Mass Effect Legendary Edition recently brought the original trilogy back with updated visuals, but BioWare’s already looking forward to the future of the franchise. At The Game Awards 2020, a short cinematic trailer was shown off to the surprise of fans, stating “Mass Effect Will Continue.” For longtime fans and newcomers alike, the idea of returning fan-favorite characters to Mass Effect 4is pretty exciting. So, which characters could return for this next entry?

The short trailer confirms a new Mass Effect sequel will come eventually. However, there’s virtually nothing known about the new project, outside of a couple of specific details. The trailer confirms that Liara T’Soni will still feature in the story, although she looks quite a bit older this time around.


It seems like the next Mass Effect will take place far in the future, meaning many of the characters from the original trilogy will be dead and gone. With that in mind, here are all of the characters from the series that might still be alive in Mass Effect 4.

Mass Effect Character Alive In ME4 – Liara T’Soni

According to codex entries in the Mass Effect games, the Asari can live for 1000 or more, and Liara T’Soni is nothing more than an adolescent by those numbers. The first trailer for Mass Effect 4 showed an older-looking Liara, who could possibly be an Asari Matriarch by that point. While the numbers aren’t exactly known, the next Mass Effect will likely take place some hundred years after the original trilogy.

Considering Liara is the only character shown so far, she’s likely going to play a major role in where Mass Effect goes next, and that makes sense. Near the end of Mass Effect 3, Liara shows Shepard a kind of time-capsule she’s made in case they fail to defeat the Reapers. If the Destruction ending of Mass Effect 3 is canon, much of the technology of the galaxy would be destroyed, meaning Liara’s time capsule full of information would be instrumental in rebuilding. There’s also a scene in the trailer that shows Liara picking up an N7 emblem, meaning she’s searching for something, possibly Commander Shepard or proof of Alec Ryder, the N7 that went to the Andromeda galaxy. It’s impossible to say until BioWare decides to show more.

Mass Effect Character Alive In ME4 – Urdnot Wrex

The Mass Effect series never reveals the exact life expectancy of Krogans, other than the fact that they live a long, long time. Warlord Okeer, the creator of Grunt, was around 2000 years old at the time of his death, meaning characters like Urdnot Wrex might have a lot of life ahead of them. At the time of the Mass Effect trilogy, Wrex is roughly 1400 years old, if Wrex manages to survive the events on Virmire in the first game, of course. Krogan generally don’t die of old age, as the warmongering race generally dies in combat. Depending on how many years pass, Wrex could be near the end of his life by the time of Mass Effect 4, having spent hundreds of years rebuilding Tuchanka.

Mass Effect Character Alive In ME4 – Grunt

Grunt is another character that’s practically guaranteed to be alive if he didn’t die during the events of Mass Effect 3. Grunt may be the “perfect” tank-bred Krogan, although it’s not exactly clear how Grunt’s lifespan will work. If it’s anything similar to a natural Krogan, he’ll be alive a long time.

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The reveal trailer for Mass Effect 4 does show silhouettes of other beings behind Liara, and one appears to be a Krogan with a shape that roughly resembles Grunts. As one of the few remaining members of the Normandy crew, if there is a new threat to the galaxy, Grunt would be more than happy to be front and center.

Mass Effect Character Alive In ME4 – EDI

EDI is a bit tricky as she’s both an AI and a synthetic being. If the Destroy ending does in fact end up being canon, all Synthetic life in the Milky Way would be destroyed at the end of Mass Effect 3. However, the end of the third game also shows the Normany passing through a hold in the blast and crash landing on an unknown planet. EDI is the Normandy, so with the ship still functioning at the end, it seems likely that EDI is still alive in some way, even if her physical body was destroyed. EDI’s role could have expanded to be something like SAM from Mass Effect Andromeda, where people have implants to interface directly with her. Joker obviously wouldn’t be alive some 600 years later, but it’s easy to see how Liara could work with EDI to help rebuild the galaxy or contact the Andromeda galaxy.

Mass Effect Character Alive In ME4 – Samara

Samara is yet another character that may be dead depending on the player’s choices throughout the trilogy. She’s roughly 600 years old during the trilogy, so it’s perfectly possible Samara would still be alive by the time of Mass Effect 4, depending on how many years have passed. Samara is a bit more unlikely than other characters, since after losing her daughter, she’d probably be in self-imposed exile somewhere.

Mass Effect Characters In ME4 – The Leviathans

The Leviathans are the oldest beings in the universe and the original creators of The Reapers. Mass Effect 3’s Leviathan DLC doesn’t actually say how old the Leviathans. However, the game does share that the one Shepard meets is actually the offspring of the original race.

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Still, considering the Leviathans, as a race, have existed since before The Reapers, it’s easy to see them appearing in ME4. They may even end up playing a major role in ME4‘s story, depending on the narrative BioWare chooses.

Mass Effect Character Alive In ME4 – Javik

Javik is a Prothean that’s been in cryosleep for 50,000 years before Mass Effect 3, and it’s unclear how old he was before going into sleep. The other big unknown is how long Protheans actually live. Considering they were the most advanced species of their cycle, however, it’s possible they had lengthy lives bolstered by research and technology. It’s impossible to say if Mass Effect 3‘s Javik will actually be alive for Mass Effect 4, but if BioWare is looking for characters to use, he’s certainly a possibility.

Mass Effect Character Alive In ME4 – The Rachni Queen

Saving or killing the Rachni Queen is one of the major choices in the Mass Effect trilogy, and if players choose to save her in the first game, they’ll encounter her once again in the third. The Rachni aren’t given a life expectancy in Mass Effect, but Javik does say the creatures were alive in his cycle. This means they most likely live an extremely long time.

Mass Effect Characters In ME4 – Andromeda’s Cast

Mass Effect Andromeda is set roughly 600 years after the trilogy, as the members of the Andromeda Initiative wake up from their long cryosleep. It seems very likely that the new ME4 will, in some way, merge the original Mass Effect trilogy and Andromeda. Because of this, the entire cast of Andromeda, including Ryder, will likely be alive. The survivors of The Reapers will have hundreds of years to rebuild and advance, and that time could let them develop the technology needed to contact the Andromeda galaxy. Even though Mass Effect Andromeda wasn’t a huge success, it’s unlikely BioWare is going to simply drop all the work that went into the game’s world and characters. So, it’s likely they’ll appear in Mass Effect 4 as well.

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