Content Warning: This article contains mentions of drug abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault.

For every good deed done on HBO’s drama series Euphoria, ten bad ones follow. The characters are perfectly imperfect, and a majority of them are teenagers just trying to figure life out. That’s not to say they’re excused for their bad behavior, which has caused emotional turmoil for their parents, siblings, and close friends.

Each Euphoria character holds themselves to different standards; whether it be Cassie not seeing the problem in her hooking up with Nate or Cal believing he can have his cake and eat it too for over 20 years. All of the main characters have proven themselves to be inherently selfish, and haven’t quite been able to give that up to make good, kind decisions.


Cal Jacobs – Has Sex With Minors

Nate’s dad Cal is shown hooking up with Jules in a motel room early on in the series, and his collection of sex tapes is revealed not long after that. Despite this behavior, Cal remains married to his wife of 25 years Marsha, and plays up the facade of the perfect family man for much of season 1.

It’s one thing to lie to your spouse but it’s a whole different thing to do so while having sexual relations with people who are underage. It isn’t until he thinks that his sex tape has been leaked that he begins to allow his two lives to become one, and even then he doesn’t seem to show any remorse or regret for his actions.

Fezco – Assaulted A Man In Front Of His Son

Fezco has one major priority in life; protecting Ashtray and his grandmother. He lives a tragic life; selling drugs to support himself and Ash, all while caring for his ill grandma. He’s been known to have a bit of a violent side, beating up Nate on New Year’s and breaking into a pharmacist’s home to attack and steal from him.

The biggest problem with Fez breaking and entering and assaulting the doctor was that the man’s son was watching as Fez beat his dad to almost death. The incident likely scarred the little boy and would cause unrepairable trauma and remove any sense of safety and security from his own home due to Fezco’s actions.

Kat Hernandez – Lied To Ethan Instead Of Just Breaking Up With Him

Kat’s season 1 storyline was all about coming into her own and finding confidence, while in season 2 she has largely taken a back seat to other characters, something that has angered and confused some fans and led them to discuss their own theories about her role on the show.

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After confessing her feelings for Ethan at the end of season 1, the two entered a romantic relationship. Despite the fact that they seemed to really like one another, Kat quickly became bored of Ethan’s sweetness and coupled with her own self-loathing decided that she needed to be free of him. Instead of just breaking up with him directly, she gaslit him into doing it for her.

Lexi Howard – Wrote A Play About Her Friends & Family

For most of season 1, Lexi Howard lived in the shadow of her older sister, Cassie. She was a good friend to Rue, but besides that she didn’t have much of a storyline. That all changed in season 2 when she acted as the observer of everything happening at East Highland, and ended up writing a play about her classmates exposing all of their bad behavior.

While Lexi’s play was undoubtably entertaining and hilarious, it did air out everyone’s dirty laundry. She exposed everyone for who they really were, without thinking through the consequences that the truth might have. It’ll likely create a rift between her and her sister at the very least, and may destroy friendships and relationships long-term as well.

Maddy Perez – Lied About Tyler Assaulting Her

Maddy Perez’s character arc has been mostly positive. She’s been a good, honest friend and was able to escape and find the faults in her abusive relationship with Nate. However, in the thick of her relationship she was unable to put good morals over the love she thought she had for Nate, and ended up getting an innocent man convicted of assaulting her.

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When Maddy and Nate had a massive fight, Nate strangled her to the point where she had bruises up and down her neck. Instead of coming forward and telling the police that it was Nate that hurt her, she and Nate composed a plan to throw Tyler, a guy she hooked up with at McKay’s party, under the bus and have him turn himself in for a crime he didn’t committ.

Nate Jacobs – Blackmailed Jules

Nate Jacobs has done a lot of bad things over the course of two seasons of Euphoria. He’s abused his ex-girlfriend, hooked up with her best friend, attacked his father, falsely accused (and had convicted) an innocent man, and had Fezco’s house raided. But perhaps worst of all was his treatment of Jules, seducing her and then blackmailing her.

Nate’s fascination with Jules has always been a bit of a mystery, but he really cemented himself as the biggest villain on the show when he stole his father’s sex tape of the two of them and threatened to release it along with her nudes if she didn’t do exactly as he said. Nate’s anger comes from repressed identity and a whole lot of projection, but he has no right to harm the lives of others while he figures himself out.

Cassie Howard – Slept With Her Best Friend’s Ex-Boyfriend

Cassie Howard’s life certainly hasn’t been easy, and she’s been faced with a lot of trauma in the last few years. After her breakup with McKay, Cassie finds herself at a crossroads faced with either being alone for the first time ever or making the worst decision of her life.

Ultimately, Cassie chooses the dark side and sleeps with Nate, her best friend’s abusive ex-boyfriend. After initially feeling guilty, Cassie finds herself completely enamored by him, unable to see right from wrong or good from bad. Cassie becomes the worst version of herself by defending her actions, choosing what she mistakes as love over friendship, and losing sight of herself.

Jules Vaughn – Cheated On Rue With Elliot

It’s clear that Jules has the energy of a main character. She has a zest for life and has always been honest about the way she chooses to live it. Jules doesn’t like to be tied down, she falls in love with everyone she meets in some way, and ultimately was never ready to be the emotional crutch that Rue desired.

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That being said, she still shouldn’t have cheated on Rue with Elliot, especially after she was afraid that’s what Rue was going to do to her. Her betrayal of Rue was bound to end badly, sending her spiraling out of control and breaking the close bond the two once had. It was never Jules’ responsibility to keep Rue sober, but abandoning her and cheating on her certainly didn’t help.

Rue Bennett – Prioritized Drugs Over Her Relationships

From the minute she got out of rehab, Rue never intended to stay sober. She was ready to go back to her life, just hoping not to get caught this time. Rue’s drug use has always been selfish; trying to free herself of anxiety and pain with a short-term fix that could end up killing her.

Far and away the worst thing Rue did was allow her relapse to control her life, causing her to push away friends like Jules and Elliot and scream obscenities at her mother and sister. When Rue hits rock bottom, she gets tunnel-vision and can only think about one thing; feeding her addiction. This erratic behavior will likely be the demise of her friendships, romantic relationships, and familial bonds going forward.

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