Dynasty focuses on one of the richest dynasties in the modern world, a family that is part of the 1% of the wealthiest people in the world. In The CW’s on-going reboot, there are plenty of controversial characters with questionable morals, but it also doesn’t lack good-hearted ones that give some balance to the show.

The Carrington family is filled with toxic people, which is why its members face some serious problems with the law in season 3. However, some good characters occasionally bring moving scenes and heart-warming actions. Keep reading below to find out who the most good-hearted and most toxic characters are.

10 Steven Carrington

Steven is one of the most progressive characters in the show, despite his privilege as part of the Carrington dynasty. He’s not afraid to give up his possessions to pursue a fight for the right cause, whether it’s about the environment or human rights. This trait is the one that caused most of the conflict between him and his father.

He has made some mistakes, such as his drug addiction, however, he always tries to be a better person and as human as possible.

9 Sam Jones

Sammy Jo, much like his ex-husband, Steven, is one of the most peaceful, gentle, and quiet characters in the series. He never wishes to cause harm to anyone, and he cares about doing the right thing and fighting for the right cause, as he often shows while working in his hotel in season 3.

Sam doesn’t manipulate or lie to people as he’s always straightforward about what he wants, he might be the least toxic character in the whole series.


8 Liam Ridley

Liam also has a good heart, and he was only introduced in the reboot. He cares deeply for the people around him, and takes care and supports his loved ones – as he shows in his relationship with Fallon.

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Unlike most of the other characters, Liam isn’t a toxic person and doesn’t like playing games with people. He always says what’s on his mind and is honest.

7 Michael Culhane

Michael Culhane has suffered many injustices on behalf of the Carrington Atlantic company, the death of his father being one of them.

He’s not always perfect and gentle, but there’s no doubt he has a good heart, as he cares about the consequences of his actions on people, unlike many of the characters of the show. He is a good person and someone who deeply cares about justice and honesty.

6 Fallon Carrington

Although Fallon certainly isn’t an angel, she’s also not a bad person. She used to be blind by her desire to impress her father, however, she eventually realizes that he doesn’t represent what everyone thinks.

Especially in season 3, Fallon begins her path to redemption, as she drifts away from her father, for which she’s haunted by remorse and guilt. She begins to make up for her mistakes and doesn’t give up on trying, even when it’s difficult.

5 Dominique Deveraux

Dominique is quite difficult to read, as you never really know who she’s siding with or why. In season 3, it’s finally clear that the true reason she came back to Atlanta is to get her stepdaughter a record deal.

Despite occasionally showing her most human and motherly side, Dominique remains a bad person for using all of her children for her selfish purposes, even when they openly confront her about her mistakes.

4 Cristal Jennings Carrington

In the first episodes of season two, Cristal seemed to be a nourishing and genuine person, someone even capable of helping Blake become a better person.

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Yet, later on, when Blake murders his ex-hitman, she is as an accomplice. She starts going along with Blake’s manipulative schemes and selfish actions, becoming just as deploring and disappointing as him.

3 Adam Carrington

Adam is the most problematic Carrington, given his traumatic childhood, as he was kidnapped and raised away from his biological family. He’s manipulative, selfish, evil, and scheming – for instance, he almost killed Liam Ridley, drove Steven Carrington insane, and poisoned Jeff Colby (and he has also done many other awful things).

In season 3, especially when he temporarily loses his sight, it’s easy to emphasize with him, however, Adam needs psychological help from a professional if he wants to become a better person.

2 Alexis Carrington Colby

Alexis has done multiple despicable things, such as abandoning her children, hiring (and sleeping with) an actor to portray her long-lost son, Adam, contributing to Cristal Flores’ death, causing Cristal Jennings’ abortion, and killing Mark.

She does have a heart, as she shows when she manages to connect with her children, however, most of the time it is in the wrong place. Through her cunning stratagems, she has deceived people around her so often that lying became her standard procedure for nearly everything – moreover, she’s one of the most selfish characters in Dynasty.

1 Blake Carrington

Blake is easily the worst and most toxic character on the show. He’s selfish, manipulative, and cold. All he cares about is maintaining his assets and public image. His company frequently causes damage to citizens and breaks the law, however, Blake has neither tried to make up for his mistakes nor shown remorse.

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Besides being a greedy businessman, he’s also a terrible father, husband, and person – he has even occasionally killed – Mac, for instance.

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