It will hardly come as a surprise that Enola Holmes focuses primarily on the titular heroine played by Millie Bobby Brown. The young girl Enola is the one who solves the crimes and mysteries of the film and she’s also the one who calls the shots – most of the time, that is.

However, despite the importance of Enola for the story of the film, there’s no denying it wouldn’t work without the rest of the characters. Some of them are heroes who help Enola, others try to make her journey more difficult. But each of them is different so it’s only natural they would belong to different Hogwarts houses as well.

10 Lestrade: Hufflepuff

Hufflepuffs often have a strong moral sense of right and wrong, and do the best in their power to maintain the balance between the two. This is also what Inspector Lestrade does.

He believes he’s doing the right thing even when he chases Enola in order to bring her to her overbearing brother Mycroft. Lestrade’s actions aren’t always for the best but there’s no denying his intentions are good.

9 Linthorn: Slytherin

Linthorn is an assassin for hire whose task is to kill the young Viscount Tewkesbury. During his task, he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, no matter how many people he has to hurt or kill.

Linthorn is somewhat ‘Terminator-like’ in the way he’s relentlessly pursuing Tewkesbury and later Enola as well since the young girl thwarts his plan on more than one occasion. His lack of respect for human lives and determination clearly place him in Slytherin.


8 Viscount Tewkesbury: Hufflepuff

Viscount Tewkesbury could also potentially belong to Gryffindor, but Hufflepuffs suits him well. He’s not as smart as Enola and he sometimes causes more trouble than good. He’s the reason why Mycroft locks Enola up in the boarding school and also the reason why a dangerous killer goes after Enola.

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However, Tewkesbury is a good and loyal friend which he proves when he goes to the school, determined to help Enola escape. These two character traits – his loyalty and sense of humor – make Hufflepuff seem like a good fit for him. And whoever said that Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs weren’t a good match clearly never saw Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory together!

7 Mycroft Holmes: Slytherin

Somebody has to be the bad guy… And in Enola Holmes, it’s the oldest Holmes brother, Mycroft. Mycroft holds a high position in the British government. He seems to value his reputation more than the relationship with his little sister.

He’s overly strict toward Enola, in fact, he can be quite judgy and doesn’t show a lot of understanding to her. Probably because he’s much more inclined to follow societal conventions than the rest of his family who do what they want, no matter what other people think.

6 Eudoria Holmes: Gryffindor

Eudoria holds a special position in the movie. She’s the one who raised Enola, taught her everything the young girl knows. But she’s also the main reason why Enola begins her adventure and goes to London.

Eudoria has a goal, she wants to change the way women live, the limited rights they have – and she’s not afraid to risk to achieve this goal. She’s willing to do a lot and plays a dangerous game, showing the kind of bravery that would serve her well in Gryffindor.

5 The Dowager: Slytherin

The Dowager appears to be a kind, old lady, at first who’s genuinely concerned for her missing grandson, Tewkesbury. However, she’s the type of person who can show unexpected ruthlessness.

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Even though it looks like she loves her family, she’s willing to sacrifice their happiness in order to let society remain the way it is – ruled by men. Her dark ambition luckily ends up unfulfilled thanks to Enola who uncovers the Dowager’s plan in the end.

4 Edith: Gryffindor

Edith and Enola’s mother are both members of the same group, and as such, they also share similar goals as well as character traits. Edith possesses a lot of courage.

She best demonstrates this by leading her own business – which was unique in times when women were supposed to step back and let men control their lives. Edith also isn’t afraid to call Sherlock out when he comes to see her. Her sharp elbows and noble goals place her in Gryffindor.

3 Miss Harrison: Slytherin

Another person, besides Mycroft, who puts too much emphasis on the societal convention in the film is Miss Harrison. She leads the school for young women where Enola ends up – against her wishes.

Luckily, she manages to break out of the school and even steals Miss Harrison’s car. Miss Harrison might mean well as she genuinely believes the methods she teaches, but her blindness to the changes in the world and a hint of arrogance put her in Slytherin.

2 Enola Holmes: Ravenclaw

The youngest Holmes sibling is also one of the smartest characters of the film. She might be young but that doesn’t change the fact she’s well-educated, has read many books and can put her knowledge to good use.

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Enola is able to find her way out of situations and troubles that would stop countless other people. And she doesn’t lose her head even when she faces mortal dangers. If she continues in this direction, her intellect could one day be even more remarkable.

1 Sherlock Holmes: Ravenclaw

Unsurprisingly, Enola and her older brother Sherlock share many character traits – and they would also belong to the same Hogwarts house. Enola Holmes’s Sherlock doesn’t get as much space to prove his intelligence and deduction skills, but he’s already a famous detective by then.

And he probably hasn’t become a well-known name by accident. Sherlock could easily solve the problems Enola faces but instead, he steps back and lets his sister deal with them because he believes she can do it – unlike their older brother Mycroft.

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