Cyberpunk 2077 asks players to make many tough decisions, and some of them affect which characters can be saved. Death is frequently a part of life in Night City, and trying to save people can feel like fighting a losing battle, especially when V’s best friend dies in Cyberpunk 2077‘s first act. However, there are still some Cyberpunk 2077 characters whose lives can be saved by V’s actions, even if the solution isn’t always obvious.

In Cyberpunk 2077, Night City is overrun by gangs, and corporations are waging war with each other on the streets, so civilians are frequently casualties of the overwhelming violence. The NCPD is hopelessly corrupt, and politicians are more concerned with gaining power than saving their city, so mercenaries like V sometimes end up playing the unlikely role of hero to the common people.


Though V can’t help every NPC in Cyberpunk 2077, their choices and actions in the game can still have a positive effect. Here is every character V can save in Cyberpunk 2077.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Barry In “Happy Together”

In the Cyberpunk 2077 quest “Happy Together,” a couple of NCPD officers ask V to check on their friend, Barry, who happens to be V’s downstairs neighbor. Barry tells V that his best friend, Andrew, has died. In order to prevent Barry from committing suicide, V needs to investigate Andrew’s memorial, where they’ll find out Andrew is a tortoise. Then V needs to explain everything to Barry’s friends, including the fact that Andrew is a tortoise – otherwise, they won’t realize how much help Barry needs. If V waits too long to go to the memorial or doesn’t tell Barry’s friends the whole story, the quest will automatically fail after a certain amount of time, indicating Barry has died.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Brick In “The Pickup”

The Pickup” is a Cyberpunk 2077 main-story quest involving a Militech bot V needs to acquire from Maelstrom. V has several decisions to make in this questline, but no matter what, they’ll end up fighting their way out of the building. Before they leave, though, V can rescue Brick, the former leader of Maelstrom. He’s located in the northern corner of the All Foods warehouse, and V needs to either hack the door or find the code on a computer in the adjacent room. Next, they’ll just have to disarm the laser mine preventing Brick from leaving.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Gilchrist Or Meredith In “The Pickup”

In Cyberpunk 2077‘s “The Pickup” mission, V’s decision to side with either Maelstrom or Militech will determine which of the Militech agents survives. After meeting with agent Meredith Stout, if V uses the infected credit chip to pay for the bot or chooses to attack Maelstrom, Meredith will prevail over Gilchrist. If V clears the credit chip or pays for the Flathead with their own money and sides with Maelstrom, then Gilchrist will take over, and Meredith will die.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Garry In “The Prophet’s Song”

Garry the Prophet is a homeless man who stands outside of Misty’s Esoterica and rants about fantastical conspiracy theories. After the fifth time V speaks to Garry, a couple of Nomads start harassing him. If V doesn’t intervene, they’ll kill Garry. The Nomads will appear if V gets anywhere close to Garry after the fifth conversation, even if V is inside Misty’s Esoterica getting a tarot reading, so it’s important that players are prepared to handle the situation. Ultimately, Garry ends up disappearing at the end of “The Prophet’s Song,” no matter what V does, but at least his mission can still be carried out by his disciples.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Blue Moon In “Every Breath You Take”

This quest only becomes available if V makes the correct decisions in “I Don’t Wanna Hear It.” V must approach the Us Cracks calmly, otherwise the player will be locked out of the “Every Breath You Take” mission. After V finds the stalker who’s planning to hurt Blue Moon, they’ll have the option to spare her life, which means V can technically save two characters in this quest.

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How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Takemura In “Search And Destroy”

The “Search and Destroy” main quest ends with V needing to fight their way out of a building. If they do so without finding Takemura first, he will die. There isn’t a quest objective telling V to find him, though, so players will need to remember to search for him before they leave. V can find Takemura by backtracking through the building until they find a slightly hidden hole in the wall. V and Takemura can then escape together, and Takemura can participate in the game’s ending (depending on which path V takes, of course).

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Voodoo Boys In “I Walk The Line”

During the “I Walk the Line” main quest, V will be approached by a Netwatch agent who wants V to betray the Voodoo Boys in order to keep the net safer. If V agrees, during the following quest (“Transmission“), Netwatch will appear in the subnet the Voodoo Boys create for V, and all of the Voodoo Boys will die. V can still achieve their goals, either way, and the Voodoo Boys aren’t exactly good guys, so it’s up to players to decide who to support.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Frank In “War Pigs”

The “War Pigs” mission is only available if V chose Cyberpunk 2077‘s Corpo lifepath. In this quest, V will have the option to kill Frank or convince him to start a new life. The available dialogue options will vary, depending on how V spoke to Frank during the prologue, but either way, it’s possible to spare his life.

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How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Nomad Kid In “Fortunate Son”

Bob from the Aldecaldos clan asks V to pick up a kidney implant from a hospital employee in Night City in order to save a Nomad kid’s life. The hospital employee betrays V, leading to a firefight. After the fight, V can choose to either kill the hospital employee or let them go, and either way, they get the implant. But if V lets the hospital employee live, V will find out it has a computer virus on it that needs to be removed before it’s implanted in the Aldecaldos kid. If V kills the hospital employee, they won’t find out about the virus, and the Nomad kid will die.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Delamain AIs In “Don’t Lose Your Mind”

After V completes Cyberpunk 2077‘s “Epistrophy” side quests, Delamain needs help dealing with the sentient AIs that are wreaking havoc on the Delamain core. There are three options: reset the core, destroy the core, or merge the core. If V resets the core, all of the sentient AIs will be destroyed. If V merges the core, all of the sentient AIs are incorporated into the main Delamain core, so they lose their independence but technically still live. The best course of action is to destroy the core, which allows the sentient AIs to exist independently and Delamain to function properly – plus, Johnny will approve.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Maiko, Tom, & Roxanne In “Pisces”

Players are faced with multiple important decisions in “Pisces,” one of Judy’s side quests, and their choices have an effect on V’s relationship with Judy in the future. There are two ways to complete “Pisces” without losing Judy as a friend or potential romance option: V can go along with Maiko’s altered plan but doesn’t accept her payment, which upsets Judy but still leaves her as a romance option and maintains the status quo at Clouds. If V refuses Maiko’s plan and kills the Tyger Claws bosses, V will need to fight Maiko but can take her down with a non-lethal weapon. However, if V kills the Tyger Claws, the gang will take revenge on Clouds, and both Tom and Roxanne will die – along with most of the dolls.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Max In “Gig: Freedom Of The Press”

When V first confronts Max in “Gig: Freedom of the Press,” they’ll have a timed dialogue decision to make. If V tells Max to drop the gun, he’ll panic and shoot himself. V needs to choose, “Nope, I’m not,” and then continue to calmly reason with Max. Eventually, he’ll agree to meet with Regina.

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How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Alex In “Gig: Olive Branch”

In “Olive Branch,” Wakako asks V to deliver a car to the Tyger Claws on behalf of a man named Sergei. If V chooses to check the trunk of the car, they’ll find a man named Alex tied up inside. The player can choose to deliver Alex to the Tyger Claws as planned, or they can let Alex out of the trunk. Saving Alex’s life will upset Sergei, but Wakako will be pleased, and the player will earn more XP.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Sampson In “The Beast In Me”

In the “The Beast In Me” quest, The Afterlife bartender Claire asks V to participate in a series of street races. After the Santa Domingo race, Claire will reveal she’s seeking revenge against another racer named Sampson. If V wants to save Sampson in the future, they need to try to talk Claire out of killing him. During the last race, Claire will talk V into going after Sampson instead of finishing the race, and then Claire will try to kill him. If V made the right dialogue choices earlier, they can convince Claire to spare Sampson’s life, earning themselves an extra reward, as well.

How To Save Cyberpunk 2077’s Rogue & Saul In “Nocturne OP55N1”

For the last main quest in Cyberpunk 2077, V has to decide how to achieve their ultimate goal of getting the Arasaka biochip removed. To do this without losing either Rogue or Saul, V will need to choose between Cyberpunk 2077’s secret ending or Hanako Arasaka’s plan. If V chooses to storm Arasaka Tower with the Aldecaldos, Saul will be killed by Adam Smasher. If V chooses to let Johnny take over their body and team up with Rogue, Rogue will be killed by Adam Smasher. The secret ending – which is only available if players have a strong enough friendship with Johnny – is the most difficult option but will keep everyone alive, while still letting V choose to leave Night City with the Aldecaldos at the end.

Player decisions are an integral part of Cyberpunk 2077, and making the wrong choices can prevent particular quests from triggering or doom NPCs to certain death. It’s important to remember that, though the world of Cyberpunk 2077 can feel very dark and depressing, V can still have a positive impact on some characters in the game.

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