Warning: Contains spoilers for Peacemaker episode 4.

In James Gunn’s Peacemaker TV series, Chris Smith’s father has a quantum unfolding space with a full arsenal of helmets with different powers. Peacemaker was originally introduced to the DCEU by James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad where he was part of the Task Force X team taking down Project Starfish. In that movie, he only had one helmet, but the Peacemaker TV series is set to explore the powers his helmets might have, which has a loose connection to the character’s comics origin.

Peacemaker (John Cena) is a vigilante who claims that he will do anything for peace, no matter how many men, women, and children he has to kill to get it. As the series has revealed more about his father, Auggie Smith AKA White Dragon (Robert Patrick), the extreme methods and the particular ideas of what peace looks like for Chris Smith start to make more sense. While most of the helmets described provide advantages for self-defense and intel gathering, the potential destructive force of one helmet is demonstrated in Peacemaker episode 1, “A Whole New Whirled.”


In the comics, Peacemaker had been heavily traumatized as a child by his abusive father, Wolfgang Schmidt. After seeing his father take his own life, Peacemaker was plagued by visions of him in an SS uniform that pushed him to kill. As part of his trauma response, he had come to believe that the souls of those he failed to save would live on in his helmet. At times, he was shown to hear these voices as they pushed him to save others through violence. The Peacemaker TV series helmets don’t seem set to explore this origin. Here are all the powers Peacemaker’s helmets are revealed to have so far.

Peacemakers The Suicide Squad Helmet

The helmet that Peacemaker wears in The Suicide Squad can be seen as the standard version of the equipment. Aside from being adorned with Peacemaker’s symbolic dove of peace and serving to mask his true identity to some degree, the extremely shiny helmet is also bulletproof. It is safe to assume that the bulletproof aspect is true for all of his helmets and this one was just not equipped with any special powers. Peacemaker trades this helmet to a cab driver for the ride to his trailer at the start of Peacemaker episode 1.

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Peacemaker’s Sonic Blast Helmet (And Comics Origin)

The helmet that Peacemaker is given by his father in Peacemaker episode 1 is described as having “sonic blast capabilities.” At the end of the episode, Peacemaker uses it by wearing the helmet and saying “activate sonic boom.” The result is a sonic shockwave that damages the ground in a wide radius, destroys several cars, and turns the Butterfly Annie Sturphausen into mush. When he activates it, a blue forcefield appears around him and protects him from the effects of the weapon (with Eagly having already flown to safety). This power is drawn from the DC comics version of Peacemaker whose helmet could produce a sonic burst. This was the only other power that the helmet had in the comics; however, the burst only deafened his enemies for a short time rather than having quite such a destructive effect.

X-Ray Vision In Peacemaker Episode 4

When Peacemaker asks Vigilante (Freddie Stroma) to swing by his dad’s place in Peacemaker episode 4, “The Choad Less Traveled,” it is because he wants to grab a helmet that he thinks would help. The one that he grabs is simply labeled “X-RAY VISION.” This helmet seems fairly self-explanatory, and presumably, Peacemaker hopes that it will enable him to see whether somebody is a Butterfly before he attacks them. Given the reveal at the end of episode 4, this could be a problem for Clemson Murn (Chukwudi Iwuji).

Peacemaker’s Forcefield Helmet

The first helmet that Auggie Smith points out to Chris in Peacemaker episode 1 is one that he describes as having a “full-body forcefield.” This seems to be a dramatic extension of the standard bulletproof nature of the helmets and may employ a similar technology to the blue forcefield that protects Peacemaker from his sonic blast. While this would appear to be a natural choice to take in the beginning, it is likely that Chris doesn’t choose to take it as he thinks his father might see the desire for it as a sign of weakness, given that he has already seemed incredulous that Peacemaker let someone shoot him.

Helmet That Allows Peacemaker To Breathe Underwater

After the sonic blast helmet is mentioned, Auggie highlights one that will allow the wearer to breathe underwater. The nameplate for this one has a more inventive name: “Underwater World.” The helmet itself seems to be stylized around having a fin on the top of it. While Peacemaker collects this helmet in episode 4, it is unclear how useful it is going to be in Washington State versus an enemy that flies.

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Peacemaker Episode 1 Stinger Reveals A Strange Helmet

In the Peacemaker episode 1 post-credits stinger, Auggie reveals one more helmet with a strange power: it gives the wearer scabies. The nameplate joyfully announces “SCABIES FOR ALL.” Peacemaker reasonably asks White Dragon why you would want a helmet that gives you scabies and his father casually explains that it’s for the challenge.

Peacemaker’s Bound For Good Helmet

Even with a helmet that gives the wearer scabies, perhaps the strangest and most mysterious helmet shown is one visible in the background that is labeled “BOUND FOR GOOD.” The power is not clear, but based on the name there seem two likely options. Either, this helmet forces the wearer to only commit good actions (although that might be using a definition of “good” that is unique to White Dragon). Alternatively, this might be a helmet that cannot be removed once it has been put on. Why? Perhaps for the challenge.

Unknown Peacemaker Helmets

There are several helmets included in the quantum unfolding space that cannot be identified. While most of the helmets in the Peacemaker series are on central displays, some are kept off to one side in more secluded sections, potentially implying that they have even stronger capabilities. One background helmet can be seen with the tag “ITCHY DAN,” this is, surprisingly, not the Scabies helmet; it has a set of spikes across the forehead, and its purpose is not disclosed. It is not clear exactly how many of the helmets Peacemaker took in episode 4, but there may be more helmet powers revealed later in the Peacemaker TV series.

Peacemaker releases new episodes Thursdays on HBO Max.

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