Exploration in the Pokémon series will take a different path for those playing New Pokémon Snap. Instead of raising a party of Pokémon to battle Gyms or knock out rivals, New Pokémon Snap will have players exploring the Lental region with nothing more than a camera. The Lental region is made up of 12 areas, and each boasts Pokémon species belonging to the 8 current generations of the main Pokémon game series. While throwing a Pokéball might not be a possibility in New Pokémon Snap, getting the right snapshot will hopefully be just as satisfying.

Players will trade their Pokédex for a Photodex in the Lental region. Much like the Pokédex however, it will keep track of every Pokémon species a player is able to get a picture of in New Pokémon Snap. These entries will list a Pokémon’s basic data, including height, weight, and type. It will also showcase the photos taken of the species, as well as what area the Pokémon can be found in. This is a great way to keep track of progress while exploring each area in New Pokémon Snap.


The original Pokémon Snap game released for the Nintendo 64 in 1999. It included only 63 species of Pokémon, all of which originated from the Kanto region. With decades of new Pokémon having since been added to the series, New Pokémon Snap offers fans a much wider selection of Pokémon species to admire in their natural habitats. The improvement to graphics since Pokémon Snap’s debut also makes New Pokémon Snap visually beautiful and immersive as players travel in search of the various Pokémon hidden in the trees or swimming in the open water.

Every Pokémon Species In New Pokémon Snap

Below is the list of more than 200 Pokémon currently available in New Pokémon Snap according to Serebii. This includes each Pokémon’s type and which region they originated from. Players will have the opportunity to catch snapshots of Pokémon from Sword and Shield’s Galar region, and potentially snag a photo of the elusive, Mythical Pokémon Mew or the powerful Legendary Pokémon Xerneas.

  • Bulbasaur – Grass/Poison-type, Kanto
  • Venusaur – Grass/Poison-type, Kanto
  • Charmander – Fire-type, Kanto
  • Charizard – Fire/Flying-type, Kanto
  • Squirtle – Water-type, Kanto
  • Blastoise – Water-type, Kanto
  • Caterpie – Bug-type, Kanto
  • Metapod – Bug-type, Kanto
  • Pidgeot – Normal/Flying-type, Kanto
  • Rattata – Normal-type, Kanto
  • Arbok – Poison-type, Kanto
  • Pikachu – Electric-type, Kanto
  • Raichu (Alolan) – Electric/Psychic-type, Kanto/Alola
  • Sandshrew – Ground-type, Kanto
  • Sandslash (Alolan) – Ice/Steel-type, Kanto/Alola
  • Clefairy – Fairy-type, Kanto
  • Vulpix (Alolan) – Ice-type, Kanto/Alola
  • Ninetales – Fire-type, Kanto
  • Meowth – Normal-type, Kanto
  • Machamp – Fighting-type, Kanto
  • Tentacruel – Water/Poison-type, Kanto
  • Geodude – Rock/Ground-type, Kanto
  • Graveler – Rock/Ground-type, Kanto
  • Dodrio – Normal/Flying-type, Kanto
  • Dewgong – Water/Ice-type, Kanto
  • Gengar – Ghost/Poison-type, Kanto
  • Onix – Rock/Ground-type
  • Exeggutor – Grass/Psychic-type, Kanto
  • Kangaskhan – Normal-type, Kanto
  • Starmie – Water/Psychic-type, Kanto
  • Jynx – Ice/Psychic-type, Kanto
  • Pinsir – Bug-type, Kanto
  • Magikarp – Water-type, Kanto
  • Lapras – Water/Ice-type, Kanto
  • Eevee – Nomal-type, Kanto
  • Vaporeon – Water-type, Kanto
  • Jolteon – Electric-type, Kanto
  • Flareon – Fire-type, Kanto
  • Aerodactyl – Rock/Flying-type, Kanto
  • Mew – Psychic-type, Kanto
  • Meganium – Grass-type, Johto
  • Typhlosion – Fire-type, Johto
  • Furret – Normal-type, Johto
  • Hoothoot – Normal/Flying-type, Johto
  • Ledian – Bug/Flying-type, Johto
  • Ariados – Bug/Poison type, Johto
  • Crobat – Poison/Flying-type, Johto
  • Chinchou – Water/Electric-type, Johto
  • Lanturn – Water/Electric-type, Johto
  • Pichu – Electric-type, Johto
  • Natu – Psychic/Flying-type, Johto
  • Bellossom – Grass-type, Johto
  • Sudowoodo – Rock-type, Johto
  • Aipom – Normal-type, Johto
  • Wooper – Water/Ground-type, Johto
  • Quagsire – Water/Ground-type, Johto
  • Espeon – Psychic-type, Johto
  • Umbreon – Dark-type, Johto
  • Murkrow – Dark/Flying-type, Johto
  • Steelix – Steel/Ground-type, Johto
  • Qwilfish – Water/Poison-type, Johto
  • Heracross – Bug/Fighting-type, Johto
  • Slugma – Fire-type, Johto
  • Swinub – Ice/Ground-type, Johto
  • Corsola – Water/Rock-type, Johto
  • Octillery – Water-type, Johto
  • Delibird – Ice/Flying-type, Johto
  • Mantine – Water/Flying-type, Johto
  • Skarmory – Steel/Flying-type, Johto
  • Houndoom – Dark/Fire-type, Johto
  • Suicune – Water-type, Johto
  • Tyranitar – Rock/Dark-type, Johto
  • Lugia – Psychic/Flying-type, Johto
  • Ho-Oh – Fire/Flying-type, Johto
  • Celebi – Psychic/Grass-type, Johto
  • Torchic – Fire-type, Hoenn
  • Swampert – Water/Ground-type, Hoenn
  • Mightyena – Dark-type, Hoenn
  • Wurmple – Bug-type, Hoenn
  • Beautifly – Bug/Flying-type, Hoenn
  • Lotad – Water/Grass-type, Hoenn
  • Shiftry – Grass/Dark-type, Hoenn
  • Taillow – Normal/Flying-type, Hoenn
  • Wingull – Water/Flying-type, Hoenn
  • Pelipper – Water/Flying-type, Hoenn
  • Gardevoir – Pyschic/Fairy-type, Hoenn
  • Slaking – Normal-type, Hoenn
  • Sableye – Dark/Ghost-type, Hoenn
  • Mawile – Steel/Fairy-type, Hoenn
  • Sharpedo – Water/Dark-type, Hoenn
  • Wailmer – Water-type, Hoenn
  • Wailord – Water-type, Hoenn
  • Torkoal – Fire-type, Hoenn
  • Trapinch – Ground-type, Hoenn
  • Flygon – Ground/Dragon-type, Hoenn
  • Cacnea – Grass-type, Hoenn
  • Altaria – Dragon/Flying-type, Hoenn
  • Zangoose – Normal/Type, Hoenn
  • Seviper – Posion-type, Hoenn
  • Cradily – Rock/Grass-type, Hoenn
  • Milotic – Water-type, Hoenn
  • Kecleon – Normal-type, Hoenn
  • Absol – Dark-type, Hoenn
  • Snorunt – Ice-type, Hoenn
  • Glalie – Ice-type, Hoenn
  • Spheal – Ice/Water-type, Hoenn
  • Clamperl – Water-type, Hoenn
  • Luvdisc – Water-type, Hoenn
  • Jirachi – Steel/Psychic-type, Hoenn
  • Torterra – Grass-Ground-type, Sinnoh
  • Monferno – Fire/Fighting-type, Sinnoh
  • Piplup – Water-type, Sinnoh
  • Starly – Normal/Flying-type, Sinnoh
  • Bidoof – Normal-type, Sinnoh
  • Shinx – Electric-type, Sinnoh
  • Luxray – Electric-type, Sinnoh
  • Rampardos – Rock-type, Sinnoh
  • Combee – Bug/Flying-type, Sinnoh
  • Vespiquen – Bug/Flying-type, Sinnoh
  • Drifloon – Ghost/Flying-type, Sinnoh
  • Drifblim – Ghost/Flying-type, Sinnoh
  • Hippowdon – Ground-type, Sinnoh
  • Skorupi – Poison/Bug-type, Sinnoh
  • Croagunk – Poison/Fighting-type, Sinnoh
  • Finneon – Water-type, Sinnoh
  • Lumineon – Water-type, Sinnoh
  • Abomasnow – Grass/Ice-type, Sinnoh
  • Weavile – Dark/Ice-type, Sinnoh
  • Tangrowth – Grass-type, Sinnoh
  • Yanmega – Bug/Flying-type, Sinnoh
  • Leafeon – Grass-type, Sinnoh
  • Glaceon – Ice-type, Sinnoh
  • Mamoswine – Ice/Ground-type, Sinnoh
  • Froslass – Ice/Ghost-type, Sinnoh
  • Manaphy – Water-type, Sinnoh
  • Shaymin – Grass-type, Sinnoh
  • Serperior – Grass-type, Unova
  • Stoutland – Normal-type, Unova
  • Liepard – Dark-type, Unova
  • Unfezant – Normal/Flying-type, Unova
  • Woobat – Psychic/Flying-type, Unova
  • Audino – Normal-type, Unova
  • Sigilyph – Psychic/Flying-type, Unova
  • Archeops – Rock/Flying-type, Unova
  • Trubbish – Poison-type, Unova
  • Ducklett – Water/Flying-type, Unova
  • Swanna – Water/Flying-type, Unova
  • Vanilluxe – Ice-type, Unova
  • Deerling – Normal/Grass-type, Unova
  • Sawsbuck – Normal/Grass-type, Unova
  • Emolga – Electric/Flying-type, Unova
  • Frillish – Water/Ghost-type, Unova
  • Alomomola – Water-type, Unova
  • Joltik – Bug/Electric-type, Unova
  • Beheeyem – Psychic-type, Unova
  • Chandelure – Ghost/Fire-type, Unova
  • Cubchoo – Ice-type, Unova
  • Beartic – Ice-type, Unova
  • Stunfisk – Ground/Electric-type, Unova
  • Golurk – Ground/Ghost-type, Unova
  • Bouffalant – Normal-type, Unova
  • Braviary – Normal/Flying-type, Unova
  • Mandibuzz – Dark/Flying-type, Unova
  • Hydreigon – Dark/Dragon-type, Unova
  • Volcarona – Bug/Fire-type, Unova
  • Bunnelby – Normal-type, Kalos
  • Talonflame – Fire/Flying-type, Kalos
  • Vivillon – Bug/Flying-type, Kalos
  • Florges – Fairy-type, Kalos
  • Pancham – Fighting-type, Kalos
  • Espurr – Psychic-type, Kalos
  • Inkay – Dark/Psychic-type, Kalos
  • Clawitzer – Water-type, Kalos
  • Heliolisk – Electric/Normal-type, Kalos
  • Tyrantrum – Rock/Dragon-type, Kalos
  • Aurorus – Rock/Ice-type, Kalos
  • Sylveon – Fairy-type, Kalos
  • Dedenne – Electric/Fairy-type, Kalos
  • Carbink – Rock/Fairy-type, Kalos
  • Goodra – Dragon-type, Kalos
  • Trevenant – Ghost/Grass-type, Kalos
  • Pumpkaboo – Ghost/Grass-type, Kalos
  • Avalugg – Ice-type, Kalos
  • Noibat – Flying/Dragon-type, Kalos
  • Noivern – Flying/Dragon-type, Kalos
  • Xerneas – Fairy-type, Kalos
  • Diancie – Rock/Fairy-type, Kalos
  • Primarina – Water/Fairy-type, Alola
  • Pikipek – Normal/Flying-type, Alola
  • Toucannon – Normal/Flying-type, Alola
  • Crabrawler – Fighting-type, Alola
  • Crabominable – Fighting/Ice-type, Alola
  • Cutiefly – Bug/Fairy-type, Alola
  • Lycanroc – Rock-type, Alola
  • Wishiwashi – Water-type, Alola
  • Mareanie – Poison/Water-type, Alola
  • Morelull – Grass/Fairy-type, Alola
  • Salandit – Poison/Fire-type, Alola
  • Bewear – Normal/Fighting-type, Alola
  • Bounsweet – Grass-type, Alola
  • Comfey – Fairy-type, Alola
  • Golisopod – Bug/Water-type, Alola
  • Sandygast – Ghost/Ground-type, Alola
  • Pyukumuku – Water-type, Alola
  • Minior – Ground/Flying-type, Alola
  • Drampa – Normal/Dragon-type, Alola
  • Grookey – Grass-type, Galar
  • Scorbunny – Fire-type, Galar
  • Sobble – Water-type, Galar
  • Eldegoss – Grass-type, Galar
  • Applin – Grass/Dragon-type, Galar
  • Silicobra – Ground-type, Galar
  • Snom – Ice/Bug-type, Galar
  • Frosmoth – Ice/Bug-type, Galar

These are all of the Pokémon currently known to be available in New Pokémon Snap. However, it’s always possible that new Pokémon could be added to the game in future updates or patches.

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Source: Serebii

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