SC2‘s best Zerg player, Serral, believes that the race is overpowered, admitting that its players should be favored in the late game against both Terran and Protoss as long as they don’t make any mistakes. SC2 just finished one of it’s major circuit stops, WCS Fall, in Montreal this past weekend, where Serral completely dominated the competition en route to yet another finals win.

Interestingly enough – and adding more fuel to the fire for players complaining about SC2 balance heading into the last few months before the Global Finals – Serral’s finals opponent was another Zerg player in Reynor. Reynor was able to take the only map of the weekend that Serral actually lost, but the Finnish phenom went a combined 17-1 map score across the region’s best competitors, clearly cementing his place as the best Zerg player that SC2 has to offer. He’s been dominant for so long – in 2018, he literally won every major tournament he entered, culminating in a world championship win – that any insight Serral has to share about the way SC2 is supremely valuable not just to spectators, but to opponents looking to get an edge on him in later matches.


Unfortunately, there may not be much players can do with the state of SC2 the way it is right now. In an interview with Team Liquid, Serral shared his opinion on the late game of Zerg vs. Terran and Zerg vs. Protoss – and his statement will do little to make players of those races feel better. According to Serral, if Zerg plays perfect, he believes the race should not just be favored against Terran and Protoss late game compositions – they should actually never lose at all. Here’s the full quote:

I think ZvT and ZvP late game, I would say if Zerg plays perfect, then Zerg should always win late-game pretty much…

But I would say, if Zerg plays perfect, Zerg late game is stronger than Terran late-game for sure. And with ZvP I can’t tell exactly because I haven’t played enough, but it feels…it’s very hard to say.

Even if Serral doesn’t sound supremely confident in his assessment of the Zerg vs. Protoss late game, when the arguable best player in the world speaks, SC2 fans listen. From the sounds of it, Serral is extremely confident moving towards the late game, which should come as no surprise – his mechanics are out-of-this-world good, and he’s the player who makes the least mistakes in pretty much any series. It’s worth noting that those qualities, and his assessment that Zerg needs to “play perfect” to have its late game advantage, might mean SC2‘s late game is less lop-sided for players of lesser skill. Still, Zerg has felt pretty overpowered to many observing how it moves to the late game, so Serral’s comments should only fuel more speculation that nerfs are required, and soon.

Still, it’s an interesting statement from Serral, and it comes at an even more intriguing time. The Global Finals are just over a month away, and Serral will be looking to go back-to-back. Will Zerg reign supreme once more, and how many players will be willing to gamble and attempt to go to the late game against a player who thinks he can’t lose it against other races? Time will tell, but the next few months should be must-watch for SC2 fans.

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Source: Team Liquid

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