Considering how it’s widely known as being something of a soap opera on its own, it makes complete sense that WWE entered into the reality television world a few times. After struggling with shows like Tough Enough, WWE debuted Total Divas in 2013 on the E! Network and found a hit.

Using many of the tropes and style choices that other popular reality shows on the network utilize, Total Divas worked wonders. Giving a deeper behind-the-scenes look at the lives of some of WWE’s top female talents made it work for wrestling fans, while also introducing other audiences to the industry. The cast changes often, making for a mixed bag when looking at the quality of each season.

9 Season 8 (2018; 10 Episodes)

Alexa Bliss and Carmella, who had only joined the show the prior season, departed for season 8 along with Maryse (who went on to get a spin-off). Meanwhile, Paige rejoined the cast as the show was able to chronicle her return to the ring following a career-threatening injury. In fact, “This Is My House” is one of Total Divas’ best episodes as it dealt with her retirement speech.

Alas, the show struggled when it tried to focus on less important storylines. For example, audiences were over Lana’s attempts to get attention (with this season seeing her stage some explicit photos on the beach with her husband) as well as the arguments she constantly got into with the likes of Paige and Natalya.

8 Season 5 (2016; 14 Episodes)

There weren’t as many changes to the cast by this point (other than season 3) but season 5 marked the loss of Naomi, who was on and off with the show for the most part. It also saw Mandy Rose debut, which was particularly controversial since she hadn’t even made truly appeared on regular WWE television, so most fans barely knew who she was.

She formed a bond with Eva Marie but their stories were typically separate from everyone else. Meanwhile, Rosa Mendes’s pregnancy was highlighted and led to an intense scene where Paige opened up about not being able to have children herself. The best part of the season was certainly the group trip to Paris.


7 Season 7 (2017-2018; 12 Episodes)

As noted, Alexa Bliss and Carmella were added to the cast for season 7, along with Nia Jax. Alexa and Nia were able to bring stories regarding their struggles with body image (Nia is the rare plus-size woman to succeed in WWE, while Bliss has been open about overcoming an eating disorder). Unfortunately, Carmella was really barely around.

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The original cast members shined, especially in the premiere, “This Is Make Or Break,” which saw Nikki Bella have a storyline get turned down by WWE and Brie deal with Daniel Bryan’s return to the road. Though people like Naomi got some good moments, a lot of the season felt disjointed and like some of the girls barely interacted with each other.

6 Season 9 (2019; 10 Episodes)

The most recent season of Total Divas aired in 2019 and marked the arrival of a massive celebrity. Former MMA star Ronda Rousey was added to the cast during her year with WWE, while Carmella rejoined the antics. Though Rousey was the big name get, Sonya Deville was the better addition as she brought storylines surrounding the LGBTQ+ community.

Deville is WWE’s first openly gay female star and her appearance on the show included her romantic life and taking part in a pride parade. Rousey’s storylines didn’t quite garner the same interest and the loss of the Bella Twins hurt the other side of the show as they were typically the focal point in the past.

5 Season 4 (2015; 13 Episodes)

At times, it felt like season 4 of Total Divas tried too hard with the drama. A storyline where Dolph Ziggler attempted to get back with his ex-girlfriend Nikki Bella was met with eye rolls from some fans who felt it seemed like it was too much of a sitcom trope. On the flip side, the potential romance between Big E and Natalya’s sister Jenni was a blast.

Season 4 lost Rosa Mendes and Cameron as cast members, while Naomi rejoined the group. There were some legitimate highlights, including hilarious cameos from the likes of Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil. The Bella Twins, being the stars they are, were usually at the forefront of good storylines, including season 4’s cliffhanger on whether Brie would re-sign with WWE or not.

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4 Season 3 (2014-2015; 20 Episodes)

The longest season was season 3, which also saw the first major changes to the cast. Gone were Naomi and Summer Rae to be replaced by Paige, Alicia Fox, and Rosa Mendes. Paige was a huge get as she was new to the roster but had already garnered a lot of buzz, which remained the case as evidenced by 2019’s Fighting With My Family.

Paige was also the source of the season’s best moments. At one point, she tricked Natalya into thinking that she ate a pot brownie and in another episode, she went out drinking with Brie Bella, which unleashed “Brie Mode” on everyone. Throw in some unexpected marital problems for Natalya and TJ and this was a season ripe with entertainment.

3 Season 6 (2016-2017; 16 Episodes)

Season 6 saw big changes again as Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes, and Mandy Rose were replaced by Lana, Maryse, Renee Young, and the returning Naomi. This instantly boosted the show as not only were the new ladies interesting but so were their significant others. The likes of Rusev, The Miz, and Dean Ambrose brought on some of the series’ best moments.

Fans got to see another wedding (Lana and Rusev), watch Ambrose chase a thief down the street, and see how relationships were impacted by the WWE roster being split up during the draft. Plus, the Bella Twins had what might’ve been their biggest argument and Brie found out she was pregnant in a sweet moment.

2 Season 2 (2014; 11 Episodes)

The success of season 1 meant little was going to change in season 2. The one difference was Summer Rae joining the cast but she did not make friends. She immediately got into it with Brie Bella but her biggest rival was easily Natalya, who showed jealousy at some of the opportunities Summer got.

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This led to what is likely the most iconic Total Divas moment, as Summer tried to talk things out with Nattie on her porch. It ultimately ended with Summer slapping Nattie at her own house. Marriage talk was also everywhere, with John Cena learning about Nikki Bella’s past marriage, Eva Marie and Jonathan told their families about eloping, and Bryan and Brie had their wedding.

1 Season 1 (2013; 14 Episodes)

Sometimes, a show is at its best when it begins and that’s the case for Total Divas. Season 1 remains the high point as this truly felt like the audience was watching a group of friends. Nothing was disjointed as all of the cast members got along (other than a few dramatic arguments) and actually spent time together.

Everyone served a purpose from the Bellas being the stars to Natalya showing the veteran side of things, to the rise of Naomi and Cameron, to Jojo and Eva as the new girls. There were ridiculous moments like Eva lying about being able to dance to John Cena making Nikki Bella sign a legal document to move in with him. Speaking of Cena, wrestling fans rejoiced at getting a deeper look into his and Daniel Bryan’s lives with the Bellas.

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