With the release of Grand Theft Auto Online‘s newest DLC The Contract, not only do players get to interact with GTA V’s main story protagonist Franklin Clinton, but they also can find various Easter Eggs that reference the main story itself. The most noteworthy part about The Contract is that in all of GTA Online‘s eight years this is the first story DLC that’s directly expanded upon the events of GTA 5‘s single-player. While players can play out missions with famous rapper and producer Dr. Dre, they can also play missions as Franklin and his friend Lamar Davis.

After players finish doing every mission in The Contract they unlock The Smoke Room. Here, they can have a smoke session as well as play three missions, called Short Trip, where they can play as Franklin and Lamar in GTA Online. During these missions, they both try to spread publicity for Lamar’s new weed business, LD Organics. While every other mission in The Contract DLC can be done solo, Short Trip missions can only be done with another player.


A lot of story Easter Eggs can be found within the agency that players and Franklin run which reflects on how the main story played out. In the agency, things such as Franklin’s employee of the month plaque are on the wall along with his “Los Santos Owns You” poster which has been rearranged to now read “You Own Los Santos”. If players wait inside the agency long enough, the receptionist and Franklin will start conversations that talk about several different characters from not only GTA 5 but characters from GTA San Andreas as well.

GTA Online: The Contract References GTA 5 Characters

GTA Online: The Contract references Michael De Santa and Trevor Phillips, giving players insight into what has happened to them and their whereabouts. For example, during one of the missions, while they weren’t mentioned directly, Franklin states how Michael is still a movie producer and in another mentions how Trevor is still alive and gives him advice on performing assassinations. If a player visits Franklin’s house while free-roaming, his place is updated, as it now shows that he is married to Tanisha and has a family. Outside of the house is a mailbox that reads “The Clintons”, cars that have license plates with the couple’s names, and in the backyard is a bunch of toys for kids.

During one of the Short Trip Missions, Lamar mentions Franklin’s ability in GTA 5 to slow down time while driving by saying “Don’t be doin’ none of that supernatural freaky driving and shit you be doing.” Lamar also makes a reference to his famous roast of Franklin as he does the same thing, but this time mentions Franklin’s family and him being an uncle. Lamar talks about story missions, such as the Lamar Down mission, where he was trapped in a lumber mill, as well as the Repossession mission where Franklin was awarded employee of the month.

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Another piece from the Repossession mission that is referenced is when Lamar does his “Knock Knock” introduction line when he enters the agency, but this time making his intro more politically correct. Out of all the additions GTAOnline has received, having one that revolves around the main story is refreshing as it provides some type of closure for not only the players but for the characters themselves. With Franklin and Lamar being the main focus of The Contract, there could be a possibility for another story-related DLC for GTA Online further down the road.

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