Warning! Contains spoilers for Green Arrow/Aquaman – Deep Target #1.

Both Green Arrow and Aquaman are heroes who tend to get disrespect from DC Comics fans, particularly for their abilities. While both characters are honestly competent and (especially in Aquaman’s case) pretty powerful for heroes of their respective calibers, the fact that Aquaman controls fish with his mind and Green Arrow uses a bow and arrow to fight crime have become consistent points of mockery against them. This is reinforced in in Green Arrow/Aquaman – Deep Target #1, where the two insult each other to vent their frustration over a sticky situation.


Deep Target is a seven-issue miniseries written by Brandon Thomas and drawn by Ronan Cliquet. The story is a celebration of the two characters’ 80th anniversaries, since both characters first appeared in More Fun Comics #73 (Nov 1941) and were co-created by the same writer, Mort Weisinger (though not the same artists). The comic is a classic body-swap story, where the two heroes are forced to team up after some reckless villains travel through time and end up altering history.

In the altered timeline, each hero occupies the other’s space in the DC Universe and has the other’s powers, so that “Oliver Curry” is now the Aquaman and King of Atlantis, while “Arthur Queen” is Green Arrow and the owner of the Queen family fortune. However, they have remained aware of the changes to reality and aren’t happy about it. Plus, neither fully understands their new bodies, meaning that Aquaman is neither the best archer nor fond of being a regular, de-powered human, while Green Arrow doesn’t know how to control his strength or enhanced senses.

When they first confront each other at the beginning of the story, they start fighting, as Arthur immediately assumes this is all surely because of a mistake Ollie made. Following up on this hilarious moment of disrespect, Arthur laments in brutal honesty the fact that he’s gone from being gifted with Atlantean abilities to simply having Green Arrow’s gear and a lot of money. Oliver responds by saying that he didn’t want Aquaman’s “fish powers” either, but it’s hard to see how Oliver – now literal royalty blessed with an incredible array of superpowers – somehow got the short end of this stick.

In all seriousness, it’s easy to see why both heroes are angry over this situation, as their lives have been completely disrupted by it and the physical abilities they have aren’t compatible with their minds. However, readers should still take a moment to appreciate the humor in seeing Aquaman – a character whose powers have been mocked (somewhat baselessly) over the years for their reliance on water and sea life – take out his frustration by revealing how little he values Green Arrow’s wealth and talents.

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However, the two heroes still have yet to walk a proverbial mile in each other’s shoes. Hopefully, they can learn to appreciate the experience of being each other throughout the rest of Green Arrow/Aquaman – Deep Target. Arthur Curry could gain some newfound respect for the Emerald Archer, seeing the extent of his skills and the limitations he has to overcome in order to do the work he does.

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