Not only is Captain America known for being an excellent field commander in the Marvel Universe, when the Justice League and the Avengers fought side-by-side, it became clear that Steve Rogers is the best leader in all of comics. Typically, the Justice League is led by heroes like Superman or Batman, but when JLA/Avengers – by Kurt Busiek and George Pérez united the greatest heroes of the Marvel and DC universes – Captain America proved to be the only man for the job.

Cap has been a leader for the majority of his crimefighting career, and he has decades of experience to pull from. But despite his years as a hero, nothing could have prepared him for the threat the two teams faced. And nobody else could have led the team to victory. When the mad Guardian known as Krona ends up merging both the Marvel and DC universes following a game of wits against the Grandmaster, he threatens to destroy both realities. Knowing it’s only a matter of time before their worlds are torn apart, the combined forces of the entire Justice League and the Avengers assemble to take on the all-powerful threat once and for all, with Superman nominating Captain America to serve as the teams’ commander in JLA/Avengers #4.


At first, Steve is hesitant to accept, but he soon realizes he has no choice as Batman seconds his nomination. After the Martian Manhunter’s mind scan confirms the League will follow him without hesitation, Cap uses their ship as a command center and leads the heroes against Krona in one of the most dangerous battles in the history of either team. Telepathically linked with the League and the Avengers, Captain America effortlessly hands out orders to the heroes, pushing them forward against the army of villains from both worlds employed by Krona to ensure his victory. Even as chronal waves distort the heroes, erasing some teammates and insering others, Cap never misses a beat and even the unfamiliar heroes from the DC Universe instantly fall in line.

Though the day was ultimately saved by the unlikely team-up of Hawkeye and the Flash, it was Cap’s leadership that made their victory possible. Either Superman or Batman may typically be seen as the head of the Justice League, but even they had to admit that when it came to leading them against Krona, Cap was the man for the job. Superman is an incredibly inspiring hero, but he’s more likely to try and tackle the problem on his own. On the other hand, Batman is more than willing to order his teammates in the ways he sees fit, though he frequently oversteps and rarely considers their autonomy as individuals. As an inspiring leader with a keen strategic mind, Captain America is the perfect middle ground between the two.

Leadership is one of Steve’s defining qualities, and it’s something fans have seen again and again both in comics and on the big screen. Cap just has a natural charisma and a tactical genius that others can’t help but follow. After all, no other hero could have led the combined forces of the Marvel Cinematic Universe against the Mad Titan Thanos, in Avengers: Endgame.

While JLA/Avengers hasn’t been referenced in years in either Marvel or DC Comics, this fan-favorite crossover cements Steve Rogers as the natural choice to lead in any universe-ending scenario. Anyone who could unite the most powerful heroes from two entirely separate universes deserves all the credit they can get. Captain America is the best leader in comics, and both the Avengers and the Justice League know it.

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