Warning: Spoilers ahead for Avengers Mech Strike #3!

The Avengers are assembling to take on Kang on the Conquerer and their latest battle couldn’t be more different than the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s similar scene against Thanos. In Avengers Mech Strike #3, Kang has unleashed dinosaurs and aliens from the future against the Marvel superteam, who are fighting in their own mechs. The comic shows the big difference in Kang and Thanos’ fighting styles.

Avengers: Mech Strike has been an action-packed, chaotic series that sees Earth’s Mightiest Heroes get into their own specially designed mechs (created by Tony Stark) to face a new threat known as the biomechanoids. It turns out that Kang the Conqueror is responsible for the robot weapons, and after killing the Black Panther, the time-traveling villain overtook Avengers Mountain. In the series third issue, Kang showed how different his approach to taking on the Avengers is, as he opts to throw everything at them, opposed to Thanos, who took a more personal approach.


In Avengers: Mech Strikes #3 by Jed MacKay, Carlos Magno, Guru-eFX, and VC’s Cory Petit, the Avengers are reeling after losing Black Panther. To make matters worse, Kang’s machines corrupted the corpse of the Celestial in Avengers Mountain and shattered time. The Avengers are battling against a new age, fighting against both biomechanoids and dinosaurs. With all hope nearly lost, Captain America calls for the Avengers to assemble against Kang’s insane army, as the villain watches from above.

Kang’s strategy of sending down his minions to defeat the Avengers pales in comparison to what Thanos tried to accomplish in the MCU. The Mad Titan takes a much more personal approach, as he famously stated that “fine, I’ll do it myself,” after the Battle of New York failed. Even his own minions, the Black Order, have a personal connection to the Mad Titan. Thanos wanted to be front-and-center during his fight with the Avengers in Endgame. He led his personal army, even in defeat, trying to take down Marvel’s most powerful heroes by himself. Meanwhile, Kang, at this moment, is all about theater and spectacle. He might as well be eating popcorn as he watches the time-displaced battle he created.

Ultimately, Thanos wants to find balance in the universe and expresses remorse about killing – even if it doesn’t stop him from doing so. Kang, on the other hand, doesn’t seem particularly bothered about killing the Black Panther and sending his biomechanoids to eradicate the rest of the Avengers. Thanos was about fighting for balance at any cost, while Kang is killing for the sake of power. Both villains are still evil, but their reasons for fighting the Avengers couldn’t be more different.

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