Dune (2021) is an epic hero’s journey t1hat focuses on the story of Paul Atreides. He’s a powerful young man born into a great destiny that he doesn’t understand or wants to fulfill. However, he must accept his fate to ensure the future of his family and his people.

Being the movie’s protagonist, Paul is given a wide range of things to say. From wondering if he’s not the future of House Atreides to his road leading to the desert, Paul has a number of memorable quotes throughout the film that advances the narrative or reveals key aspects of his complex personality.


“What If I’m Not, Dad? The Future Of House Atreides.”

Paul asks this after Duke Leto speaks to him about the political danger they will face on Arrakis. His father wishes for him to sit on the council beside him. But Paul sees his father’s struggles and hardships and doesn’t long to be the future Duke.

In one of the best quotes in DuneLeto claims the role will call to Paul. In a heartwarming moment, Leto reassures Paul by saying that even if he doesn’t take the title, Paul will still be the only thing Leto needs him to be: “His son.” Then, he foreshadows Paul’s future by saying maybe Paul will find his own way to the role, which he eventually does on Arrakis.

 “They See What They’ve Been Told To See.”

Upon their arrival to Arrakis, the Atreides hear chants of “Lisan al-Gaib!” (Voice from the Outerworld). Jessica explains to Paul that this is the Fremen name for the messiah and that it means the Bene Gesserit have been to Arrakis, setting a path for him. In one of Lady Jesica’s best quotes in Dune, she says that the people see him, and they see the signs.

Paul comes back in disagreement with this quote. He does not believe himself to be Lisan al-Gaib. He feels like a piece in the Bene Gesserit’s plan to bring forth a mind to lead them into a better future that’s been predetermined for him without his knowledge or consent. It’s another destiny that he inherited, and at this point in the movie, he doesn’t want it.

“You Admire Them.”

Upon his return from time spent among the Fremen, Duncan excitedly gives Paul a Fremen-made paracompass. He tells him of their ingenuity with items, such as stillsuits and sand compactors. Duncan states that he admires their adaptability to the desert.

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Paul seems intrigued by Duncan’s feelings for the Fremen. Having dreamt of them and taking the time to learn about them, Paul is no doubt envious of Duncan’s experience with the Fremen. He seeks the answers to his dreams and the girl that he keeps seeing in them.

“It’s Confusing. I Thought I Saw My Death, Only It Wasn’t. “

After the incident with the sandcrawler, Paul confides in his mother that he had a vision, with his eyes wide open. He explains some things are indirect, like the knife, while others are crystal clear, like his mother’s pregnancy.

Paul’s power comes to fruition as he sets foot on the desert sand and inhales the spice. He’s becoming what the Bene Gesserit sought to create. However, Paul doesn’t know what some of it means. And that’s what frightens him the most. It’s almost as if something foreign is waking in his mind and taking control of him.

“I See A Holy War Spreading Across The Universe Like Unquenchable Fire.”

After Paul and his mother intuit Duke Leto’s death, Paul inhales some spice that seeped into the tent he and Jessica hide out in. He has a vision of the future, most of which contains this war.

The vision is almost like an out-of-body experience. Paul is yet again seeing a vision with his eyes wide open. It’s especially terrifying because the war is fought in his name and because it seems as though he’s lost to himself in the vision until his outburst towards Jessica. He senses a bloody conflict coming soon, and he knows he’ll play a part in it.

“You Did This To Me. Your Bene Gesserit Made Me A Freak!”

Place exclaims this to Jessica after having a powerful vision of the battle to come. The vision is a terrifying sequence of images that bring out the power in him, causing him to use The Voice on his mother after seeing it.

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With probably the best relationship in Dune, Paul and Jessica don’t have a typical mother-son connection. They share an intense bond through their power, and they would risk their lives for each other. It’s rare to see Paul act like an average teenage boy, blaming his mom for what he is (although, technically, it is her fault). But his grief and fear build up to the point where she’s the only one around that he can release it.

“And Yet You Risk Your Life To Help Us.”

After finding Paul and Jessica in the desert, Duncan conveys what Harkonnen’s been up to and makes it known what side the Emperor is on. Liet, as Judge of the Change, is a supposed neutral party. When Jessica inquires into her knowledge, Liet replies that she is forbidden to say anything.

Paul is quick with this comeback. He begins to take control of his destiny at this point. With his father gone and his power coming to life, Paul starts to see things in a new light. He sees that there’s more than meets the eye with Liet. She isn’t as much of a neutral party as she claims to be, and he calls her out on it.

“Only Together Can They Stand A Chance Against The Imperium.”

After finally coming to grips with the role he needs to play, Paul believes he can accomplish what his Dad could not. But he needs some help from Liet. He thinks she can help his ally with the Fremen.

When Paul says their only chance to succeed is to work together, it comes full circle with what Duke Leto told him at the beginning of the film. They can only conquer the Emperor through alliances. Air power, sea power, and desert power combined will overwhelm and defeat the Emperor and bring peace to the world.

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“My Road Leads Into The Desert.”

One of the most powerful quotes in Dune is also one of the last lines spoken. Paul says where his future lies to his mother, Stilgar, and the rest of the Fremen. As Jessica lobbies to get him off Arrakis, Paul refuses with this as part of his retort.

Paul knows, by this part of the movie, that he needs to stay on Arrakis. It is his destiny to rule the desert planet. He sees it in his visions and hears it through the Bene Gesserit ancestors’ whispers in his head. In this instance, Paul accepts his fate and leans into it.

“My Father Came, Not For Spice, Not For The Riches, But For The Strength Of Your People.”

Paul says this to the Fremen as part of the reason why he wants to remain on Arrakis. He puts it out there when his mother attempts to get him off-planet. Paul announces it with strength and integrity just as his father would.

The quote is hard to argue with, as seen when Jessica doesn’t say anything in response. She knows it’s true, and she won’t stop him. Paul wishes to finish what his father started. He wants to earn the trust and gain the strength of the Fremen. And he wants the Atreides name to live on, to honor his father.

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