Deathloop focuses on Colt Vahn and his struggle to break the time loop surrounding the Isle of Blackreef. To do so, he must follow leads and track down well-guarded Visionaries. As Colt traverses the 4 districts, he will come across mysteries, such as the Yerhva, Queen of Riddles, as well as clues that will bring him a step closer to accomplishing his mission.

In order to break the time loop, it’s necessary to take out every Visionary in one day. There’s a lot of prerequisites and planning that must be completed before that opportunity arises. That means there are many chances for Colt to test out his skills and abilities on his enemies as well as collect weapon and character trinkets for enhancements. Players can upgrade their weapons and abilities to gain advantages and open up new assassination options.


Deathloop gives players a variety of options when it comes to taking out the Visionaries. From running in blind and shooting wildly, to tactical infiltrations that lead to brutal assassinations, players can explore and practice various kill styles. Thanks to Deathloop‘s time loop mechanic, there will be many opportunities to test out different kills. The special assassinations range from killing a Visionary with their own weapon to dropping them in a meat grinder, and there are trophies associated with each Visionary for players to unlock.

How to Execute Every Special Assassination in Deathloop

There are clues and opportunities throughout the game that are missable. Certain areas, like the Fristad Intelligence Agency in Deathloop, have a lot of information that can help players plan their assassination strikes. By utilizing the time loop, collecting specific weapons, and gathering enough intel, players will be able to take out every Visionary in an interesting, if not wicked, way.

Dr. Wenjie Evans

Since there are so many doppelgangers of Wenjie, Colt can kill them in various ways. The trophy that is associated with Wenjie is less about how she’s killed and more about how quickly players can get through every version of her. To defeat every iteration in 90 seconds or less, players will need to upgrade weapons and slabs, have a few trinkets, and use Residuum to infuse their items. Unfortunately, the infusion ability is only unlocked after killing Wenjie for the first time, so it will take a few runs to be able to complete this trophy.

Aleksis “The Wolf” Dorsey

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Aleksis is located in Updaam near Colt’s Apartment. In the evening, players will be able to infiltrate his party and assassinate him in, arguably, the most savage method in the game. Sneak into the party and head over to the scaffolding that overlooks the stage. There’s a small wall to the left of the stage with a red button on it. Drop down, and then wait for Aleksis to show himself (he will be carrying two golden SMGs instead of one). When he walks onto the stage, press the button to drop him into the Meat Grinder to pulverize him.

Fia Zborowska

Fia’s Lair is inside a nuclear power plant, which she will blow up if she’s alerted to Colt’s presence. One of her kill methods involves quietly infiltrating the plant and sneakily assassinating her before she even knows Colt is there. Alternatively, there is a way to disable the reactor so that Fia won’t be able to trigger the meltdown no matter what alarms go off. Use the blueprint inside the Utility Room to find the correct sequence to cut the Reactor wires in (this is random for each player). Once disabled, Fia can be taken out with no fear of the plant meltdown being triggered.

Fia and Charlie can also be killed together with a single bullet. This method will require players to discover their secret rendevous location in Fristad Rock. Players will also need to complete the Afternoon Delights Visionary lead to find the pictograms in Fia’s lair and use them to open the door inside the Fristad secret location. Once this is unlocked, go to where Fia and Charlie are meeting and use the Nexus Slab to chain them. Get a headshot on either while they’re chained to take them both out with one bullet.

Ramblin’ Frank Spicer

There are two special ways to kill Frank. The first one is to sabotage his fireworks so that, instead of setting them off during Aleksis’ party, they will explode taking him out in a colorful explosion. Setting up the fireworks take a bit of time, but the main objective is to keep Otto’s Workshop from burning down. Players will need to sneak into Frank’s Studio and obtain the necessary information to get into Otto’s. Then, follow the glowing cables to destroy the power boxes in the workshop. In the afternoon, Otto’s minicom will have the code to unlock the shipping container holding the fireworks. Grab the code, enter the container and sabotage the fireworks. Once the code is found, players will permanently have access to the container.

The second special method for killing Frank is to take him out with a Slab ability in his studio. Players need to have the ClassPass equipped to get inside, but it will disable all Slabs. In order to bypass this, enter the Studio and head upstairs into Frank’s apartment. There is a ClassPass machine in there that can be used to reenable Slabs. Take out the Eternalists to draw Frank out of the studio, then take him out with a Slab ability (Havoc works very well). This will unlock the Power Chord trophy.

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Egor Serling

Egor holds the Aether Slab, which allows him to turn invisible. However, there is a way to disable his ability, reveal him, and kill him while he’s visible. Enter Egor’s complex, and find any of the small nullifier devices around the area. They can be used against him to deactivate his invisibility. Unfortunately, activating these devices will disable all Slabs, including Colts. Players should make sure their guns and trinkets are powerful enough to take him out without relying on Slab abilities.

Harriet Morse

Colt will have the opportunity to kill Harriet with her own gun. Harriet’s weapon, the Fourpounder, shoots poisonous gas, and Colt will be able to loot it from her after eliminating her. She’s in Hangar 2 in Karl’s Bay, and Colt only has access to her in the morning. There are a lot of Eternalists guarding the area, so it’s recommended that players either gear up before going after her or sneak in quietly to reach her office. Once inside, kill Harriet, collect the Fourpounder, then infuse it and start the loop over. Go after Harriet in the morning again with the Fourpounder equipped. Use the gun to shoot the wall behind her or the ground near her feet. Doing so will ensure she dies from breathing in her own poisonous gas, and players will receive the Judgement Day trophy.

Charlie “$%@ing” Montague

The first special assassination for Charlie is shared with Fia Zborowska. Players can kill them both with a single bullet (see above). The other way to kill Charlie, and collect the Game Over trophy, is by using his game against him. Charlie’s mansion is a live-action role-playing arena where Colt is hunted down by the Eternalists inside. The game is controlled by an AI named 2-Bit, and Colt can reprogram him to turn on Charlie. Players will need to find the Transmission Post in Fristad Rock and complete the uplink by tracking down three randomly spawned satellites. Once the uplink is finished, 2-Bit will have new commands that will allow Colt to switch the invader to Charlie. Once the commands are added to 2-Bit, they will be available even after the loop resets. Taking Charlie out this way will award players the Game Over trophy.

Julianna Blake

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Although there is no special way to kill Julianna during the time loops, players will get the chance to make an important decision about her fate. Deathloop has three different endings that revolve around Colt’s final confrontation with Julianna, so there are still unique options for her death. Players can also practice their skills whenever Julianna invades the district they’re in, and use the various weapons collected from other Visionaries to take her out.

Each Visionary has a secret assassination option that is easy for players to miss if their preferred method is to run in loud. Certain missions will lead to new kill opportunities, and players that are looking to complete their trophy list will need to capitalize on them. Every Visionary needs to be taken out in one day in order to beat the game, and there are a variety of ways to kill Colt’s enemies in Deathloop.

Deathloop is available now for Playstation 5 and PC.

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