presence As An Actor

Given that Paul is one of the most powerful characters in the movie, it’s necessary for him to have a lot of presence. Unfortunately, for Rosehipblueu that is simply not the case, because Chalamet is “Boring, no presence at all.”

Other users were quick to disagree, as from their point of view there was an undeniable charisma to Chalamet’s performance that allowed them to see him both inhabiting the role as Herbert wrote it and also bringing out hidden depths and complexities.

He Was Too Detached

Along with the criticisms that Chalamet’s Paul was too detached, some Redditors such as catcatdoggy argued that he was “Too detached” and that they “Never really rooted for him.”

As users pointed out, it’s rather hard to support that argument in the movie itself, since there is a powerful intensity to Chalamet’s performance, once that becomes more pronounced as the movie goes on and he endures the loss of his family as well as the terrible realization of what he will have to do as the chosen one.

His Performance In The Tent Scene Was Too Understated

User queen-of-quartz enjoyed many aspects of the movie and many aspects of the scene, but they were left underwhelmed by the pivotal scene in the tent. According to them, “ I thought they should have made what happened in the tent more clear,” going on to suggest that the movie should have shown more rather than telling.

However, this criticism ignores the fact that the scene in question intends to convey just how much the revelations weigh on Paul, as he has to contend with the reality of being the person who will lead humanity into the future.

He’s Overexposed

Cdh869 brings up the point that Chalamet has been in quite a lot of movies and that, as a result, “He’s a good actor but I’m feeling a bit tired of him.”

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However, this ignores the fact that it’s only natural that Chalamet would be in so many roles, given that he is one of the very few young male actors with big-name recognition and star power, all of which he brings to bear as his role as Paul Atreides.

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