During Marvel’s original Civil War event, most fans know how Tony Stark gave Spider-Man his Iron Spider suit; however, fans don’t realize that heroes, like the Thing, always hated the armor.

Even though many fans love Peter Parker’s ironclad outfit for its sleek design, there are those who aren’t as fond. The fans who favor Captain America’s team in Civil War probably dislike it the most, especially since Peter ditches the armor as soon as he joins Cap’s side. Other fans dislike the Iron Spider suit because it isn’t the classic, which is also understandable. Peter Parker’s costume constantly upgrades in the comics, but no costume ever tops the first Spider-Man design by Steve Ditko. Even Peter’s symbiote costume, which is exceptionally striking, is hardly missed when Spidey frees himself from the alien’s influence in any adaptation. Every story embraces Peter’s return to his classic costume after he takes a break from it; the Iron Spider suit is no exception.


In Dan Slott and Kieron Dwyer’s The Thing #6 (2006), Spidey teams up with Ben Grimm to stop Sandman and a few other foes. After the quick battle, thanks to Peter’s brand new Iron Spider costume, the Thing complains about Tony Stark’s gift. Ben tells him: “Why ya only got three a’ those arms? I mean, yer a spider, right? Shouldn’t you have eight? Makes ya look like ya can’t count.” After the Thing offers him $20 to “make it go away,” Peter (who is constantly short on money) accepts without hesitation. When Peter asks Ben why he doesn’t favor the Iron Spider suit, he replies with the same mentality as so many Marvel fans, “Ah, I just appreciate the classics.”

Of course, the suit wouldn’t last long on Peter Parker anyway. In Mark Millar and Steve McNiven’s Civil War #5, Iron Man beats Spider-Man to a pulp for disagreeing with the pro-registration Negative Zone prison. This fight destroys the Iron Spider armor, although it isn’t the last time fans see it on Earth-616. Tony Stark salvaged, reconstructed, and redesigned the suit for Mary Jane Watson during her time working for Stark Industries from 2016 to 2018. The Iron Spider costume remains somewhere on Earth-616, though it is unknown whether it currently lies with Mary Jane, Tony Stark, or Peter Parker.

The Iron Spider armor is undoubtedly cool-looking, but it remains a staple of a difficult time for the Marvel Universe. During Marvel’s Civil War, relationships shattered, friends passed away, and artifacts were lost forever. It was a bumpy road for Tony Stark after Civil War, as he had several amends to make, especially after obliterating a young hero who looked up to him. Thankfully, Spider-Man and the Thing’s relationship remains strong, warm, and whimsical—identical to how it was when Ben paid Peter to lose the Iron Spider suit.

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