Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls is one of the most iconic video game series created, with five installments and an online campaign with an ongoing quest. The most recent game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, was released almost a decade ago in November 2011. Despite the ten-year gap in new content, Elder Scrolls fans remain active in the community, creating videos, discussing lore and theorizing about an eventual Elder Scrolls 6.

In 2018, Bethesda announced that The Elder Scrolls 6 was currently in development. No further updates were given until Dec. 31, when Bethesda tweeted out a photo of Skyrim with the caption, “Transcribe the past and map the future.” While fans have analyzed the tweet for meaning about The Elder Scrolls 6, nothing has been confirmed by Bethesda. Though Starfield will likely be the focus of Bethesda’s upcoming E3 showcase, fans hope to learn at least a little more information about the next Elder Scrolls game.


Each installment in The Elder Scrolls takes place in a different country, with the exception of Arena. The first Elder Scrolls game, released in 1994, takes players through every region of Tamriel. The Elder Scrolls II – V take place in the regions of High Rock, Morrowind, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim. One major thing these regions have in common is that they are native homes to the various races of humans in the Elder Scrolls universe. While the current top theory favors Hammerfell as the setting of Elder Scrolls 6, it’s time to bring players to a region that houses a non-human race.

Elder Scrolls 6 Setting: Enter Elsweyr

Elsweyr is a southern region in Tamriel, nestled between Valenwood and the Black Marsh. It is native to the Khajiit, the cat-like race in The Elder Scrolls. In the existing game, Khajiit are traveling merchants who are highly distrusted by the citizens around them, as it is believed most Khajiit are thieves. Players have not been able to visit Elsweyr since Arena, but what is known about the land and culture shows it would make an engaging setting for an Elder Scrolls game, and would be a nice change of pace from Nordic Skyrim in The Elder Scrolls 6.

Elsweyr is split into two primary regions. Most of the country is arid badlands, while the southernmost portion is a lush jungle. While there is a society of aristocrats in the south, the harsh weather of the desert is what gives the Khajiit their nomadic nature. Though originally founded by a monarchy, the region is governed by a religious figurehead called the Mane, who is charged with keeping peace and ensuring Elsweyr remains neutral in international political matters. Through the four eras in Tamriel history, Elsweyr has remained largely unaffected by grand-scale war, having only minor coups, skirmishes, and occupation attempts to contend with.

The third chapter of Elder Scrolls Online is set in Elsweyr, giving players a taste of what gameplay in that region could look like. In the main quest, Empress Euraxia, with the help of necromancers and dragons, has taken the northern region of Elsweyr. As part of that story, it is revealed that Khamira, the Mane’s aid, is the proper queen of Elsweyr. A land that recently went through a hostile occupation and is currently working through a transition of leadership would create a fertile story ground for Elder Scrolls fans as well as give insight into a new, non-human based culture in the world of Tamriel, which makes it an ideal setting for The Elder Scrolls 6.

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