The monsters that exist within the world of Dungeons & Dragons are undeniably diverse and unique. Some of them are enormous, some are barely the size of humans. Some are incredibly intelligent, and others don’t even have brains. And it seems as if every single one of them chooses to torment their victims in a singular and terrifying way.

And while most people can’t relate to these monsters on any real level, it’s hard to deny that their traits represent some of the darkest traits of human beings. With that in mind, which D&D monster would you be, according to your zodiac sign?

12 Aries – Tarrasque

The Tarrasque is arguably the scariest monster to encounter in all of Dungeons & Dragons. In terms of sheer size, force, and might, nothing can compare to this gargantuan terror.

Like an Aries, no other being can truly match the Tarrasque’s ferocity, and if anyone ever finds themselves in a showdown with an Aries or Tarrasque, they should expect to lose.

11 Taurus – Gelatinous Cube

Dungeons & Dragons is full of bizarre and hard to defeat creatures, but the one that symbolizes the Taurus most clearly has got to be the Gelatinous Cube.

This utterly unfathomable thing is exactly what it sounds like, a cube of jelly that slowly eats anything it comes into contact with. The same could be metaphorically said for Tauruses. Although they might seem harmless, if anyone tries to devour them they’ll likely be the one devoured.


10 Gemini – Beholder

One of the creepiest D&D monsters to look at has got to be the Beholder, and one of the creepiest parts about it is that it’s always looking right back.

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This cluster of eyes is much like the Gemini, a sign that can move from idea to idea in, well, the blink of an eye. Each eye has a different power, and this intelligent beast knows how to use every one of them.

9 Cancer – Yuan-Ti

Cancers definitely have a reputation for being the most emotional of the zodiac signs, so the monster of Dungeons & Dragons that represents them best is one that thrives on emotional manipulation to achieve it’s ends.

The Yuan-Ti is one such emotional manipulator, one that inspires fear and doubt in it’s quarries in order to subjugate them.

8 Leo – Dragon

Given that they’re included in the title of the game, it seems safe to assume that Dragons are an incredibly important mythical creature in D&D.

And as anyone would expect, they’re one of the fiercest and most fiery foes in the game. Like a Leo, the Dragons are always at the front and center, and it’s hard to match their intimidation factor.

7 Virgo – Rust Monster

As far as D&D monsters go, this one is actually relatively benign. It looks terrifying, but it’s a creature that won’t attack unless provoked.

Like a Virgo, it’s not naturally very aggressive, but if anyone is unlucky enough to bring out it’s aggressive side then they’d better just pray that they survive.

6 Libra – Hag

Hags are an absolute icon in the D&D world, and with good reason. Hags are excellent tricksters and mind manipulators, and they can often mentally mess with their opponents before defeating them.

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Librans have similar intellectual and argumentative skills, they know how to put doubts and questions into people’s heads without anyone ever being the wiser.

5 Scorpio – Lich

Liches are one of the most intimidating monsters in Dungeons & Dragons, in no small part because they used to be human. Liches are sorcerers who have used their power to make themselves immortal.

And honestly, if Scorpio had that kind of power under their control, they’d likely do the same thing, regardless of what dark consequences might befall them.

4 Sagittarius – Owlbear

The Owlbear is exactly what it sounds like, a bear with the head of an owl. It’s a ridiculous sight to behold for sure, and almost seems to be more entertaining than scary.

However, no one wants to raise the ire of an Owlbear. Owlbears are similar to Sagittarians in that sense, they might not seem that frightening from the outset, but if their temper is ignited, duck and cover.

3 Capricorn – Drow

In the world of D&D, the Drow are really the perfect representation of a Capricorn. These dark elves are some of the most powerful and resourceful creatures in their world, but all of their might is hidden beneath the surface.

And despite being the bad guys, the drow think of themselves as quite noble, just as even the worst Capricorn would.

2 Aquarius – Storm Giant

Storm Giants are a unique class of Giants in D&D. They’re fearsome creatures to be sure, but they are also thoughtful, solitary beings who like to watch the world from afar rather than take part in it.

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Aquarians are similar to Storm Giants in that they love to look at the world from their own singular perspective, and they are capable of insights that most other people are not.

1 Pisces – Mind Flayer

The Mind Flayer is arguably the most powerful psychic beast in the entire D&D world, so it’s only right that the most psychic of all the signs, Pisces, is represented by it.

Mind Flayers also have access to all different planes of reality, which is a feeling that most Pisceans, who tend to have a fascination with the otherworldy, can relate to.

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