Without a doubt one of the most important aspects of Warhammer: Vermintide 2is having access to some of the best items in the game. It doesn’t matter how skilled the player is at the game, if they don’t have good equipment they won’t make it very far at all in the game. The stronger that a piece of equipment is then the more likely that the player will survive.

Once players get into the strongest tiers of items in Vermintide 2 though they will be able to acquire special traits that gift them special buffs during combat. These traits grant all manner of different abilities and skills that will give the player a huge advantage over their enemies. Players who want to make it through some of the more difficult aspects of the game will want to have as many of these traits as they can get their hands on. This guide shows players every weapon trait in the game and what their uses are.


Vermintide 2 – What Weapon Traits Are

Once the player gets past the standard White tier of weapon, each of the rarity types has its own special stat increases and abilities that make them more useful in combat. Weapon Traits though go further than that by granting the player with very specific abilities that the player will usually want to alter their playstyle if they want to make proper use of them. Only Orange and Red tier weapons have Traits, and they are randomly assigned to each weapon.

Unlike weapon properties, Traits are set effects that do not change when the weapon is upgraded and function the same no matter what weapon has the trait. Rather than being permanent buffs though, the player will typically need to complete a specific action in combat in order to trigger them properly. The player may need to push an enemy or block an attack to make it active, and from there they are typically only active for a set amount of time.

While Traits are randomly assigned to each weapon, the player does have the ability to change the Trait that their weapon has. All they have to do is go to the forge and select the Re-Roll Trait option in the menu. They then just have to select the item they want and use 1 Amber Dust to change to a new Trait. This is also random, but it at least gives players the chance to get rid of a Trait they don’t care for.

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Vermintide 2 – Melee Weapon Traits

There are six different Traits that players can acquire for their melee weapons in the game. Each of them will grant buffs that are centered around attacking enemies, regaining stamina, or the cooldown speed of the player’s Career skill. The melee weapon Traits are:

  • Heroic Intervention – This effect will trigger whenever the player assists an ally that is being attacked and will grant 15 temporary health points to both players. Assisting refers to enemies like the Packmaster, Lifeleech, and Gutter Runner who restrain players in different ways. The player will need to attack enemies who are doing this to gain the buff.
  • Off Balance – If player’s block an attack with this Trait on their weapon then the enemy who attacked them will take an additional 20% damage for five seconds. There is no limit to how many enemies the player can do this too, so they can continuously do this to a large group of enemies while their friends work to bring them down.
  • Opportunist – This Trait will increase the strength of the player’s Push by 50% when used against an enemy that is trying to attack them. Most player’s probably won’t find a hugely effective use for this trait, but there are some players who have created whole builds around the pushing mechanic that might like the extra oomph that this gives them.
  • Parry – This Trait will actually reduce the amount of stamina cost of blocking by 100% if the time it correctly. This effectively means that if the player gets very good at blocking enemy attacks and can time things properly they will be able to avoid spending any stamina at all to block.
  • Resourceful Combatant – This Trait gives players the ability to reduce the cooldown of their Career skill by 5% every time that they score a critical strike. This can only be down every four seconds, but if the player pairs this with a weapon that has a high critical attack stat they can use their Career skill extremely often.
  • Swift Slaying – If players score a critical strike with this Trait equipped they will be able to increase their attack speed by 20% for five seconds. This is another one that will work wonders if the player pairs it with a weapon that has a high chance for critical attacks.

Vermintide 2 – Ranged Weapon Traits

There is also a whole host of other Traits that will only apply to the ranged weapons in Vermintide 2. These Traits will grant buffs to the player’s attacks, stamina recharging abilities, as well as ammo restoration. Here are all eight ranged weapon Traits:

  • Barrage – By attacking the same enemy several times in a row the player can boost their attack power by 5% for every additional attack. This effect can last for five seconds and can be stack up to five times for a grand total of 25% attack increase. This trait is perfect for faster firing weapons and for use against bosses.
  • Conservative Shooter – With this Trait equipped the player will gain 1 ammo back for every headshot that they land on their enemies. If the player is very accurate and can hit a headshot every time they can basically ensure that they have unlimited ammo.
  • Heat Sink – When the player scores a critical hit with this Trait equipped they will reacquire the overcharge cost of the attack. This Trait only appears on Sienna and Bardin’s weapons that generate overcharge when they attack.
  • Hunter – With this Trait in the player’s possession they will be able to increase their attack power by 25% after scoring a critical hit on an enemy. This effect will last for up to ten seconds, but it only applies to enemies that have the same armor class as the enemy who was initially attacked.
  • Inspirational Shot – Anytime that the player scores a headshot with this Trait equipped they will restore one stamina to all of their nearby allies. This is perfect for ranged attackers playing with friends that are fighting up close and personal against enemies.
  • Resourceful Sharpshooter – If the player manages to land a critical hit with the Trait equipped they will be able to knock the cooldown for their Career skill down by 5%. While this can only be triggered every four seconds it is perfect to use on weapons with high critical hit chances.
  • Scrounger – Critical hits will restore 5% of the player’s ammunition with this Trait equipped. This has no limit on how many times it can be triggered, so if players use a weapon with a high critical stat they can restore huge amounts of ammo.
  • Thermal Equalizer – With this equipped the player’s attacks will generate 20% less overheat when fired. This trait only applies to Sienna and Bardin’s weapons but can be a great way to ensure that weapons don’t overheat as often.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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