Odin’s Vault in Thor held some of the most valuable objects within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The vault, which was located in a guarded room at the center of Asgard’s Royal Palace, kept a number of Odin’s most prized possessions out of the reach from outsiders. The items put in the vault were a compilation of relics that Odin either captured, stole, or purchased from various beings. Some were acquired by certain defeats which Odin put on display as if they were a trophy room.

To keep the artifacts out of the wrong hands, Odin made sure the chamber room was guarded by the Einherjar. In 2011’s Thor, the vault was guarded by the Destroyer, an enchanted Asgardian automaton. Its sole purpose was to defend the room but the Destroyer could also be used as a weapon at the request of its sole master, Odin.


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The items that Odin held in his vault were said to be some of the most dangerous weapons known to the universe. Some of which were thought to have the power to bring about Ragnarok, an apocalyptic event that would doom Asgard. All of the objects seen in the room have a history in Marvel comics, some more extensive than others. As the MCU continued, some of the relics played key roles in the franchise’s narrative, but others were retconned. Here’s a breakdown of all Odin’s treasures and what happened to them in the films.

Warlock’s Eye

The Warlock’s Eye was one of the first relics shown on display in Odin’s Vault. The powerful item was seen in Thor as the Frost Giants tried to infiltrate the secured room during the crowning ceremony. In the comics, the Warlock’s Eye was a mystical superweapon that had an ability to mind control that very few could resist. Harokin, one of God of Thunder’s Asgardian enemies, once tried to use the Warlock’s Eye during an invasion. The weapon was deemed unsuccessful against Thor and Odin.

Besides the appearance of the Warlock’s Eye in Thor, the existence of the weapon was disregarded. It was never directly mentioned or displayed in any succeeding films within the MCU. Hela did, however, claim some of Odin’s valuables were useless. So it was hinted that the weapon wasn’t as powerful as Odin must have thought. The item was presumably destroyed during the Destruction of Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok.

Tuning Fork

The Tuning Fork was another one of Odin’s prized possessions featured in the vault. The intent behind the item was not revealed but in the comics, the Tuning Fork was used to summon the Lurking Unkown to Asgard. Odin would lure the extra-dimensional creatures to test the powers of young Asgardians.

The backstory behind the Tuning Fork was ignored throughout the MCU. In a similar situation with the Warlock’s Eye, the Tuning Fork was also destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok. Some people thought the item was actually the Orb of Agamotto, an item that allowed the user to gain energy from around them. The orb was also capable of detecting and locating the use of powerful magic. In the comics, the powerful relic was said to reside Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum. Thor confirmed that the Tuning Fork was not the orb with the runes written on the wall behind the display.

Casket of Ancient Winters

The Casket of Ancient Winters was once in possession of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim. The Casket had the ability to project infinite ice and wind on a target when opened. After the Frost Giants tried to use the Casket against Earth, Odin stole the weapon and locked it away in his vault. During Thor’s coronation, the Frost Giants attempted to break into the vault to steal back the Casket of Ancient Winters with the help of Loki. Loki later used the Casket to freeze the Bifrost Bridge before the item was later recovered and put back into the vault.

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The Casket of Ancient Winters was featured in Thor: Ragnarok as Hela passed through Odin’s Vault. As she walked by the artifact, she referred to the weapon as “weak” but didn’t provide any evidence behind her statement. In the comics, Surtur used the Casket of the Ancient Winters in an effort to destroy Thor. The Casket was not used in Thor: Ragnarok and it was later demolished along with the vault due to Surtur’s destruction.


The Tesseract first took center stage in Captain America: The First Avenger when Hydra got their hands on the relic to enhance their weaponry in WWII. It then bounced around for decades going through possession of Howard Stark, Captain Marvel, and S.H.I.E.L.D.. Odin eventually took hold of the Tesseract after Loki used it to open the wormhole during the Battle of New York. The cube, which housed the Space Stone, remained in Odin’s trophy room until the events of Thor: Ragnarok.

During the Destruction of Asgard at the hands of Surtur, Loki broke into the vault and stole the Tesseract before it could be destroyed. When Thanos intercepted the ship carrying the surviving Asgardians, he killed Loki and took the Tesseract, removing the Space Stone to place into the Infinity Gauntlet.

Tablet of Life and Time

Also held in Odin’s Vault was the Tablet of Life and Time. It was another object in his trophy room that was featured briefly in Thor but no backstory was ever provided. In the comics, the relic was known as the Lifeline Tablet. On the surface, it presented a biochemical formula for a serum that could heal a user and transform them into an immortal state. The item would later be wiped out in Thor: Ragnarok.

The actual markings on the Tablet of Life and Time were translated to read, “Those Who Sit Above in Shadow.” That was a reference to “The Gods of the Gods” which were omnipotent beings in the comics that drew energy from Ragnarok. The disastrous event was said to continue their cycle of death and rebirth.

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Crown of Surtur

While in search of Infinity Stones, Thor encountered the fire demon Surtur. Thor later killed the demon and took it’s headpiece, preventing the creature from ever being resurrected. The God of Thunder believed that he prevented any threat of Ragnarok. The Crown of Surtur, which Thor kept in his father’s vault, would later deem necessary in defeating Hela.

There was no plausible way for Thor to stop Hela so he made the difficult decision in resurrecting Surtur so that the demon would fulfill the foretold prophecy. Surtur emerged and used it’s destructive powers to eradicate Asgard. As the city fell to Surtur’s fiery attack, he killed himself along with Hela.

Eternal Flame

The Eternal Flame turned out to be one of the most important artifacts in Odin’s Vault. The Flame gave Surtur his full powers but after the demon was defeated, the object was taken and put inside Odin’s room of treasures, along with Surtur’s Crown. In the comics, the Eternal Flame was described as a mystical flame that could never be distinguished. Odin stole it from Surtur to prevent Ragnarok from ever occurring.

Hela considered the Eternal Flame to be the most useful item in the vault. She used its power to resurrect her army of Berserkers during her fight against Thor and the Revengers. Thor eventually used the power of Eternal Flame to bring back Surtur from the dead in the hopes he would kill Hela. It worked, but the Flame, as well as Surtur and his crown, were destroyed in the process.

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Infinity Gauntlet

The Infinity Gauntlet was first shown in Thor, well before the plans for Avengers: Infinity War came into fruition. The Gauntlet was invented to housed the six Infinity Gems, giving unstoppable power to wielder. As the Marvel Cinematic Universe progressed, Thanos’ plan to obtain all of the stones came to light. So why was there an Infinity Gauntlet sitting in Odin’s Vault the whole time?

As Hela revealed in Thor: Ragnarok, the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin’s secured vault was a fake. It was a right-handed Gauntlet that looked very different than the one that the Mad Titan wore on his left hand. Odin subsequently had a fake Infinity Gauntlet made to give Asgard the peace of mind that their ruler controlled one of the most dangerous objects in the universe. But in the end, there was nothing from stopping the obliteration of Asgard.

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