Eternals follows the titular characters as they re-assemble after centuries apart to save the world from their mortal foes, the Deviants. The film has several twists, among them the reveal that a Celestial will be born using the life of Earth’s inhabitants during an event known as the Emergence.

To prevent it from happening, the Eternal Phastos devices the Uni-Mind, a link between all the Eternals’ minds that can amplify one of their powers. The Uni-Mind is well-known to comic book fans, having played a significant role in several storylines. And while Eternals gives only a glimpse into the entity’s nature, fans know there’s a lot more to unpack about it.


Its Origins Date Back 500,000 Years

The Eternal Kronos conducted a risky experiment with his fellow Eternals 500,000 years before the mainline Marvel continuity. He attempted to isolate the energy that granted the Eternals their powerful abilities, and succeeded for the most part. However, the procedure was unstable, and the containment exploded, transforming Kronos into a being of pure energy and killing the Eternals.

The team was later reborn, discovering that their already considerable powers received a boost as a result of the experiment. They also learned they could link their minds, wills, and intellects together, creating an all-powerful new entity. The Eternals then named it Uni-Mind.

The Uni-Mind Is A Separate Entity From The Eternals

The Eternals soon discovered that the Uni-Mind was a being of considerable might. However, when linked together, they disappeared and became one with this new being, ceasing to exist as individuals and beginning a collective existence.

The comics have so far not given any insight into how this complex process works. It’s unclear if the Uni-Mind can develop individual thoughts or is forever subjected to the decisions already made by whichever Eternals form it. Eternals makes it seem as though the Uni-Mind exists on a separate plane that only one of them can access, further differing from the ambitious but unclear concept in the comics.

Only The Prime-Eternal Can Summon The Uni-Mind

Comic book fans know Ajak as the Prime Eternal. The movie gender swaps the character and alters its abilities, but her role within the team remains the same. Ajak is the link between the Eternals and the Celestials while also acting as a leader and guide for the team.

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Like other Prime Eternals, Ajak’s powers are considerable. In the comics, he is the only one with enough strength to summon the ritual of the Uni-Mind. It can only be determined by either heirdom or combat, and it will usually take place in the Hall of Eternal Judgement.

The Uni-Mind Can Restore Eternal Abilities

Eternals states the Uni-Mind’s primary function is to enhance one individual’s powers by reuniting the strength of all others. However, the Uni-Mind has other abilities in the comics, hinting that its undiscovered potential can be even more significant.

For example, on one occasion, Makkari, Thena, Sersi, and Druig become temporarily human while attending a party. Enemies then unexpectedly attack them, taking advantage of their de-powered state. A weak Uni-Mind then subconsciously activated within them, bonding all four and reactivating their powers. No explanation exists as to how this happened or who triggered it, but the comic seems to hint the Uni-Mind is self-activated when it senses the Eternals were in danger.

The Uni-Mind Can Take Humanoid Form

During Eternals‘ last action sequence, as they gather to stop Ikaris and prevent Tiamut from being born, they mentally join to form the Uni-Mind, gathering their power and passing it to one vessel, Sersi. However, her link to the Uni-Mind is entirely mental, and she suffers no visible change to her appearance.

This representation differs significantly from the comics, where the Uni-Mind becomes a separate being from the Eternals. Furthermore, it can actually take a humanoid form, at times depicted with long limbs and fingertips from which energy emanates.

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The Uni-Mind Is Pure Energy

The Uni-Mind is a separate being from the Eternals. It has no race, gender, or identifiable features. According to the comics, the Uni-Mind is pure light, energy, and mind. As such, once it’s established, many other species can join it, among them humans.

Eternals implies that only the team can form the Uni-Mind, but Phastos never mentions if humans can join too, although they should be able to do it. If the Eternals that chose to remain on Earth–Sersi, Phastos, and Kingo–ever make it back, they could theoretically form another Uni-Mind. This powerful link should come in handy in any of the many world-ending events Earth endures in the MCU.

There Are Several Uni-Minds

Comic book fans know the Eternals are the product of Celestial experimentation. Furthermore, they aren’t the only experiments, as the Celestials have numerous other projects across the universe, many of which can form their own Uni-Minds.

The Brethren, a species created from bacteria, formed a Uni-Mind strong enough to battle the Collector. The Giantians, an otherwise peaceful civilization, also produced a Uni-Mind to fight the Over-Mind, the Uni-Mind that resulted from the Eternals of that world bonding and becoming one. The Deviant Ghaur once formed a seemingly almighty Uni-Mind by gathering four powerful members of different species: Captain America for humanity, Sersi for the Eternals, Crystal for the Inhumans, and Hercules for the Olympians. The Uni-Mind eventually succumbed when Black Knight sliced it in two with his legendary Ebony Blade.

Madripoor Once Formed A Uni-Mind

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier introduced the dangerous country of Madripoor into the MCU, but comic book fans already knew about it. As established in the show, Madripoor is a lawless territory characterized by its blatant division between obscene wealth and harsh poverty.

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In the comics, the Young God Mira learns that Celestials are Uni-Minds formed by the consciousness of entire planets and encased in protective armor. She travels to Earth and forges an armor before creating a Uni-Mind made up of all the people in Madripoor. She planned to give life to a new Celestial, Terran, formed with the minds of every human on Earth, thus bringing forward humanity’s ascension. Her plans fail when the Eternal Legba manipulates her into doubting herself.

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