Despite making a valiant effort in bringing the mainline Elder Scrolls experience to an MMO setting, Elder Scrolls Online is lacking in one thing that is beloved by many fans – the ability to bring companions along during adventures. Companions have been a core feature of the series for years, with many memorable favorites appearing in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimESO is lagging behind in this area, boasting only two companions in Mirri and Bastian, compared to the dozens that have appeared in Bethesda’s other games.

Mirri and Bastian are fine characters in their own right, but when compared to Skyrim’s massive amount of potential followers, ESO‘s selection looks bare-bones at best. Considering that The Elder Scrolls is known for massive worlds and plenty of character options, it especially stands out as limited. It is even more noticeable when one considers that there are several perfectly good characters around the game’s world that have the potential to be fantastic companions.


There are a few names that stick out more than others in terms of potential followers for the Vestige, but it is hard to deny that there are some excellent candidates in the world of Elder Scrolls Online. The game could certainly use more variety in companions, and players should have a pick from all sorts of potential followers. Perhaps one day the developers will add more companions, and if so, then the following characters may be a good place to start.

Zamarak The Khajit Monk Could Be A Thoughtful ESO Ally

Khajit haven’t had major roles in Elder Scrolls games. Even Skyrim only has two potential Khajit followers. Considering how popular Khajit are with the fanbase, adding a few more as potential companions would be a smart move on the part of the developers. If any Khajit in the game would be under consideration, one would think that Zamarak, the monk from Elsweyr, would be one of the most prominent options.

Zamarak already has a decent argument for being a companion in Elder Scrolls Online, since he does accompany the player for a few missions over the course of the game already. A highly religious monk who seeks atonement for his previous failures as a royal guard, Zamarak has a strong and distinct character that gives him a unique hook. He has already proven himself to be an impressive fighter despite his pacifist preferences, so there is no concern over his viability as an adventuring partner. In addition, Zamarak carries a lot of sorrow, much like a certain mournful giant from Skyrim. Playing off of this, he could have a personal quest revolving around finding his own way to atone for failing to protect the royal family who had relied on him.

Zamarak could make for a very thought-provoking companion. He could try to lead the Vestige towards peaceful solutions to their problems when necessary, and his affinity could be raised by common acts of kindness and resolving situations without bloodshed. For Elder Scrolls Online players who like having a calm-minded voice of reason around, Zamarak would fulfill the role brilliantly.

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Gabrielle Benele Could Be A Powerful ESO Mage Companion

Elder Scrolls Online already has a companion capable of using magic in the form of Bastian, however, he is more of a jack-of-all-trades type of fighter who can employ both magic and melee in combat. Elder Scrolls has not always had impressive magic, but for the sake of variety, adding a pure mage companion with a wider spell selection may be a decent move. Thankfully, the game already introduces the Vestige to one such character in the form of Gabrielle Benele, a quirky mage that the player meets in their travels.

Gabrielle is a devoted scholar who has a taste for the bizarre that she is more than willing to share. She embraces trying to find magical solutions to any problem, and that sort of thinking makes her an ideal option as a mage companion. Finding treasure and experimenting with magic items would be a surefire way to raise the player’s rapport with her. In addition, her inquisitive mind and quirky personality could lend her to provide some amusing chatter during her adventures with the Vestige. Not to mention, her ingenuity could lead to plenty of new Elder Scrolls spells and magic.

Gabrielle is perfectly designed to act as a companion who is not only useful, but just fun to have around. She could be enthusiastic about heading into new areas in Elder Scrolls Online, and scouring her spellbooks for what she thinks is the perfect spell for any occasion. Not to mention, considering how much effort she puts into studying magic, there is plenty of potential for her ultimate companion ability to be quite the spectacle, both in effectiveness and flair. With all of these assets, Gabrielle would undoubtedly make for an excellent companion.

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Naryu Virian Could Be The Perfect Elder Scrolls Companion

When it comes to concepts for companions in Elder Scrolls Online, one of the most obvious picks would have to be Naryu Virian. She is an assassin and member of the Morag Tong, an enemy of Elder Scrolls‘ Dark Brotherhood. Naryu proves herself over and over again to be a very solid ally of the Vestige despite her shady occupation and associations. Possessing impeccable charm as well as lethal assassination talents, Naryu is a very well-rounded person to bring along for an adventure. Plus, with her already having great rapport with the Vestige, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch for her to tag along with them. In addition, considering her job as an assassin, traveling the realm would be a good way for her to keep a low profile.

Naryu already has a great dynamic with the Vestige that could be expanded upon with her as a companion. She has a fun flirtatious rapport with them, and many would like her as a marriage option in Elder Scrolls Online. In addition, her deadly talents would make her an extremely useful ally in a fight. There is even potential to give her abilities that make her very likely to get critical hits with her skillful bladework, or perhaps an ultimate skill that can kill an enemy outright. Her approval of the Vestige could rise through displays of combat prowess and crafty thinking, letting them prove themselves worthy in her fields of expertise.

Zenimax and Bethseda should already be well aware of Naryu’s popularity, with her starring in the trailer for the Morrowind expansion pack as well as making a decent amount of merchandise for her. Surely the benefits of making her a full-fledged companion should be obvious, as much of the playerbase would be ecstatic about the announcement. Whatever may be planned for Elder Scrolls Online‘s future roadmaps, Zenimax would be wise to realize how popular such a move would be. With her many talents, great personality, and massive popularity, if any character in Elder Scrolls Online should be a companion, then Naryu Virian is the one.

Elder Scrolls Online was plenty of opportunities to add new options for companions, and there are more than just the three listed above. Adventuring through a world as large as Tamriel is always more fun with a companion, both for utility and roleplaying. Hopefully one day soon, the Vestige will be able to recruit more friends in their travels.

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