Sam “Sammy Jo” Jones has been a recurring character since the pilot episode of the Dynasty reboot. Sam is an openly gay man who is often friendly and loves partying. At the start of the series, he was seen as irresponsible and lazy but he improved a lot and even became a hotel owner, thanks to good guidance from his older friend Anders.

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Despite being from a poor background, Sammy managed to integrate himself perfectly into the Carrington lifestyle. But after his divorce from Blake’s son Steven, his love life hasn’t been so smooth. Here are a couple of other things you might not have known about him.

10 Ichthyophobia

Sammy suffers from Ichthyophobia. This is the fear of fish. Individuals suffering from Ichthyophobia can neither tolerate dead or living fish. This fear mostly stems from some form of trauma that was experienced during childhood.

Sammy’s fear was revealed in Season 3’s first episode titled “Guilt Trip To Alaska.” In the episode, a couple of bodies, together with fish, were pulled from the lake at the Carrington Estate. This led to a major scandal that was covered by the media. Sammy revealed his fear after the bodies were pulled out.

9 He Is A Taylor Swift Fan

Sammy is a huge fan of pop star Taylor Swift. This little detail came to light in the Season 3 episode “You Make Being a Priest Sound Like Something Bad.” The title comes from the flirting session between the Chaplain at Atlanta General Hospital, Father Collins, and Blake’s wife Cristal.

In the episode, Fallon performed a rather chaotic duet with Donna during the opening of the Carrington Clinic. It is during this opening that Sammy revealed his love for Taylor Swift. Hopefully, Taylor might make a cameo one day. There have been a few celeb cameos so far, including singer Ashanti.


8 Appearances On The Show

Even though he is a supporting character, Sammy has appeared in every single episode of the Dynasty reboot. The only other characters who have been favored like Sammy by the writing team are the multi-millionaire Blake Carrington and his daughter Fallon Carrington.

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However, ever since they were introduced in Season 2, Cristal and Adam Carrington haven’t failed to appear in every episode. Jeff Colby has been mentioned in all episodes but he hasn’t appeared physically in some.

7 He Looks Up To Danny Trejo

In Season 3’s second last episode titled “Robin Rescues,” Sammy sympathized with Ramy and admitted that the only reason he was better off was that married rich. Otherwise, he would still be stealing from people in Venezuela by breaking into their houses through air vents. He also added that he’d still be spending his days watching Danny Trejo movies.

Later in the episode, Sammy had hallucinations involving Trejo while lying inside a private jet. Trejo encouraged him to let his inner confidence out. As a result, Sammy gained courage and managed to rescue Blake and Anders from captivity in Moldavia.

6 He Hates Being Called Sammy Jo

Even though other characters frequently refer to him as Sammy Jo, he isn’t too fond of that name. He prefers being called by the full name Sam Jones. The witty Fallon even made fun of him once, telling him that Sam Jones didn’t sound cool at all and that he’d struggle to get partners if he introduced himself that way.

Sammy has been seen correcting people in regards to his name in several episodes. Perhaps it’s time he just accepted it. Or perhaps its time the other characters respected his noun preferences and stopped calling him Sammy Jo.

5 Moving To The US

Sammy grew up in Caracas, Venezuela. He traveled to the US to attend the wedding ceremony Celia and Blake Carrington. Sammy actually traveled to the US illegally to attend the wedding.

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During the ceremony, he had a one night stand with Steven. The two eventually fell in love and got married. This was when Sammy began the process of becoming a US citizen legally. Unfortunately, their love dwindled and they soon got a divorce. However, Sammy chose to remain in the US.

4 His Age And Birthday

Sammy was born on December 9th. This is a detail he mentions during Blake’s birthday. His exact year of birth is not known, though in the episode titled “Robin Hood Rescues,” he also mentions that he is in his thirties.

This would place his year of birth somewhere in the late ’80s, given how young he looks. Sammy is also said to be just a little older than Fallon who is in her late twenties.

3 Romances

Sammy has been romantically involved with six people since the start of the series. His first lover was Steven Carrington who he married and divorced. He then had a one night stand with Ted, a drug addict who also happened to be Steven’s former lover. Fearing that he was a bad influence, Blake gave Ted money and ordered him to stay away from Steven.

Sammy was also seen kissing a male nanny that he hired named Manuel. He also kissed Colin. Sam also got involved with a PR consultant named Fletcher Myers. He is currently married to an exotic dancer named Ryan, whose stage name is Scorpio.

2 He Is A Good Dancer

Sammy’s dancing skills are above those of the average man. It’s thus not surprising that he ended up marrying an exotic dancer. Sammy first showcased his dancing skills in Season One’s midseason finale titled “Rotten Things.”

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The episode had many firsts. It was the first episode where the Yoruba language was spoken by the multilingual Jeff Colby. It was also the first episode where Fallon and Steven sang. The siblings did a duet of the Christmas Carol “Good King Wenceslas”.

1 Gender Shift

In the original Dynasty series, Sammy Jo was a woman. She married Steven Carrington and even had a son with him despite the fact that he was gay. She was also white as compared to Sammy on the reboot who is Hispanic.

Sammy in the original series was also related to Cristal, just like in the reboot. She was Cristal’s niece. The producers saw it fit to make Sammy a gay man in order to keep up with the changing times.

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