It’s possible to mix and match character classes in Dungeons & Dragons, and there are some options that are better than others. The ability to multiclass grants characters access to a mixture of abilities that they normally wouldn’t be able to possess, at the cost of reaching high-level abilities slower than characters who only take levels in a single class.

In Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, multiclassing gave characters access to multiple classes at once, with their experience points being divided equally between separate pools. In the third edition and the current edition of D&D, the character can choose to take a level in a different class, rather than continuing down a single path. In combat and exploration-themed campaigns, it’s usually advised to stick with one class, especially as there are a number of D&D subclasses that offer abilities that act like other classes, such as the Eldritch Knight giving spells to a Fighter.


Not every player wants to walk down the same path as everyone else. There are some characters who master different skills, by taking levels in multiple classes. And there are some multiclass options that are extremely potent in Dungeons & Dragons, with ability mixtures that complement each other, allowing the character to keep up with the solo level party members.

Great D&D Multiclass Option: Fighter/Rogue – The Efficient Killer

Fighter/Rogue has been one of the best multiclassing combinations, dating back to the days of Fighter/Thief in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. In 5e, this combination mixes the bulk, extra actions, and instant healing of the Fighter class, with the Sneak Attack damage bonus, free Disengage/Dash, and damage reduction/avoidance of the Rogue. This mixture of moves makes the Fighter Rogue an amazing choice in parties with additional melee fighters, as they can pile on the damage when brawling alongside their buddies.

Great D&D Multiclass Combination: Bard/Sorcerer – The Song & The Silence

It’s generally not the best idea to mix and match primary spellcasting classes in Dungeons & Dragons, as the player will want to hit the higher-level spells as quickly as possible. The Bard/Sorcerer offsets this with its incredible utility, tied to sharing the same primary attribute (Charisma). The Bard levels give the character a number of healing and buff spells, while Sorcerers get offensive spells and Metamagic. It mostly depends on how far the player wants to go in each class, as a full 50/50 split isn’t as beneficial as a small dip. A Bard-focused character will still have the benefits of Metamagic abilities that stay relevant throughout the character’s run, most notably Heightened Spell, Quickened Spell, and Subtle Spell. A Sorcerer-focused character will have the benefits of armor/weapon proficiencies (through the College of Valor), a ton of skill bonuses, and plenty of healing options.

Great D&D Multiclassing Combo: Paladin/Warlock – Serving Heaven & Hell

The idea of a Paladin/Warlock existing seems contradictory and it would take some creative writing to have one that makes sense within the lore of the game. What makes this combination so powerful from a gameplay standpoint is the Warlock’s ability to regain spell slots from a short rest. The Paladin’s Divine Smite ability is powered by spell slots and being able to restore them easily is a huge benefit, as solo Paladins normally only restore spell slots from long rests. The extra healing powers, heavy armor proficiency, Fighting Style, and ability to sense supernatural beings mean that it’s worthwhile for a Paladin to fall to the dark side, and form a pact with one of the otherworldly monsters of the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse.

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