There are many different enemies that will attack players in The Last of Us Part 2. Whether it is dealing with normal hostile humans or those infected with Cordyceps virus, players will spend a lot of time fighting for their lives. Humans with guns are bad enough, but the pure terror that the games infected can instill makes them truly formidable enemies.

One of the more difficult infected variants that players will encounter on their travels are Shamblers. These enemies did not appear in the first game, so players are facing off against them now for the very first time. Players will need to avoid their powerful area of effect attacks and the army of infected that they usually bring with them. This guide will show players how to bring Shamblers down as easily as possible.


The Last of Us Part 2: How to Kill Shamblers

The biggest thing that players will need to worry about while facing off against Shamblers is that they usually travel in packs of two or three and they have a deadly area of effect attack. Once a Shambler gets close to a player they will release a cloud of acidic gas that damages the players continuously and obscures their vision. Getting hit by this attack is worrisome because it will blind the player and leave them open to attacks from other infected. The best idea is to fight these enemies in an open area and keep a sizable amount of distance between the player and them.

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There is also usually a group of Runners and Clickers that hang around Shamblers. Before facing off against the more threatening creatures, players should try their best to silently take out these smaller infected. This will stop them from being able to swarm the player and cutting off their escape.

Once all other infected have been dealt with the player should focus on using their explosive weapons first like molotovs or pipe bombs. These are capable of causing a significant amount of damage against Shamblers and will momentarily stun them. If the player is controlling Ellie, they can also lead Shamblers down a hallway rigged with proximity bombs. This will take care of them fairly easily, and allow Ellie to survive without using much ammo. If the player decides to use their guns, then they should focus on using their shotgun or rifle, as the pistols are almost completely useless against a Shambler’s armor.

The Last of Us Part 2 can be played on PlayStation 4.

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