Director David Twohy’s The Chronicles of Riddick trilogy began in 2000 with Pitch Black, and continued with 2004’s The Chronicles of Riddick, and 2013’s Riddick, and this is the franchise ranked. Starring Vin Diesel as the eponymous Riddick, the convicted murderer/mercenary-warrior with surgically enhanced vision, it was released with little fanfare in February of 2000. Grossing $53 million, it established Diesel as a major action star. The first sequel three years later elevated the franchise from genre niche into the mainstream, and was followed by the third film just under a decade later.


That the original film managed to become a the sleeper hit of the year and an instant cult classic is all the more impressive considering the year of its release. 1999 is regarded as one of the all time great years for cinema, especially for horror. That Pitch Black managed to make the impact that it did is nothing short of miraculous. Vin Diesel was a former nightclub bouncer and character actor known primarily for a small, but memorable role in Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan. Without Pitch Black, there is no Dom Toretto.  The popularity of the two films on DVD over the following decade led Diesel to return to the role that made him famous with 2013’s scaled down, back to basics Riddick.

Diesel confirmed that a script for a fourth film, Riddick 4: Furya, has been completed back in July of last year. For now, here are how the three existent films rank from worst to best.

3. The Chronicles Of Riddick (2004)

Arriving in 2004, The Chronicles of Riddick is to Pitch Black what T2 was to The Terminator. Or, at least, that was the idea. Everything about the film was big. With a budget nearly five times that of its predecessor, the sequel was far more space opera than space horror, reflecting its PG-13 rating. Picking up five years after the events of the first film, the story was heavy mythological themes, turning Riddick from badass maniac to a Campbellian child of prophecy. Though it features some breathtakingly beautiful imagery, the drastic tonal shift doesn’t quite work.

2. Riddick (2013)

Again picking up five years after the previous film, Riddick goes back to the basics. The grand visuals and epic scope of the second film are abandoned in favor of a darker, grittier tone, and a narrower, more focused approach to story, with echoes of The Road Warrior,Predator, and The Grey. Diesel’s Riddick is once again a brutal killer looking out for number one, but he’s grown and learned from his experiences in the first two films. Abandoned and injured on a desolate planet, a somewhat feral Riddick most team up with the survivors of rival mercenary groups who’ve arrived in response to his distress beacon to survive hordes of alien beasts and each other.

1. Pitch Black (2000)

When it comes to horror films, simplicity works best more often than not. The first film in The Chronicles of Riddick Trilogy, and the only true horror film of the bunch, is remarkably simple: a disparate group of survivors are marooned on a barren desert planet with perpetual daylight. Seeking refuge underground, they are set upon by hordes of monstrous creatures and their only hope of salvation is the psychotic murderer with surgically engineered eyes that can see in the dark. That’s as simple and straightforward a story as it gets.

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