Throughout the course of Ender Lilies players will have many difficult challenges that they will need to go up against if they hope to see the game through to the end. Many of the enemies that the player encounters are extremely powerful and those who aren’t quick-witted and fast on their feet will be cut down before they can get a hit in. Players must be prepared at all times for whatever the game decides to throw at them.

This is particularly true when it comes to facing off against Ender Lilies’ many different bosses. Each boss in the game has their own specific abilities that they bring to the table and players will need to employ several different strategies if they hope to bring them down for good. One such boss is Knight Captain Julius who players will have to fight against at the end of the Ruined Keep level. This guide shows players the best strategy for beating this boss.


Ender Lilies: Julius Boss Guide

Once players manage to make it to the very end of the Ruined Keep level they will face off against Knight Captain Julius. This boss moves quickly and its attack will deal a large amount of damage to the player if they land. Players must keep an eye on the boss and always be prepared to attack when they see an opening. Julius has several attacks that can be used against the player:

  • Lance Attack – Julius will lunge forward with his massive lance, and is capable of covering distances quickly to hit the player.
  • Slam Attack – Julius will take a step backward and then leap in the air before slamming down on the player.
  • Explosion – The boss will cause an explosion AOE attack that will drop the player’s health considerably.

All of Julius’ attacks and be parried by the player, which will allow the player to punish them using a series of melee attacks. If choosing to fight the boss in a melee battle the player should parry the Lance Attacks for sure as they are the easiest, and the Slam Attacks if they feel confident enough. The Explosion they should probably just try to avoid if possible. After parrying the attacks the player should respond by using a faster melee attack or melee skills in order to deal some quick damage and get away.

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If the player finds that they can’t parry the boss very well they can also choose to just use ranged attacks on it. Rather than parrying, they can just keep their distance and spam ranged skills whenever they have a chance to harm Julius. Dark Witch Eleine and Western Merchant skills in particular are great ones to use for this purpose.

Ender Lilies can be played on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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