The use of berries in the Pokémon series is an important mechanic that was solidified during the 3rd Generation of the Pokémon games. Before the Hoenn region, there was a limited selection of berries for trainers to use, but berries like Pecha, Chesto, and Oran were all a part of the mechanic overhaul designed to boost the Contest mini-game in Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire. Berries can be used in battle to heal status effects and raise HP, or be used as cooking ingredients in Curry or Pokéblocks.

How players obtain berries in Pokémon has differed in each Generation. In Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire, berries grew in patches of soil around towns and routes. These berry trees could be picked, and then replanted. Berry tree care was simple, with players using a watering can to increase the number of berries a tree produced, offering more Pokéblock ingredients to boost Contest move stats. Later games change these mechanics, with Pokémon X and Pokémon Y using a field off Route 7 to grow Berry trees. Players could water the trees, weed them, check them for bugs, and use special mulches to boost growth. In more recent titles like Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, berry mechanics have been simplified to shaking berry trees scattered along routes or in the Wild Area. In titles like Pokémon Black and Pokémon White or Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, growing berries was limited to mini-games like the Poké Pelago or the now-obsolete Dream World.


Berries all have different flavors associated with them, which can determine the flavor of the Pokéblocks, Poffins, and Curry they are added to. The flavor a Pokémon likes is determined by its Nature. Lonely Pokémon enjoy spicy berries like Cheri or Tamato, while Timid Pokémon are fans of sweet berries like Pecha or Mago. Berries also each have a firmness rating that determines the smoothness of Poffins, and the feel of Pokéblocks. Smoothness and Feel add to a Pokémon’s Sheen, which once raised to the maximum 255, prevents Pokémon from eating more Poffins or Pokéblocks. Sheen is used to judge Pokémon competing in Contests and Super Contests.

Every Berry In The Pokémon Series

There is a total of 64 different types of berries in the Pokémon game series. While many of these berries were added in Generation 3, others have been steadily introduced over different generations to account for new mechanics and Pokémon types in the franchise. Below is a list of every berry and what it can do.

  • Cheri Berry – Cures paralysis.
  • Chesto Berry – Cures sleep.
  • Pecha Berry – Cures poison.
  • Rawst Berry – Cures burn.
  • Aspear Berry – Cures freeze.
  • Perism Berry – Cures Confusion
  • Lum Berry – Cures all status conditions and confusion.
  • Leppa Berry – Restores 10 PP.
  • Oran Berry – Restores 10 HP.
  • Sitrus Berry – Restores 30 HP during Generation 3, but restores 25% of HP from Generation 4 forward.
  • Figy Berry – Restores 50% of HP when the holder’s HP is below 25% in Generation Generation 7, or restores 33% HP in generation 8. In all generations before 7 the berry restores 12.5% HP when the holder is below 50% HP. The berry will render a Pokémon who dislikes spicy food confused.
  • Wiki Berry – Restores 50% of HP when the holder’s HP is below 25% in Generation Generation 7, or restores 33% HP in generation 8. In all generations before 7 the berry restores 12.5% HP when the holder is below 50% HP. The berry will render a Pokémon who dislikes dry food confused.
  • Mago Berry – Restores 50% of HP when the holder’s HP is below 25% in Generation Generation 7, or restores 33% HP in generation 8. In all generations before 7 the berry restores 12.5% HP when the holder is below 50% HP. The berry will render a Pokémon who dislikes sweet food confused.’
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