Here’s every time Emily Blunt’s character dies onscreen in Live Die Repeat: Edge Of Tomorrow. Live Die Repeat is based on the Japanese novel All You Need Is Kill from Hiroshi Sakurazaka. The movie cast Tom Cruise somewhat against type as a cowardly Major who is forced to take part in a combat operation against lethal alien invaders who have almost completely conquered the planet. He’s killed fairly quickly but is brought back to life thanks to a time loop. Every time he dies the day resets, so he uses this ability to gradually become a formidable fighter while learning how to beat the invaders once and for all.


The road to the movie being dubbed Live Die Repeat is a tangled one. It was originally called All You Need Is Kill, but it was deemed this was too downbeat a title for a major blockbuster. Director Doug Liman wanted to call it Live Die Repeat, but a Warner Bros executive insisted on Edge Of Tomorrow instead. The movie ultimately did solid if not exactly groundbreaking business, but positive reviews and word of mouth helped bolster its performance. It was felt the somewhat generic Edge Of Tomorrow title hurt the movie, so when it came out on home video, Live Die Repeat: Edge Of Tomorrow became its de facto monicker.

While Live Die Repeat isn’t based on any video games, it was praised for its narrative use of gaming logic. Cruise’s Cage starts as a newbie who must get used to the controls of his combat armor and he learns to beat enemies after dying over and over again; it’s even got vehicle and turret sections. Cage dies onscreen about 24 times, but it’s clear he died WAY more offscreen. Emily Blunt plays Rita Vrataski in the film, a hardened soldier who helps train Cage, and she also suffers a few demises; here’s a list of every death in order.

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  1. Killed By Mimic projectile
  2. Dropship explosion
  3. Mimic attack
  4. Mimic ambush
  5. Mimic ambush
  6. Mimic ambush
  7. Offscreen Mimic attack
  8. Offscreen Mimic attack
  9. Helicopter crash
  10. Mauled by Alpha Mimic

Emily Blunt’s Rita doesn’t die as often onscreen as Cage in Live Die Repeat: Edge Of Tomorrow, but she gets a couple of shocking demises nonetheless. Her first death is the most sudden, where Rita is shot in the back by a Mimic projectile, while the Alpha Mimic mauling in the finale is the most gruesome. There’s also a montage of Cage and Rita trying to get off the beach where they’re both ambushed by Mimics over and over again. Like Cage, she has many deaths offscreen too, which includes being dissected by the military when she tried to tell them about her own time loop powers before she lost them.

Fans still live in hope of a Live Die Repeat: Edge Of Tomorrow sequel happening. Liman wants to call it Live Die Repeat And Repeat, but there’s no confirmation of the follow-up moving ahead as yet, though apparently a screenplay has been written.

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