With Euphoria being one of the most popular HBO series on TV right now, fans are buzzing with all sorts of theories of how season 2 will conclude. Surprisingly enough, one social media platform has become a major source for theories of all sorts, and it’s not Reddit.

TikTok has become a popular place for users to share their thoughts and opinions on everything, and with such a unique algorithm, the platform is able to push out popular videos to more and more viewers at a rapid speed. Considering this fact, Euphoria has found a major fanbase in TikTok, and the app is riddled with all kinds of fan theories.


Rue’s Death Is Foreshadowed

Being that the whole series is centered around Rue’s dangerous drug addiction, it’s natural for fans to be nervous about Rue croaking at any time. However, it seems that the show made a strong suggestion with its artistic symbolism.

In an edit made by TikToker @isbnnfltt, the video shows a montage of famous movie characters Rue and Jules paid homage to in episode 4, including the couples from Ghost, The Titanic, and Brokeback Mountain. In all of these movie tributes shown, Rue was seen playing the character that died at the end of each movie, making a strong case for the foreshadowing of Rue’s inevitable death.

Nate’s Mystery Brother Is Dead

Though it’s debatable who the biggest Euphoria villain is between Cal and Nate, viewers still thought it was pretty messed up for a father to tell his son that he was his biggest regret. This tense situation made fans wonder if there was something going on between them that they didn’t know about yet, mainly involving a third missing Jacobs brother.

In a TikTok posted by @mekygirl, the fan seems to think that Nate caused some sort of accident with this brother we never see and perhaps had something to do with his death or disappearance. While Nate is an awful character and has done quite a few evil things throughout the series, fans wonder if there was another motive behind Cal disliking his own child so much.

Ethan Was The Mystery Man Kat Did A Webcam Call With

One of the most heartbreaking things in Euphoria season 2 has been Kat falling out of love with Ethan, mostly because he seems so perfect. If fans know anything about this show, though, it’s that everybody has dark secrets that inevitably get revealed, even if the character seems highly likable.

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TikTok user @fartyhan posted a video showcasing several of her theories, with one of them being the possible identity of the man Kat webcammed with in season 1. While many fans think Ethan being behind that screen is a stretch, viewers of the show aren’t ruling it out just yet, as this show tends to throw fans off with its frequently unexpected plots.

Elliot Is Going To Cover For Rue

As seen in episode 5, Rue ended up taking too many substances and blowing it with the suitcase deal she had with Laurie. Jules claimed that she and Elliot flushed all of the drugs down the toilet, but some fans think Elliot knew better as a drug addict and had another plan.

TikTok user @daniellamoralez believes that the toilet-flushing excuse was a cover-up and that Elliot actually has the suitcase and will sell the drugs on her behalf in order to complete her deal with Laurie and get Rue out of trouble. Daniella even pointed out that there might be significance behind the glance Rue and Elliot exchanged as Rue was being driven away by her mom who attempted to take her to rehab.

Maddy Will Pull A Mrs. Jacobs

While some fans would go as far as to say Maddy and Nate are perfect for each other toxicity-wise, viewers of the show can’t help but think things are going to go south with them at the end of season 2. Maddy is seen throughout the season talking about pregnancy and even babysitting for a family that she seems to take a liking to, which fans believe shows Maddy is seriously thinking about her future family.

In a TikTok video posted by @itsrenizzle, the user predicts that Maddy will end up pregnant with Nate’s baby, therefore trapping him into a relationship, much like how Marsha did the same with Cal. Some fans have gone on to say that another pregnancy storyline would be an easy way out, while others think the parallel would be genius.

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The Babysitter Mom Will Become Some Sort Of Mentor To Maddy

In Season 1, Rue explained that Maddy’s dream job would be– well, nothing. In Maddy’s dreams, it’s clear that she would love to be a stay-at-home wife that reaps the advantages of the husband’s income, so she can live a rich lifestyle, all while doing nothing at all.

In a TikTok posted by @timotheechalametmarryme3, the user expands on the idea of a relationship between the two by mentioning Maddy’s clear idolization of the mother that could be observed in the scene where Maddy helped the mom unzip her dress, moments after she was almost caught raiding her closet and playing dress-up. Whether in a romantic manner or not, it’s undeniable that Maddy wants to embody this mother’s lavish and easy lifestyle in one way or another.

Elliot’s Death Is Foreshadowed

One of the most memorable scenes of season 1 is Rue being pulled into an embrace by her late father during the season finale’s musical number. Fans quickly noticed how eerily similar this scene was to a different moment in season 2.

TikTok user @miiataaylor made an effort to show the comparison between Rue’s scene with her dad and a moment in season 2 where Elliot pulls Rue into a similar embrace while dancing. Though it was a small detail that could be a total coincidence, some fans seem to think that it was fully intentional and could be a warning that Elliot could end up leaving Rue, as well.

Cassie Will Get Pregnant Again

Between the Maddy and Cassie pregnancy theories, some fans are hoping that neither situation occurs, as they think it’s lazy writing. However, it could be a powerful plot point if Cassie gets another opportunity to have the loving family she always wanted, considering she didn’t keep the first baby in season 1.

A TikTok was posted by @giletslays claiming that the show already strongly alluded to the fact that both Nate and Cassie genuinely want a family someday, between Nate’s vision and him actually telling Cassie he could see himself having a family with her. However, with the extremely sticky situation they are all in right now with the love triangle and major secrets at stake, it doesn’t seem like it would be a good thing to happen and it definitely wouldn’t play out in the way Cassie or Nate think it would.

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Jules Will Be The One To Die In The End

Many fans would argue after the latest episodes of season 2 that Jules is bad for Rue, but maybe this whole situation between them will end up taking a deadly toll on Jules instead. Though many fans would assume Rue would be the first to die among the group, fans on TikTok seem to think otherwise.

In a TikTok video posted by @jesse.siegel, the user highlights the fact that Rue and Jules’ relationship has been compared to Romeo and Juliet throughout the whole series. Knowing that both Romeo and Juliet end up dying in the end, fans seem to think that the show has been trying to warn us of Jules’ eventual death all along.

Rue’s Narration Is Told In Past Tense Because She Is Recalling Her Life Before Death

Perhaps one of the most heartbreaking theories of them all, fans believe that Rue’s narration is just a story she’s telling of her life and how she dies. In addition to Rue repeatedly claiming she’s an unreliable narrator as a drug addict, fans think that the only way she has all of this information on everyone is because that’s either what she believes is happening or because she is dead and can see everything happening.

TikTok user @pheemadeleine expands on this idea by saying, “The opening scene is her being born and she’s somehow this omniscient narrator that knows everything? She’s already experienced it all, she’s dead.” All in all, fans seem to believe that since the show begins with Rue in the womb that it will conclude with her in a tomb.

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