Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man is one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe‘s greatest heroes, but he also inadvertently created multiple villains. Downey helped launched the MCU over a decade ago as he played Tony Stark in 2008’s Iron Man, and he went on to become the face of the entire franchise in the process. Iron Man appeared in nine MCU movies, but his story is now finished. After an incredible journey, Iron Man died in Avengers: Endgame after using the Infinity Stones to snap Thanos and his army out of existence.

The end of Iron Man’s time in the MCU allows fans to reflect on Tony’s legacy in the films. He saved the world on multiple occasions and usually was put in dangerous situations in the process. Iron Man nearly died in space at the end of The Avengers, was almost crushed by Sokovia in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and barely survived his first encounter with Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. Outside of his many suits, Tony also helped the MCU through advanced technology and helped train new heroes, such as Tom Holland’s Spider-Man.


All of the good that Iron Man did should not be understated, but he is also responsible for a lot of bad. In most cases, his heroic acts are even directly tied to events he set in motion. Due to his desire for advancement and his personality, Tony Stark had a role to play in the creation of multiple MCU villains. These threats range from his solo adventures to team-ups, and even some that he never came into conflict with. Here is every MCU villain Iron Man created.

Iron Monger

Iron Man helped create the first villain he faced in the MCU: Obadiah Stane aka Iron Monger. Stane was a friend of the Starks when Tony’s parents died and took over Stark Industries at first. But, Tony took control of the business when he was 18 and pushed Stane out of the spotlight. This resulted in Stane growing resentful of Tony, leading him to hire the Ten Rings to assassinate Tony. Unfortunately for Tony, the arc reactor and suit he created to escape this capture are also what led to Stane becoming a more significant threat. Stane managed to get the remains of the Mark I suit and got an up-close look at the arc reactor. These two creations of Tony’s allowed Stane to build his Iron Monger suit and go toe-to-toe with Iron Man, but Stane died trying to get his revenge.


In the aftermath of becoming Iron Man, Tony (and his father’s past) played a part in Anton Vanko becoming Whiplash. Anton’s father Ivan worked with Howard Stark on the original arc reactor designs but didn’t receive proper credit. Once Tony became known as a superhero and Ivan died, Anton replicated the miniaturized arc reactor to create some upgrades of his own. His original attempt to kill Tony fell short, and Tony’s gloating gave Anton the chance to improve his designs. Anton becomes more powerful after doubling his cycles (per Tony’s suggestion), and Iron Man only escapes death after teaming up with War Machine.

Aldrich Killian

Tony Stark also is responsible for Aldrich Killian’s villainous turn and his powers. Tony and Killian first met on New Year’s Eve in 1999 when Killian wanted to meet with Tony to discuss him investing in Advanced Idea Mechanics. Although Tony promised to meet him on the roof later on, Killian was left alone and developed a hatred for Tony. This night was also when Tony helped Maya Hansen fix her Extremis formula, which benefits Killian down the road. Over a decade after their encounter, Killian begins wrecking Tony’s life and injects himself with Extremis to become more powerful. This leads to Tony and Killian squaring off, with Tony receiving back up from dozens of Iron Man suits controlled by Jarvis. Tony survived the fight with Killian only after Pepper Potts (who was enhanced with Extremis) killed the villain.


While Tony had an unknowing role in creating some MCU villains, he is directly responsible for the creation of Ultron. Tony and Bruce Banner designed Ultron using the code from the Mind Stone. Ultron’s purpose was intended to protect humanity from a variety of threats, including those they weren’t yet aware of. But, Ultron quickly realized that the greatest threat to humanity was humanity itself and wanted a reset. After initially just being an advanced A.I., Ultron used one of Tony’s Iron Legion robots as a host body so he could be free. He immediately began constructing a plan to take down the Avengers and bring a cataclysmic level to Earth. Although the Avengers were able to stop Ultron, it was Vision who defeated him. The events led Tony to retire (again and momentarily) from being Iron Man.


Tony Stark is also responsible for Adrian Toomes becoming the Vulture. Following the Battle of New York in The Avengers, the city was left in pieces due to the Avengers fighting Loki and the Chitauri army. Cleaning up New York was originally set to be the job of Adrian Toomes and his Bestman Salvage company after they signed a contract with the city. However, the massive job was taken from them by Tony. He founded Damage Control, and the new organization took over cleaning New York from the Avengers’ damages. With his business falling apart, Toomes and his crew turned to a life of crime. They benefited by using and selling Chitauri tech and weren’t on Iron Man’s radar for years. It wasn’t until Spider-Man began fighting with Vulture that Iron Man began to intervene, even though Spidey was still responsible for taking them down.

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Tony Stark played a part in the creation of Mysterio as well. Quentin Beck was a Stark Industries employee leading up to Captain America: Civil War and worked specifically on holographic technologies. Beck’s work caught the eye of Tony, who put his own spin on the designs. However, Iron Man using the technology didn’t turn out as well as Beck hoped. Tony branded it as B.A.R.F. (Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing) and fired Beck after he complained about the name. But, once Tony died saving the universe in Avengers: Endgame, Beck used his holographic tech the way he wanted to and became Mysterio. He designed elaborate holograms using drones to make him look like the next MCU hero and steal E.D.I.T.H. from Peter Parker. In the end, Spider-Man was able to see past the illusions and appeared to defeat Mysterio.

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