When HBO’s hit teen drama, Euphoria, returned for season 2, fans were buzzing with theories and predictions, especially on Reddit. Amid the theorizing, some Redditors and Twitter users came forward with detailed “leaks” of what was going to happen for the rest of the season.

Supposedly verified by people in the industry, these leaks detailed specific plot points categorized by episodes and character arcs. Reddit and Twitter have tried their best to remove the initial, more credible leaks, but some grainy–yet legible–screenshots still remain. Some of the predictions were spot on, while others were a complete deviation from the show.


Leaks That Were Right

Fez Beating Up Nate At A New Year’s Eve Party

The spoilers were originally uploaded to Reddit, and @CurryVision on Twitter reposted them. They’ve since been removed by Twitter but can still be viewed in Google images. One of the first leaks of the season was the confrontation between Nate and Fezco, finishing up the premiere leaks by saying, “Fez beats up Nate.”

Fez held a lot of resentment toward Nate for causing the raid on his apartment, not to mention messing with Rue and Jules. Fez has some of the strongest bestie potential of everyone, so he stood up for himself and his friends in a gnarly fight at a New Year’s party. This is exactly what the leaks predicted would happen, though they left out how bloody of a fight it was.

Nate’s Weird Pregnant Cassie Fantasy

Although much more happened in episode 2 and Nate’s hospital fantasy was just a small part of the story, that is the only plot point that was predicted and correct. It says “Nate in hospital dreams about Cassie getting pregnant and how he loves her.” It sounded bizarre at the time, but Nate did have a dream/fantasy about him and Cassie having a baby together.

The hookup between Cassie and Nate was one of the worst things the characters have done on the show, with Cassie going behind her best friend’s back and sleeping with her ex. With Nate’s nonchalant attitude about the whole thing, viewers wouldn’t expect him to be visualizing a future with Cassie, but he does.

Rue Does Another Class Presentation

The second page of leaks is just as blurry as the last, but still visible in Google images. For episode 3, the leak bullet point says, “Rue does another 4th wall break ‘class session’ this season. Instead of different types of d***s this is about pretending you have not relapsed.”

Although they’re admittedly bad for each other, Rue and Elliot have a lot of fun tother and Elliot obviously cares about Rue greatly. So, for a follow-up to one of the fan-favorite scenes of season 1, Elliot got to join in with Rue for her fun monologue presentation, although the subject matter of this “session” was a little less lighthearted.

The “Never Been Happier” Speech Was Imaginary

When commercials and previews for season 2 were showing online and on television, one of the most iconic clips was Cassie in one of her best outfits giving an impassioned speech to Maddy and her friends about her relationship with Nate. Many fans thought that this would be the big confrontation between Maddy and Cassie.

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But, the leaks revealed, “Cassie freaks out about ‘never been happier’ is in her head. She does not reveal anything in the bathroom” and they were correct. Cassie’s outburst is in her imagination and she simply stares at herself in the mirror instead.

Nate Holding Maddy At Gunpoint

In one of the worst things Nate has done so far, he threatens both his and Maddy’s lives in episode 6, and the leaks predicted it long before it ever happened. For episode 6, the blurry Google image reads, “Nate decides to break into Maddy’s house and forces her to give him the tape of Cal and Jules. Holds gun to her head. He gets the tape.”

In the replies to @CurryVision’s post on Twitter, they even shared further leaks for the interaction that ended up being true as well. When @aepzcndaya user replied, “A GUN TO HER HEAD?” @CurryVision responded, saying, “It’s even worse he makes her play Russian Roulette.” Fans who’ve seen the episode know that this, heartbreakingly, is also true, and Maddy was deeply traumatized.

The Entirety Of Episodes 7 & 8

Before the season finale, @CurryVision posted the last set of leaks for the remainder of the episodes. These leaks were much more recent and therefore haven’t been taken down or blurred, making them much more readable. Virtually everything that’s discussed in this last group of spoilers ended up happening on the show, including Ashtray’s tearjerking final scenes.

Although the spoilers didn’t go into detail about the amazing scenes from Lexi’s play, they did a deep dive into the events that happened offstage, including Fez’s arrest and the long-awaited fight between Cassie and Maddy. Although, some fans argued that the fight was a bit more underwhelming than they were hoping.

Leaks That Were Wrong

Nate Grabbing Jules At The New Year’s Eve Party

There may have been a lot of correct plot points in the original leaks shared by @CurryVision, but one of them that never came to fruition was an interaction between Jules and Nate at the New Year’s Eve party. In the leaks, they state, “Montage of characters looking at each other, including Nate looking at and grabbing Jules.”

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Nate and Jule’s relationship was a season 1 plot point that fans wanted to see revisited–but the two barely interacted for the entirety of the season. Besides Nate’s dream sequence later in the season and Nate giving the disc to Jules, the two didn’t share many scenes. Although Jules saw Nate at the party, Nate never grabbed her.

The Intention Behind Rue Outing Cassie

Episode 5 was by and large one of the hardest for viewers to watch. Rue burned many bridges with those she used to be close with, fought with her family, and even ran from the police–all while dealing with the struggles of withdrawal. In one of the most tension-filled scenes of the season, Rue tells everyone about Cassie’s relationship with Nate.

This is addressed in the leaks, but the reason behind it doesn’t match up. In the leaks, it implies that Rue shares the info by mistake, saying, “During her delirious state, she reveals she saw Cassie get into Nate’s car.” This is a strong understatement, especially considering all of the fan memes that were made sharing everyone’s thoughts on the matter. Rue’s actions were deliberate because she was irritated by Cassie’s attitude and wanted to take the attention off of herself.

Nate And Marsha’s Talk

The scene after Cal leaves between Marsha and Nate is one of the few times audiences get to see them really interact and bond with each other. In the leaks for episode 6, their scene is described very differently than it actually was. The post stated, “Nate talks to his mother about being a secretive person. Mother spiraling after Cal has come out and left family.”

It’s clear that Cal is in close competition for the biggest villain with Nate on the show, but Marsha was not “spiraling” or mourning his loss at all. In fact, she seemed a bit relieved that the tension was diminished in her home. Nate, likewise, didn’t talk about being “secretive.” Moreso, he talked about anger with Marsha and how he would be less angry now because it was directed at Cal.

Mouse’s Body Being “Found”

The way the leaks talked about Mouse and the transition into Custer being a mole for the police was much different than the way it unfolded onscreen. For starters, The leaks stated, “Mouse’s dead body is discovered” in the description for episode 5 when none of that plotline was addressed until episode 6.

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Also, saying that his body is “discovered” implies that the police finding his body would take place on the show when it never did. Additionally, in Custer’s scene with Faye he never actually mentions that Mouse’s body has been found. He only states that the police were asking questions about Mouse and accused him of killing him.

Fez’s Role In Custer’s Murder

Fez would gladly take the fall for Ashtray in any situation. But, the reality of the matter is that Fezco had nothing to do with Custer’s death in the season 2 finale. Ashtray had a box cutter hidden in his sleeve and he slit Custer’s throat as Fezco said, “Ashtray, no!”

The leaks stated, “Fez and Ashtray kill him by slitting his throat,” when in reality, Ashtray acted completely independently of Fez, and the most that Fez did in the moment was prevent Custer from making a lot of noise into his wire.

Maddy And Cassie’s “Fight”

Many of the viewers, as previously stated, thought that the final confrontation between Maddy and Cassie was underwhelming. Fans were expecting the two to have an all-out “fight,” especially considering Maddy’s history with violence against those who have wronged her much less than Cassie did.

Even though the leaks stated, “[Cassie] and Maddy end up running onto the stage fighting.” When, in reality, Cassie ran away from Maddy and got hit once. Even in the hallway, Cassie’s own momentum sent her into the wall, not Maddy. Not much of their actual “fight” was shown. Additionally, Maddy is the one using the Coke can as an ice pack, not Cassie.

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